Kentsel dönüşüm projelerinin mekânsal etkilerinin coğrafi açıdan analizi (Bursa ili Nilüfer ilçesi Ataevler Mahallesi örneği)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kentler, var olduklarından bu yana mekânsal değişim ve dönüşüme uygun, canlı organizmalar olarak gelişimlerini sürdürmektedirler. Kentlerin dinamik yapısından kaynaklanan bu durum, insanoğlunun öteden beri yaşadığı mekânları, coğrafi çevre unsurlarına koşut olarak değiştirme ve şekillendirme gayesinin başlıca gerekçelerinden biri sayılabilir. 20. yüzyılda dünya nüfusundaki patlama ve kentsel nüfusta gerçekleşen artışla birlikte; planlama çalışmalarının yetersiz kalması, mekânsal sorunların baş göstermeye başlaması, kentsel alanları; mekânsal, sosyo-ekonomik açıdan yeniden canlandırma fikirleri; mekânın yeniden üretilmesi ve tasarlanması olayını gündeme getirmiştir. Bu süreci, genel olarak kentsel dönüşüm uygulamalarının arka planı olarak ifade etmek mümkündür. Bu sürecin yanı sıra küreselleşme ile gelen mekânsal ve sosyo-ekonomik atmosfer, modern manada kentsel dönüşümün ortaya çıkışını kolaylaştırmış ve kentsel mekânların gelir unsuru olarak görüldüğü bir dönem yaşanmaya başlamıştır. Kentsel alanlardaki kapitalist peyzajdan da okunabilen bu durum, küreselleşmenin kentsel mekânlara bir armağanı olarak da kabul edilebilir. Nihayetinde bu çalışmada, ekonomik ömrünü tüketmiş ve zamana karşı direncini kaybetmiş, Ataevler Mahallesindeki konut alanlarının parçacıl olarak yıkılıp yeniden inşa edildiği kentsel yenileme uygulamaları ele alınmıştır. Araştırma, mahallede 2016 yılında Umut Sitesinin yıkımı ile başlayan sürecin, arazideki mekânsal ve sosyo-ekonomik sonuçlarını ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Kentsel yenileme uygulamaları ile arazide meydana gelen değişim ve dönüşümü odağına alan bu araştırma, bilimsel araştırma yöntemi açısından nitel yöntemle tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışma, coğrafi metodoloji açısından ise kentsel coğrafyanın bilim dünyasına kazandırdığı bir bakış açısı olan kentsel morfolojik yaklaşım ile arazideki kentsel dönüşüm uygulamalarını incelemeyi de amaçlamaktadır. Öte taraftan saha gözlemleri, mahalle sakinlerine uygulanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formları ve literatür taramaları ile araştırmaya yön verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada ulaşılan bazı sonuçlara bakıldığında depreme dayanıksız dört, beş katlı içe dönük site alanlarının yıkılarak yerlerine sekiz, on katlı dışa kapalı çok katlı konut alanlarının inşa edildiği görülür. Bu durumun getirdiği nüfus artışı ile birlikte arazideki mevcut olgun nüfusun yerini, genç nüfusa bırakma eğiliminde olduğu tespit edilmiş, yenilenen binalarla birlikte ticari mekânlarda artış yaşandığı buna karşıt olarak kentsel yenileme uygulamaları sonucunda konutlar haricinde diğer kentsel donatı alanlarında herhangi bir gelişmenin yaşanmadığı ortaya konulmuştur.
Cities continue their development as living organisms in accordance with spatial change and transformation since their existence. This situation which results from the dynamic structure of the cities could be regarded as one of the main reasons for the human beings' efforts to change and shape the places they have lived for centuries in parallel with the components of geographical environment. With the population explosion and increase in the urban population in the 20th century, lack of enough planning studies, arising spatial problems and renewal of urban areas both spatially and socio-economically brought up the ideas of re-design and regeneration of the place. In general, it is possible to explain this process as the background of urban transformation practices. In addition to this process, spatial and socio-economic atmosphere that existed along with the globalization facilitated the emergence of urban transformation at present and a period that regarded urban places as an income started. This situation which could be understood with the capitalist landscaping in urban areas can be accepted as the gift of globalization to the urban areas. Eventually, this study discussed the urban renewal practices of residential areas in Ataevler District which depleted their economic life and lost their resistance to time and thus which were demolished and rebuilt. The research aims at revealing the spatial and socio-economic effects on the area in this process which started with the destruction of Umut Sitesi in 2016 in the district. This study which focuses on the change and regeneration that occurred in the area with urban renewal practices was designed with qualitative research method, one of the scientific research methods. In addition, the study aims at investigating urban transformation practices in the science world with urban morphological approach, a perspective which is brought to urban science by urban geography. Moreover, the study was led by field observations, semi-structured interview forms carried out with the neighbourhood residents, and literature review. Considering some results obtained in the study within this context, it is revealed that residential sites that were not earthquake-resistant with four or five floors and inward-looking were demolished and multi-storey, enclosed residential areas with eight or ten floors were built. It was found that with the population growth due to this situation, existing mature population had a tendency towards being replaced by young population and the number of commercial areas increased with the renewed buildings.On the other hand, it was revealed that there was not a development experienced in other urban equipment locations except for the residential areas as a result of urban renewal practices.
Cities continue their development as living organisms in accordance with spatial change and transformation since their existence. This situation which results from the dynamic structure of the cities could be regarded as one of the main reasons for the human beings' efforts to change and shape the places they have lived for centuries in parallel with the components of geographical environment. With the population explosion and increase in the urban population in the 20th century, lack of enough planning studies, arising spatial problems and renewal of urban areas both spatially and socio-economically brought up the ideas of re-design and regeneration of the place. In general, it is possible to explain this process as the background of urban transformation practices. In addition to this process, spatial and socio-economic atmosphere that existed along with the globalization facilitated the emergence of urban transformation at present and a period that regarded urban places as an income started. This situation which could be understood with the capitalist landscaping in urban areas can be accepted as the gift of globalization to the urban areas. Eventually, this study discussed the urban renewal practices of residential areas in Ataevler District which depleted their economic life and lost their resistance to time and thus which were demolished and rebuilt. The research aims at revealing the spatial and socio-economic effects on the area in this process which started with the destruction of Umut Sitesi in 2016 in the district. This study which focuses on the change and regeneration that occurred in the area with urban renewal practices was designed with qualitative research method, one of the scientific research methods. In addition, the study aims at investigating urban transformation practices in the science world with urban morphological approach, a perspective which is brought to urban science by urban geography. Moreover, the study was led by field observations, semi-structured interview forms carried out with the neighbourhood residents, and literature review. Considering some results obtained in the study within this context, it is revealed that residential sites that were not earthquake-resistant with four or five floors and inward-looking were demolished and multi-storey, enclosed residential areas with eight or ten floors were built. It was found that with the population growth due to this situation, existing mature population had a tendency towards being replaced by young population and the number of commercial areas increased with the renewed buildings.On the other hand, it was revealed that there was not a development experienced in other urban equipment locations except for the residential areas as a result of urban renewal practices.
Kentsel yenileme, Ataevler, Kentsel dönüşüm, Kentsel morfoloji, Urban renewal, Ataevler, Urban transformation, Bursa, Urban morphology
Duman S. (2020). Kentsel dönüşüm projelerinin mekânsal etkilerinin coğrafi açıdan analizi (Bursa ili Nilüfer ilçesi Ataevler Mahallesi örneği). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.