Konservatif olarak takip edilen anrüptüre tubal ektopik gebelerde kreatin kinaz
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Amaç: Ektopik gebelik tanısıyla konservatif tedavi uygulanan olgular arasında takip sürecinde tubal rüptüre ilerleyebilecek olanların öngörülmesinde kreatin kinaz (CK) düzeylerinin değerini belirlemekGereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya Mart 2004 - Kasım 2007 tarihleri arasında Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği'nde ektopik gebelik tanısı ile konservatif tedavi verilen 43 olgu dahil edildi. Tümünün vital bulguları stabil olan olgular başvuruda transvaginal ultrasonografi (TVUS), ß-hCG ve CK ölçümü ile değerlendirildiler. Ektopik gebelik tanısı ekstrauterin yerleşimli bir gebelik kesesinin belirlenmesi veya ß-hCG değerinin 1000 mIU/mL'nin üzerinde olmasına rağmen intrauterin bir gebelik kesesinin tanımlanamaması ile konuldu. ß-hCG değeri 1000'in altında olup TVUS'de gebelik kesesi görülmeyen olgularda tanısal küretaj yapıldı. Tanı doğrulandıktan sonra 50 mg/m2 dozda metotreksat uygulanan olgular ß-hCG takibine alındılar. Takibe ß-hCG değerleri sıfırlanana veya akut batın nedeniyle cerrahi girişim gereği ortaya çıkana kadar devam edildi. Ektopik gebeliğe bağlı akut batın tablosu nedeniyle cerrahi girişim gerektiren olgularla medikal tedaviye yanıt veren olguları ayırt edebilecek değişkenlerle medikal tedaviye yanıt veren olgularda rezolüsyon süresi üzerine etkili faktörler araştırıldı. Bu amaçla oluşturulan tüm regresyon modellerine CK da dahil edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 43 olgunun ortalama gebelik süresi 48.9 ± 13.6 gün, ortalama ß-hCG düzeyi ise 3584 ± 5165 mIU/mL olarak belirlendi. Olguların 31'inde (%72.1) ultrasonografik olarak ektra-ovaryen bir adneksiyel kitle, 18'inde (%41.9) kitle içerisinde gestasyonel sak, üçünde (%7.0) fetal nod ve ikisinde (%4.7) fetal kardiak aktivite belirlendi. Ekstra-ovaryen bir kitle saptanan 31 olgunun ortalama ß-hCG düzeyi (4634 ± 5725 mIU/mL) kitle saptanmayanlardan (873 ± 1163 mIU/mL) anlamlı olarak yüksekti (p=0.003). Metotreksat uygulamasını takip eden günlerde olgulardan sekizinde (% 18.6) akut batın gelişimi nedeniyle cerrahi girişim gerekti. Akut batın gelişen olguların ortalama ß-hCG düzeyleri (9981 ± 7865 mIU/mL) cerrahi girişim gerektirmeyenlerinkinden (2122 ± 2898 mIU/mL) anlamlı olarak yüksekti (p=0.003). 6486 mIU/mL eşik değerde, ß-hCG ektopik gebeliğe bağlı akut batın gelişimini %75 sensitivite ve %94.3 spesifisite ile öngörebiliyordu. Ultrasonografide ekstra-ovaryen bir kitle tanımlanması da akut batın gelişimini %100 sensitivite, ancak %34.3 spesifisite ile öngörebiliyordu. Ultrasonografide ekstra-uterin bir gebelik kesesi tanımlanmasının sensitivitesi (%75.0) ise buna göre daha düşük, ancak spesifisitesi (%65.7) daha yüksekti. Akut batın gelişecek olguların öngörülmesinde CK ise değer taşımıyordu. Cerrahi girişim gerektirenler dışındaki 35 olguda ektopik gebelik tablosu, metotreksat uygulaması sonrası ortalama 24.8 ± 12.4 günde rezolüsyona uğradı. Başvuru gününde ß-hCG düzeyleri daha yüksek olan olgularda rezolüsyon süresi daha uzundu (r=0.556; p=0.001). Adneksiyel bir kitlenin varlığı da, ektopik gebeliğin rezolüsyonunu yansıtan ß-hCG düzeylerinin gerileme sürecini bağımsız bir şekilde etkiliyordu (F=3.243; p=0.081). Başvuru dönemindeki CK düzeylerinin ise ektopik gebeliğin rezolüsyon sürecini belirlemede etkisi yoktu. Sonuç: Ektopik gebelik tanısıyla konservatif tedavi uygulanan olgularda, başvurudaki CK düzeyleri akut batın gelişiminin öngörülmesinde etkin olmadığı gibi, tedaviye yanıt veren olgularda da rezolüsyon sürecine ışık tutmaz.
