Din, tüketim ve serbest zaman ilişkisi: Muhafazakâr oteller örneği
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma helâl (muhafazakâr/İslami) turizm konseptine uyan deniz kenarındaki beş yıldızlı otel veya tatil köylerinde konaklayan müşterilerin helâl turizm uygulamaları hakkındaki tutum, düşünce ve tercih sebeplerini incelemektedir. Araştırma ile dindar tüketicilerin tatil anlayışı bağlamında ne gibi motivasyon kaynakları olduğu, ne gibi beklentilerle tatilini helâl konsept otellerinde geçirdiği ve dindarlıkla tatili ne ölçüde örtüştürdüğü incelenmiştir. Yaklaşık 20-25 yıl önce açıkça gözlemlenmeyen dindarların otellerde tatil yapma pratiğinin hangi değişim veya sebepler sonucu ortaya çıktığı da araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırmada nicel araştırma tekniği olarak anket, nitel veri toplama tekniği olarak mülakat ve gözlem metodu kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ana kütlesini Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgelerindeki deniz kenarında tatile olanak sağlayan ve helâl konseptte hizmet veren 39 tesis ve bu tesislerde bir gecelik konaklayan müşteriler oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem küçültme tekniği sonucu izni alınan bir 5-yıldızlı, üç 4-yıldızlı otel ve bir tatil köyü ve bu tesislerde 2015 yaz döneminde en az bir gece konaklayanlar çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Otel müşterilerine gönüllülük esasına göre 514 anket uygulanmış, 50 kişi ve 4 tesis yöneticisi ile yarı yapılandırılmış soru formu kullanılarak yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılmış ve tesislerde kalınarak gözlem notları tutulmuştur. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre, helâl turizmin en önemli tercih sebebini dindarlık oluşturmaktadır. Dindar kesimin helâl turizm algısı, tekrar ziyaret niyeti ve helâl turizm tecrübesi dindarlık seviyesine göre anlamlı olarak farklılık göstermektedir. En yüksek korelasyon ilişkisi helâl turizm deneyim sayısı ile tekrar ziyaret niyeti arasındadır. Kur’an ve sünnette açıkça destekleyen veya yasaklayan bir ifade bulunmamasına rağmen dindar tatilciler yaşadıkları helâl turizm tecrübesini meşrulaştırma eğilimi göstermektedirler. Ayrıca, tatil kültürü dindar kesim tarafından kabullenilmiş ve içselleştirilmiştir. Yöneticiler bağlamında, muhafazakâr turizm sektörünün zorlukları dile getirilmiş olup gelecekte bir standartlaşma sağlanması durumunda sektörün gelişmeye açık olduğu ifade edilmiştir.
This study investigates the religious consumers’ attitudes, opinions and reasons for preferring seaside Muslim-friendly hotels which have 5 stars or holiday village concept. It investigates the types of motives for a religious vacationer and whether there is a relation between religiosity and vacation destination It also analyses how a devotee integrates consumption culture and religion in terms of tourism practices. The reasons for the change of vacation habits of pious people in the last 20 to 30 years were also examined. This study investigates the religious consumers’ attitudes, opinions and reasons for preferring seaside Muslim-friendly hotels which have 5 stars or holiday village concept. It investigates the types of motives expectations of a religious vacationer and to what extent they legitimize vacation in terms of religion. The reasons for the change of vacation habits of pious people in the last 20 to 25 years were also examined. This study used a questionnaire form as a quantitative research technique, a semi-structured interview form for vacationers and managers of Muslim-friendly hotels and an observation form as a qualitative research method. The main sample of the study consisted of 39 Muslimfriendly hotels, located near Aegean and Mediterranean Sea, with their customers overnight. After sample reduction process, one 5-star, three 4-star hotels and one holiday village, which allowed to conduct the study, and their customers in 2015 tourism season were included in the study. A questionnaire about halal tourism experience and attitudes was conducted with 514 participants. A semi-structured customer interview form and another semi-structured manager interview form were conducted with 50 customers and 4 Muslim-friendly hotel managers. Additionally, observation notes were taken while staying at the Muslim-friendly hotels. Some of the findings revealed that religiosity is an important reason for choosing halal Muslim-friendly hotels. The participants’ perception of halal tourism, revisit intention, and the number of halal tourism experiences statistically differ according to participants’ level of religiosity. The highest positive correlation was between the number of halal tourism experiences and the intention of revisit. The findings also revealed that religious vacationers have a tendency to justify going on holiday, despite the lack of definitive support in the Quran and Sunnah. The finding that participants’ perception of vacations indicate that religious consumers have embraced a vacation or tourism culture. Muslimfriendly hotel managers indicated the difficulties of the halal tourism management and expressed their expectations about standardization, which will develop halal tourism sector.
This study investigates the religious consumers’ attitudes, opinions and reasons for preferring seaside Muslim-friendly hotels which have 5 stars or holiday village concept. It investigates the types of motives for a religious vacationer and whether there is a relation between religiosity and vacation destination It also analyses how a devotee integrates consumption culture and religion in terms of tourism practices. The reasons for the change of vacation habits of pious people in the last 20 to 30 years were also examined. This study investigates the religious consumers’ attitudes, opinions and reasons for preferring seaside Muslim-friendly hotels which have 5 stars or holiday village concept. It investigates the types of motives expectations of a religious vacationer and to what extent they legitimize vacation in terms of religion. The reasons for the change of vacation habits of pious people in the last 20 to 25 years were also examined. This study used a questionnaire form as a quantitative research technique, a semi-structured interview form for vacationers and managers of Muslim-friendly hotels and an observation form as a qualitative research method. The main sample of the study consisted of 39 Muslimfriendly hotels, located near Aegean and Mediterranean Sea, with their customers overnight. After sample reduction process, one 5-star, three 4-star hotels and one holiday village, which allowed to conduct the study, and their customers in 2015 tourism season were included in the study. A questionnaire about halal tourism experience and attitudes was conducted with 514 participants. A semi-structured customer interview form and another semi-structured manager interview form were conducted with 50 customers and 4 Muslim-friendly hotel managers. Additionally, observation notes were taken while staying at the Muslim-friendly hotels. Some of the findings revealed that religiosity is an important reason for choosing halal Muslim-friendly hotels. The participants’ perception of halal tourism, revisit intention, and the number of halal tourism experiences statistically differ according to participants’ level of religiosity. The highest positive correlation was between the number of halal tourism experiences and the intention of revisit. The findings also revealed that religious vacationers have a tendency to justify going on holiday, despite the lack of definitive support in the Quran and Sunnah. The finding that participants’ perception of vacations indicate that religious consumers have embraced a vacation or tourism culture. Muslimfriendly hotel managers indicated the difficulties of the halal tourism management and expressed their expectations about standardization, which will develop halal tourism sector.
Tatil, Dindar, Tüketim, Muhafazakâr, Turizm, Vacation, Religious person, Consumption, Conservative, Tourism
Elaziz, M. F. (2021). Din, tüketim ve serbest zaman ilişkisi: Muhafazakâr oteller örneği. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.