Optik fiberlerin haberleşme, kontrol ve kumanda amacıyla kullanılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Tezin ilk bölümlerinde optik fiberlerin genel özelliklerinden ve optik fiber parametreleriyle ilgili olarak tezin ilerleyen bölümlerinin daha iyi anlaşılması için gerekli olan temel bilgiler verilmiştir. Optik fiberlerin haberleşmedeki gittikçe artan kullanımının optik fiberlerde kayıp azaltımının önemini daha da arttırdığı temelinden yola çıkılarak önemli bir kayıp azaltma yöntemi olan viskozite homojenleştirme konusu üzerinde durulmuştur. 4. Bölümde ise optik fıberli sistemlerdeki alıcı ve verici yapıları gürültü özellikleri önemle belirtilerek ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş, optimum sistem tasarımı açısından sağlamaları gereken özellikler belirtilmiştir. Sonraki bölümde incelenen optik işaret bozunumuyla istenen şartlarda bir iletim sağlanabilmesi için nelere dikkar edilmesi gerektiği verilmiş daha sonra da tek mod fiberlerin bahsi geçen şartlar altındaki dizayn optimizasyonu üzerinde durulmuştur. 7. Bölümde fiber hat kuvvetlendiricileri ve kazanç eşitleyicileri farklı durum ve sistemler karşılaştırılarak ve deneysel sonuçlar yoaımlanarak ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. 8. Bölümde deniz altı fiber optik sistemleri gerekli kablo tasarım şartlan ve fiziksel etkiler gözönünde tutularak incelendikten sonra 10. Bölümde optik fiber sensör sistemlerinin kullanım alanları ve çeşitleri belirtilmiştir. Son bölümde ise her bir bölümde elde edilen sonuçların genel yorumları ve birbirini tamamlayıcı verileri sunulmuştur.
In the early chapters of this thesis, the general properties of optical fibers have been discussed and necessary basic information on the parameters of optical fibers has been submitted in the subsequent chapters to enable the thesis to be conceived well. The fact that the increasing use of optical fibers in communication has been raising the importance of loss reduction in optical fibers requires that the case of "viscosity matching" which is an important way of loss reduction should be taken into account. In chapter four, appreciating the noise properties, the receiver and transmitter structures in the systems of optical fibers have been searched into in details and the properties which they should have in terms of optimum system design have been determined. In the subsequent chapter, to enable a kind of communication in the desired conditions with the searched optical signal distortion, what should be paid attention to has been submitted and then design optimization of single mode fibers in the conditions mentioned in this thesis has been brought up. Comparing different cases and systems and commenting on these experimental can sequences, fiber line amplifiers and gain equalizers have been gone into details in the seventh chapter. Submarine optical fiber systems have been searched taking into consideration the necessary cable design conditions and possible physical effects in chapter eight and the field and the types of use of fiber sensor systems have been expressed in chapter ten. In the last chapter, the general comments of the consequens received from both chapters and their supplementary data have been submitted.
In the early chapters of this thesis, the general properties of optical fibers have been discussed and necessary basic information on the parameters of optical fibers has been submitted in the subsequent chapters to enable the thesis to be conceived well. The fact that the increasing use of optical fibers in communication has been raising the importance of loss reduction in optical fibers requires that the case of "viscosity matching" which is an important way of loss reduction should be taken into account. In chapter four, appreciating the noise properties, the receiver and transmitter structures in the systems of optical fibers have been searched into in details and the properties which they should have in terms of optimum system design have been determined. In the subsequent chapter, to enable a kind of communication in the desired conditions with the searched optical signal distortion, what should be paid attention to has been submitted and then design optimization of single mode fibers in the conditions mentioned in this thesis has been brought up. Comparing different cases and systems and commenting on these experimental can sequences, fiber line amplifiers and gain equalizers have been gone into details in the seventh chapter. Submarine optical fiber systems have been searched taking into consideration the necessary cable design conditions and possible physical effects in chapter eight and the field and the types of use of fiber sensor systems have been expressed in chapter ten. In the last chapter, the general comments of the consequens received from both chapters and their supplementary data have been submitted.
Fiber optik, Communication, İletişim, Fiber optics
Süle, O. (1999). Optik fiberlerin haberleşme, kontrol ve kumanda amacıyla kullanılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.