IgE aracılı besin alerjili çocuklarda alerjen profilinin retrospektif değerlendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İmmün aracılı mekanizmalarla ortaya çıkan ters besin reaksiyonlarına besin alerjisi denir. Bu mekanizmalar IgE aracılı, hücre aracılı ve hem IgE aracılı hem de hücre aracılı olabilir. Bu çalışmada Uludağ Üniversitesi Çocuk Alerji Polikliniği’ne Haziran 2015 ve Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında IgE aracılı besin alerjisi tanısı olan hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri, anafilaksi öyküsü, eşlik eden atopi durumu, aile öyküsü, tanıya yönelik yapılan testlerin ve uygulanan tedavilerin analiz edilerek IgE aracılı besin alerjilerinin klinik fenotiplendirilmesi ve besin alerjen profilinin belirlenmesi hedeflendi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen toplam 470 hastanın %63,6’sı erkekti. En sık başvuru yakınması %80,4 ile deri yakınmaları, %24,7 ile gastrointestinal sistem yakınmaları ve %17,9 ile solunum sistemi yakınmaları olarak saptandı. 48 hastada anafilaksi öyküsü olduğu bulundu. En sık saptanan eşlik eden alerjik hastalıklar %58,8 ile atopik dermatit, %27,8 ile alerjk rinit, ve %23,5 ile alerjik astım olarak bulundu. DPT sonuçlarına göre en sık gözlenen üç besin alerjeni sırasıyla %30,4 yumurta beyazı ve %11,1 yumurta sarısı ile yumurta, %27,7 ile inek sütü, %6,2 ile fındık olarak; serum spIgE sonuçlarına göre en sık saptanan üç besin alerjeni ise sırasıyla %53 ile inek sütü; %45,5 yumurta akı ve %2,8 yumurta sarısı ile yumurta; %4,7 ile fındık olarak saptandı. Total IgE değerlerinin ise hastaların %66,4’ünde referans aralığın üstünde olduğu görüldü. Bu ve benzer çalışmalar, IgE aracılı besin alerjilerinin klinik ve laboratuvar özelliklerinin bilinmesi; hastaların tanı, tedavi ve izlem süreçlerinin doğru yönetilmesi; mortalite ve morbiditenin azaltılmasına katkı sağlayacaktır.
Food allergy is defined as adverse food reactions that occur through immune-mediated mechanisms. These mechanisms may be IgE-mediated, cell-mediated and both IgE-mediated and cell-mediated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical phenotyping of IgE mediated food allergies and to assess the food allergens by analyzing the demographic characteristics, clinical presentation patterns, history of anaphylaxis, accompanying atopy status, family history and diagnostic tests and applied treatments in children followed up at Uludag University Pediatric Allergy Outpatient Clinic, between June 2015 and June 2020. The study population consisted of 470 patients of whom 63.6% were male. The mostly seen complaints were skin complaints (80.4%), followed by gastrointestinal (24.7%) and respiratory complaints (17.9%). Food-related anaphylaxis was detected in 48 patients. The prevalances of other allergic disorders in the study population were atopic dermatitis (58.8%), allergic rhinitis (27.8%) and allergic asthma (23.5%). According to skin prick test, the most common food allergens were egg (egg yolk 11.1% and egg white 30.4%), cow’s milk (27.7%) and hazelnut (6.2%). Acoording to serum spIgE values, the most common three food allergens were cows milk (53%), egg (egg yolk 2.8%, egg white 45.5%) and hazelnut (4.7%). Total serum IgE values of 66.8% patients were higher than the estimated values. This study and similar studies will support understanding the clinical and laboratory features; ensuring correct diagnosis and initiation of optimal treatment and reduction of mortality and morbidity of IgE mediated food allergy.
Food allergy is defined as adverse food reactions that occur through immune-mediated mechanisms. These mechanisms may be IgE-mediated, cell-mediated and both IgE-mediated and cell-mediated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical phenotyping of IgE mediated food allergies and to assess the food allergens by analyzing the demographic characteristics, clinical presentation patterns, history of anaphylaxis, accompanying atopy status, family history and diagnostic tests and applied treatments in children followed up at Uludag University Pediatric Allergy Outpatient Clinic, between June 2015 and June 2020. The study population consisted of 470 patients of whom 63.6% were male. The mostly seen complaints were skin complaints (80.4%), followed by gastrointestinal (24.7%) and respiratory complaints (17.9%). Food-related anaphylaxis was detected in 48 patients. The prevalances of other allergic disorders in the study population were atopic dermatitis (58.8%), allergic rhinitis (27.8%) and allergic asthma (23.5%). According to skin prick test, the most common food allergens were egg (egg yolk 11.1% and egg white 30.4%), cow’s milk (27.7%) and hazelnut (6.2%). Acoording to serum spIgE values, the most common three food allergens were cows milk (53%), egg (egg yolk 2.8%, egg white 45.5%) and hazelnut (4.7%). Total serum IgE values of 66.8% patients were higher than the estimated values. This study and similar studies will support understanding the clinical and laboratory features; ensuring correct diagnosis and initiation of optimal treatment and reduction of mortality and morbidity of IgE mediated food allergy.
Besin alerjisi, Klinik prezentasyon, IgE, Besin alerjenleri, Food allergy, Clinical presentation, Food allergens
Şanlı, Ş. (2022). IgE aracılı besin alerjili çocuklarda alerjen profilinin retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.