Retrospective evaluation of pubertal development and linear growth of girls with Turner Syndrome treated with oral and transdermal estrogen




Özgür, Taner
Çakır, Esra D. P.

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Walter de Gruyter


Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the pubertal development and linear growth of Turner Syndrome (TS) girls regularly monitored in our department. Patients and methods: The data of 13 patients with TS were evaluated retrospectively. Left hand radiograms were evaluated by three different pediatric endocrinologists to determine bone ages. Results: Six (46.2%) of the TS girls were treated with oral estrogens, while 7 (53.8%) were treated with transdermal estrogen. The ratios of chronological age (CA) difference to bone age (BA) difference (Delta CA/Delta BA) in two groups of patients treated with estrogen were compared at the time of the last control. The Delta CA/Delta BA ratio in the transdermal estrogen-treated group was significantly higher (p=0.005). These results suggest slower BA progression in the TS girls treated with transdermal estrogen. Conclusion: BA advancement is less significant with transdermal estrogen, which is associated with adequate breast development.



Endocrinology & metabolism, Pediatrics, Estrogen/gestagen supplementation, Pubertal hormone replacement therapy, Transdermal estradiol, Turner syndrome, Hormone treatment, Final height, Induction, Therapy, Replacement, Management, Estradiol, Women


Çakır, E. D. P. vd. (2015). "Retrospective evaluation of pubertal development and linear growth of girls with Turner Syndrome treated with oral and transdermal estrogen". Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 28(11-12), 1219-1226.