Primer immün yetmezliklerde enfeksiyonlar
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Primer immün yetmezlikler bağışıklık sistemindeki bozukluğun yol açtığı, enfeksiyonlara yatkınlıkla karakterize kalıtsal hastalıklardır. Çalışmamızda 2000-2012 yılları arasında primer immün yetmezlik tanısı alıp, hastaneye yatış gerektiren enfeksiyonu olan 233 hastanın dosya kayıtları incelendi. Hastaların %33,4'ü antikor yapım kusurları, %8,5'i hücresel immün yetmezlik, %13,7'si fagositer sistem hastalıkları, %29,1'i diğer iyi tanımlanmış immün yetmezlikler, % 5,6'sı immün disregülasyon hastalıkları, % 9,4'ü doğal immün sistem eksiklikleriydi. Tanı gruplarına göre enfeksiyon nedeniyle ortalama hastanede yatış süreleri; antikor yapım kusurlarında 30, hücresel immün yetmezliklerde 95,5, fagositer sistem hastalıklarında 67,5, diğer iyi tanımlanmış immün yetmezliklerde 32, immün disregülasyon hastalıklarında 56, doğal immün sistem eksikliklerinde 36 gün olarak hesaplandı. Ortalama hastanede yatış süresi, hücresel immün yetmezliklerde anlamlı yüksekti (p<0,001). Kan ve katater kültürleri üreme oranları hücresel immün yetmezliklerde, balgam kültür üremeleri antikor yapım kusurlu hastalarda anlamlı yüksekti (p<0,05). Bakteriyel enfeksiyon oranları antikor yapım kusuru olan hastalarda anlamlı yüksekti (p<0,001). Kültürlerde S. aureus üreme oranı diğer iyi tanımlanmış immün yetmezliklerde yüksekti. (p=0.29). H. influenza üremeleri antikor yapım kusurlu (p<0,009), Klebsiella üremeleri kombine immün yetmezlikli (p<0.003), E. coli üremeleri ise fagositer sistem eksikliği olan hastalarda anlamlı yüksek olarak bulundu (p<0,001). Proteus mirabilis üremeleri olan hastaların tümü (n:5) DOCK8 mutasyonlu hiper IgE sendromu tanısı olanlardı. Virüs ve mantar açısından karşılaştırıldığında gruplar arasında fark yoktu. Ölüm nedenleri arasında enfeksiyon 1. sırayı alıyordu ve 40/233 hastada görüldü (%17.1). Bunlardan izole edilen etkenler Mikobakterium tüberkülozis, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, A. fumigatus, CMV, EBV, Adenovirüs ve JC virüs idi. iii Çalışmamız tüm immün yetmezliklerin geçirdiği enfeksiyonların ele alındığı şu ana kadar literatürdeki en fazla sayıda hasta ile yapılmış bir çalışmadır. Farklı immün yetmezlikteki hastaların enfeksiyon etkenleri ve klinik bulguları değerlendirildi.
Primary immunodeficiencies is a hereditary diseases due to disorder of the immune system and characterized by susceptibility to infections. In this study, the medical records of 233 patients who diagnosed primary immunodeficiency with infections requiring hospitalization between the years of 2000-2012 were examined. The patients had 33.4% antibody deficiencies, 8.5% cellular immune deficiency, 13.7% phagocytic system diseases, 29.1% other well-defined immunodeficiencies, 5.6% immune dysregulation disorders, 9.4% lack of innate immune system. The mean hospitalization duration due to infection, in antibody deficiencies was 30, in cellular immunodeficiencies was 95.5, in phagocytic system diseases was 67.5, in other well-defined immunodeficiencies was 32, in immune dysregulation diseases was 56, and the lack of innate immune deficiency was 36 days. Mean hospitalization duration was significantly higher in cellular immunodeficiencies (p<0.001). Positive results of cultures of blood and catheter were significantly higher in cellular immunodeficiencies while sputum culture was significantly higher in patients with antibody deficiencies (p<0,05). Bacterial infection rates were significantly higher in antibody deficiencies (p<0.001). S. aureus was higher in the other welldefined immunodeficiencies (p=0.29). Reproduction of H. influenza in antibody deficiencies (p<0.009), Klebsiella in combined immunodeficiency (p <0.003), and E. coli in the phagocytic system diseases were found to be significantly higher (p<0.001). Proteus mirabilis were detected in all patients with DOCK8 deficiency. There was no difference to detect of viruses and fungi between the groups. Infection was taking first place in causes of death (40/233; 17,1%). Isolated pathogens of these patients were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, A. fumigatus, CMV, EBV, Adenovirüs, JC virüs. In this study, infections of all immunodeficiencies discussed here with a large number of patients so far made in the literature. This study revealed the pathogens of the infections and clinical findings of patients with different immunodeficiencies.
Primary immunodeficiencies is a hereditary diseases due to disorder of the immune system and characterized by susceptibility to infections. In this study, the medical records of 233 patients who diagnosed primary immunodeficiency with infections requiring hospitalization between the years of 2000-2012 were examined. The patients had 33.4% antibody deficiencies, 8.5% cellular immune deficiency, 13.7% phagocytic system diseases, 29.1% other well-defined immunodeficiencies, 5.6% immune dysregulation disorders, 9.4% lack of innate immune system. The mean hospitalization duration due to infection, in antibody deficiencies was 30, in cellular immunodeficiencies was 95.5, in phagocytic system diseases was 67.5, in other well-defined immunodeficiencies was 32, in immune dysregulation diseases was 56, and the lack of innate immune deficiency was 36 days. Mean hospitalization duration was significantly higher in cellular immunodeficiencies (p<0.001). Positive results of cultures of blood and catheter were significantly higher in cellular immunodeficiencies while sputum culture was significantly higher in patients with antibody deficiencies (p<0,05). Bacterial infection rates were significantly higher in antibody deficiencies (p<0.001). S. aureus was higher in the other welldefined immunodeficiencies (p=0.29). Reproduction of H. influenza in antibody deficiencies (p<0.009), Klebsiella in combined immunodeficiency (p <0.003), and E. coli in the phagocytic system diseases were found to be significantly higher (p<0.001). Proteus mirabilis were detected in all patients with DOCK8 deficiency. There was no difference to detect of viruses and fungi between the groups. Infection was taking first place in causes of death (40/233; 17,1%). Isolated pathogens of these patients were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, A. fumigatus, CMV, EBV, Adenovirüs, JC virüs. In this study, infections of all immunodeficiencies discussed here with a large number of patients so far made in the literature. This study revealed the pathogens of the infections and clinical findings of patients with different immunodeficiencies.
İmmün yetmezlik, Enfeksiyon, Hastanede yatış süresi, İmmunodeficiency, Infection, Duration of hospitalization
Hafızoğlu, D. (2013). Primer immün yetmezliklerde enfeksiyonlar. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.