Primer immün yetmezlikli hastalarda biyotinidaz enzim aktivitesinin retrospektif değerlendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Biyotinidaz enzimi, biyositini biyotin ve lizine ayırarak serbest biyotinin elde edilmesini sağlar. Biyotin pek çok yaşamsal döngünün koenzimi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Enzim eksikliğinde diyetle alınan serbest biyotin yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu sebeple biyotinidaz eksikliğinde (BE) karboksilaz enzimlerin yeterli çalışamamasına bağlı olarak hipotoni, nöbet, yürüyüş bozuklukları, otizm, hareket bozukluğu, kas güçsüzlüğü, mental retardasyon, egzamatöz deri döküntüsü, alopesi, cilt kuruluğu, hiperventilasyon, öksürük, laringeal stridor, apne, konjonktivit, kandidiyazis, gelişimsel gecikme, hücresel immündisfonksiyonu, işitme kaybı ve optik atrofi gibi çeşitli klinik bulgular görülebilmektedir. Otozomal resesif kalıtılmaktadır. Tam ve kısmi BE tedavisiz kaldığı zaman çok geniş yelpazede klinik bulgulara sebep olabilir; hatta immün yetmezliği taklit eden vakalar literatürde mevcuttur. BE taraması yeni doğan tarama programına Türkiye’de 2008 yılında girmiştir. BE’nin topuk kanında taranabilir olması hastalığın erken dönemde farkedilmesini sağlamış ve büyük ölçüde klinik bulgu ortaya çıkmadan hastaların tedavi almalarına olanak tanımıştır; ancak 2008’den önce tanı almış primer immün yetmezlikli (PİY) hastalarda bu hastalık taranmadığı için BE sorgulanması yapılmamıştır. Türkiye’de topuk kanı taramasından sonra semptomatik tanı alan bir olgu çalışmanın esas dayanağını oluşturmaktadır. Biyotinidaz topuk kanıtaraması yapılmamış 3 yaşındaki hasta semptomları nedeniyle yoğun bakımda yatırılmış ancak takiplerinde immün yetmezliği tespit edilememiştir. Aynızamanda yapılan metabolik araştırmasında kısmi BE saptanmıştır. Olguya 5mg oral biyotin tedavisi başlandıktan sonra sağırlık hariç hastanın diğer tüm klinik semptomlarının düzeldiği raporlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile PİY tanısı ile izlenmekte olan 2008 yılından önce doğmuş hastalarda eşlik eden BE araştırılmıştır.
Biotinidase enzyme enables the release of free biotin by cleaving biocytin into biotin and lysine. Biotin serves as a coenzyme in many vital cycles. In cases of enzyme deficiency, the intake of free biotin through the dietbecomes insufficient. As a result of biotinidase deficiency (BD), carboxylase enzymes do not function adequately, leading to various clinical findings due to autosomal recessive inherited metabolic disorder. These clinical findings may include hypotonia, seizures, gait disturbances, autism spectrum disorders, movement disorders, muscle weakness, mental retardation, eczematous skin rashes, alopecia, hair loss, dry skin, hyperventilation, cough, laryngeal stridor, apnea, conjunctivitis, candidiasis, developmental delay, cellular immune dysfunction, hearing loss, and visual problems such as optic atrophy. When complete or partial BD remains untreated, it can cause a wide range of clinical manifestations, with cases even reported in the literature mimicking immunodeficiency. The newborn screening for biotinidase deficiency (BD) was introduced in Turkey in 2008. The ability to detect BD in the blood samples from the heel has allowed for the early detection of the disease and has provided patients with the opportunity to receive treatment before significant clinical symptoms develop. However, prior to 2008, BD was not screened in patients with diagnosed primary immunodeficiency (PID), and therefore, BD was not considered. One patient in Turkey to receive a symptomatic diagnosis after heel blood screening forms the main basis of this study. A 3-year-old patient who had not undergone biotinidase heel blood screening was admitted to theintensive care unit due to symptoms, but immunodeficiency was not detectedduring follow-up. Partial BD was also identified in the metabolic investigation conducted simultaneously. After starting the patient on oral biotin treatment (5mg), it was reported that all clinical symptoms, except for deafness, improved.This study investigates the presence of biotinidase deficiency (BD) inpatients born before 2008 who were being monitored for primaryimmunodeficiency (PID) diagnosis.
Biotinidase enzyme enables the release of free biotin by cleaving biocytin into biotin and lysine. Biotin serves as a coenzyme in many vital cycles. In cases of enzyme deficiency, the intake of free biotin through the dietbecomes insufficient. As a result of biotinidase deficiency (BD), carboxylase enzymes do not function adequately, leading to various clinical findings due to autosomal recessive inherited metabolic disorder. These clinical findings may include hypotonia, seizures, gait disturbances, autism spectrum disorders, movement disorders, muscle weakness, mental retardation, eczematous skin rashes, alopecia, hair loss, dry skin, hyperventilation, cough, laryngeal stridor, apnea, conjunctivitis, candidiasis, developmental delay, cellular immune dysfunction, hearing loss, and visual problems such as optic atrophy. When complete or partial BD remains untreated, it can cause a wide range of clinical manifestations, with cases even reported in the literature mimicking immunodeficiency. The newborn screening for biotinidase deficiency (BD) was introduced in Turkey in 2008. The ability to detect BD in the blood samples from the heel has allowed for the early detection of the disease and has provided patients with the opportunity to receive treatment before significant clinical symptoms develop. However, prior to 2008, BD was not screened in patients with diagnosed primary immunodeficiency (PID), and therefore, BD was not considered. One patient in Turkey to receive a symptomatic diagnosis after heel blood screening forms the main basis of this study. A 3-year-old patient who had not undergone biotinidase heel blood screening was admitted to theintensive care unit due to symptoms, but immunodeficiency was not detectedduring follow-up. Partial BD was also identified in the metabolic investigation conducted simultaneously. After starting the patient on oral biotin treatment (5mg), it was reported that all clinical symptoms, except for deafness, improved.This study investigates the presence of biotinidase deficiency (BD) inpatients born before 2008 who were being monitored for primaryimmunodeficiency (PID) diagnosis.
Biyotinidaz eksikliği, Primer immün yetmezlik, Biyotin, Topuk kanı taraması, Biotinidase deficiency, Immun deficiency, Biotin, Heel blood screening
Başkaya, M. D. (2023). Primer immün yetmezlikli hastalarda biyotinidaz enzim aktivitesinin retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.