Chemometric characterization studies of marbles by atomic absorption spectrometry

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Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne - Polish Chemical Soc


A method is proposed for the characterisation of marble samples used in historical buildings in Bursa, Turkey. Determination of heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, Ag, Ni, Mn, Cd, Zn, Fe, Co and Mg in original marbles have been carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and Na and K by atomic emission spectrophotometer. Information about geographical origin is often required of marble samples. In order to obtain such information, principal component analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis techniques can be used as valid tools for processing series of data from chemical analysis. The techniques were applied to the raw and standardised data, showing different clusters related to the origin of marble samples. Some predictions about the origin of samples are made and showing the potential of chemometric techniques and their possible contribution to the characterisation of marbles used in historical buildings.



Chemistry, AAS, AES, Marble, Chemometrics, Principal component analysis, Cluster analysis


Akçay, H. vd. (1999). "Chemometric characterization studies of marbles by atomic absorption spectrometry". Chemia Analityczna, 44(3B), 577-589.