Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach

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Background: Coarctation of the aorta in the adulthood is sometimes associated with additional cardiovascular pathologies that require intervention. Ideal approach in such patients is uncertain. Anatomic left-sided short aortic bypass from the arcus aorta to descending aorta via median sternotomy allows simultaneuos repair of both complex aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiac operation. Materials: Four adult patients were underwent Anatomic left-sided short aortic bypass operation for complex aortic coarctation through median sternotomy using deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Concomitant cardiac operations were Bentall procedure for annuloaortic ectasia in one patient, coronary artery bypass grafting for three vessel disease in two patient, and patch closure of ventricular septal defect in one patient. Results: All patients survived the operation and were alive with patent bypass at a mean follow-up of 36 months. No graft-related complications occurred, and there were no instances of stroke or paraplegia. Conclusion: We conclude that single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation with concomitant cardiovascular lesions can be performed safely using this newest technique.



Cardiovascular system & cardiology, Surgery


Yılmaz, M. vd. (2006). ''Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach''. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 1.