Effective early termination techniques for text similarity join operator

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Ulusoy, Özgür
Yolum, Pınar
Güngör, T.
Gürgen, Fikret
Özturan, Can

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Text similarity join operator joins two relations if their join attributes are textually similar to each other, and it has a variety of application domains including integration and querying of data from heterogeneous resources; cleansing of data; and mining of data. Although, the text similarity join operator is widely used, its processing is expensive due to the huge number of similarity computations performed. In this paper, we incorporate some short cut evaluation techniques from the Information Retrieval domain, namely Harman, quit, continue, and maximal similarity filter heuristics, into the previously proposed text similarity join algorithms to reduce the amount of similarity computations needed during the join operation. We experimentally evaluate the original and the heuristic based similarity join algorithms using real data obtained from the DBLP Bibliography database, and observe performance improvements with continue and maximal similarity filter heuristics.


Bu çalışma, 26-28 Ekim 2005 tarihleri arasında İstanbul[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen 20. International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences'da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Computer science, Metadata, Bibliographic retrieval systems, Computation theory, Computer operating procedures, Data mining, Data reduction, Information retrieval, Integration, Query languages, Application domains, Data querying, Filter heuristics, Text similarity, Text processing


Özalp, S. A. ve Ulusoy, Ö. (2005). "Effective early termination techniques for text similarity join operator". ed. P. Yolum vd. Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2005)- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3733, 791-801.