Cinsel işlev bozukluğu tipleri ve cinsel mitler arasındaki ilişki
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmanın amacı “Cinsel İşlev Bozukluğu” (CİB) tanısı alanlarda bozukluk tipi ve cinsel mitler arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamaktır. Çalışmaya 247 sağlıklı denek (123 kadın, 124 erkek) ve DSM-IV-TR’ye göre cinsel işlev bozukluğu almış 265 hasta (133 kadın, 132 erkek) alındı. Araştırma Tüm deneklere Sosyodemografik Veri Formu, Hamilton Depresyon Decelendirme Ölçeği (HAM-D), Hamilton Anksiyete Derecelendirme Ölçeği (HAM-A) ve Cinsel Mitleri Değerlendirme Formu dolduruldu. CİB olanlarda yaş ortalaması ve çocuk sayısı, HAM-D, HAM-D 14. madde, HAM-A, HAM-A somatik-psişik alt ölçek puanları, sistemik hastalık ve psikiyatrik hastalık öyküsü normallere göre yüksek; eğitim yılı, partnerin eğitim yılı, anne eğitim yılı, baba eğitim yılı ve cinsel bilgisini yeterli bulma oranı ise düşüktü. Oturduğu ve yetiştiği yer, evlenme biçimi ve ilk cinsel bilgi edinme biçimi dağılımlarında farklılık görüldü. Kırk altı mitin 22 tanesi CİB olan grupta normallere oranla anlamlı biçimde fazla onay aldı. Cinsel uyarılma bozukluğu dışında tüm CİB alt gruplarında HAM-D, HAM-D 14, HAM-A, HAM-A somatik- psişik alt puanları normallere göre anlamlı biçimde yüksekti. Cinsel uyarılma bozukluğu olanlarda ise sadece HAM-A ve HAM-A somatik alt ölçek puan ortalaması normallerden yüksekti. Ayrıca alt grupların normallerle karşılaştırmasında her grup için farklı sosyodemografik parametrelerde anlamlı fark olduğu saptandı. Mitler konularına göre gruplandırıldı ve grupların onay ortalaması normallerle cinsel işlev bozukluğu alt tipleri bu grupların onay ortalamaları açısından karşılaştırıldı. Sadece cinsel ağrı bozukluğu olanlarda cinsel anatomiyle ilgili mitlerin onaylanma oranı normallerden anlamlı biçimde yüksekti. Sonuç olarak, cinsel mitlerin alt tip gözetmeksizin CİB ile ilişkili olduğu, sadece cinsel ağrı bozukluğu ile cinsel anatomi ile ilgili mit grubu arasında ilişki bulunduğu saptandı.
The aim of this study was to compare the relationship of sexual myths and sexual dysfunction (SD). The study population was constituted of normals (n=240; 123 female, 124 male) and subjects with SD (n=265; 133female, 132 male) diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR criteria. Sociodemographic variables were recorded and, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), the form for evaluation of sexual myths were administered to the subjects. Mean age, number of children, ratio of having a systemic disease and history of psychiatric disorder, means of total HAM-D, HAM-D 14th item, total HAMA, HAM-A somatic and psychic anxiety subscale scores were significantly greater when compared to normals while the ratio of self assessment of adequacy of sexual education, mean duration of education of subjects, partners and parents were significantly lower. The distribution of current site of residence, site of origin, type of marriage and origin of sexual information was significantly different. The approval rate of 22 out of 46 myths was significantly greater in SD group when compared to normals. Mean scores of HAM-D, HAM-D 14th item, HAM-A and somatic and psychic subscales were significantly greater in all SD subtypes except sexual arousal disorder group where only total HAM-A and subscale scores were greater when compared to normals. Myths were grouped according to their themes. SD subgroups were compared to normals in terms of approval rates of myth groups. The approval rate of myths on sexual anatomy was greater in patients with sexual pain disorder compared to normals. In conclusion, independent of dysfunction subtypes, SD was found to be related to the approval rate of sexual myths. Sexual pain disorder was related to the approval rate of myths on sexual anatomy.
The aim of this study was to compare the relationship of sexual myths and sexual dysfunction (SD). The study population was constituted of normals (n=240; 123 female, 124 male) and subjects with SD (n=265; 133female, 132 male) diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR criteria. Sociodemographic variables were recorded and, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), the form for evaluation of sexual myths were administered to the subjects. Mean age, number of children, ratio of having a systemic disease and history of psychiatric disorder, means of total HAM-D, HAM-D 14th item, total HAMA, HAM-A somatic and psychic anxiety subscale scores were significantly greater when compared to normals while the ratio of self assessment of adequacy of sexual education, mean duration of education of subjects, partners and parents were significantly lower. The distribution of current site of residence, site of origin, type of marriage and origin of sexual information was significantly different. The approval rate of 22 out of 46 myths was significantly greater in SD group when compared to normals. Mean scores of HAM-D, HAM-D 14th item, HAM-A and somatic and psychic subscales were significantly greater in all SD subtypes except sexual arousal disorder group where only total HAM-A and subscale scores were greater when compared to normals. Myths were grouped according to their themes. SD subgroups were compared to normals in terms of approval rates of myth groups. The approval rate of myths on sexual anatomy was greater in patients with sexual pain disorder compared to normals. In conclusion, independent of dysfunction subtypes, SD was found to be related to the approval rate of sexual myths. Sexual pain disorder was related to the approval rate of myths on sexual anatomy.
Cinsellik, Cinsel işlev bozukluğu, Cinsel mitler, Sexuality, Sexual dysfunction, Sexual myths
Kocagöz, S. Z. (2008). Cinsel işlev bozukluğu tipleri ve cinsel mitler arasındaki ilişki. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.