Objective: To investigate the value of creatine kinase (CK) in predicting tubal rupture in conservatively treated patients with ectopic pregnancyMaterials and methods: Forty-three patients treated conservatively for ectopic pregnancy at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Uludag University Medical School during the time period extending from March 2004 to November 2007 were included in this study. Cases, all with stable vital signs at entry, were evaluated with transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) and with ß-hCG ve CK measurements. Ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed by confirmation of an extra-uterine gestational sac or by exclusion of an intra-uterine pregnancy in the presence of a ß-hCG level of 1000 mIU/mL or above. A diagnostic curettage was performed in patients with a ß-hCG level of less than 1000 mIU/mL when an intra-uterine sac could not be identified at TVUS. Cases diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy were given intramuscular methotrexate at a dose of 50 mg/m2 and followed-up with ß-hCG titres. Follow-up continued until the ß-hCG titres became negative or until surgical measures became mandatory due acute abdominal pain. All factors which could possibly differentiate cases who responded to medical therapy from non-responders were evaluated, as were factors affecting the resolution period in responders to medical therapy. CK was included in all regression models built for that purpose.Results: The mean gestational age of the 43 patients included in the study was 48.9 ± 13.6 days, whereas the mean ß-hCG level was 3584 ± 5165 mIU/mL. TVUS revealed an extra-ovarian adnexial mass in 31 (72.1%) patients, a gestational sac within the mass in 18 (41.9%), a fetal node in three (7.0%) and fetal cardiac activity in two (4.7%). The mean ß-hCG level in the presence of an adnexial mass was statistically significantly higher than the mean level in patients in whom TVUS failed to define a mass (4634 ± 5725 vs 873 ± 1163 mIU/mL; p=0.003). Surgical exploration was indicated for acute abdominal pain in eight (18.6%) patients during the follow-up after methotrexate administration. The mean ß-hCG level in this group of patients was significantly higher than in those who did not go to surgery (9981 ± 7865 vs 2122 ± 2898 mIU/mL; p=0.003). At a cut-off of 6486 mIU/mL, ß-hCG could predict the emergence of acute abdomen with a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 94.3%. For the prediction of acute abdomen, identification of an extra-ovarian adnexial mass had a sensitivity of 100%, yet a specificity of 34.3%. In comparison, an extra-uterine gestational sac defined by TVUS had a lower sensitivity (75%), but a higher specificity (65.7%). CK, on the other hand, was not predictive of an oncoming acute abdomen. In the 35 patients who did not go to surgery, the ectopic pregnancy resolved in 24.8 ? 12.4 days in average following methotrexate administration. The resolution period was longer in patients with higher ß-hCG levels at the outset (r=0.556; p=0.001). The presence of an adnexial mass was also an independent determinant of the regression in ß-hCG levels that reflected the resolution of ectopic pregnancy (F=3.243; p=0.081). CK levels at presentation were not predictive of that resolution period.Conclusion: In patients treated conservatively for ectopic pregnancy, CK levels at the outset neither predict an acute abdomen to emerge, nor shed light on the resolution period in patients who respond to medical therapy.
Objective: To investigate the value of creatine kinase (CK) in predicting tubal rupture in conservatively treated patients with ectopic pregnancyMaterials and methods: Forty-three patients treated conservatively for ectopic pregnancy at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Uludag University Medical School during the time period extending from March 2004 to November 2007 were included in this study. Cases, all with stable vital signs at entry, were evaluated with transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) and with ß-hCG ve CK measurements. Ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed by confirmation of an extra-uterine gestational sac or by exclusion of an intra-uterine pregnancy in the presence of a ß-hCG level of 1000 mIU/mL or above. A diagnostic curettage was performed in patients with a ß-hCG level of less than 1000 mIU/mL when an intra-uterine sac could not be identified at TVUS. Cases diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy were given intramuscular methotrexate at a dose of 50 mg/m2 and followed-up with ß-hCG titres. Follow-up continued until the ß-hCG titres became negative or until surgical measures became mandatory due acute abdominal pain. All factors which could possibly differentiate cases who responded to medical therapy from non-responders were evaluated, as were factors affecting the resolution period in responders to medical therapy. CK was included in all regression models built for that purpose.Results: The mean gestational age of the 43 patients included in the study was 48.9 ± 13.6 days, whereas the mean ß-hCG level was 3584 ± 5165 mIU/mL. TVUS revealed an extra-ovarian adnexial mass in 31 (72.1%) patients, a gestational sac within the mass in 18 (41.9%), a fetal node in three (7.0%) and fetal cardiac activity in two (4.7%). The mean ß-hCG level in the presence of an adnexial mass was statistically significantly higher than the mean level in patients in whom TVUS failed to define a mass (4634 ± 5725 vs 873 ± 1163 mIU/mL; p=0.003). Surgical exploration was indicated for acute abdominal pain in eight (18.6%) patients during the follow-up after methotrexate administration. The mean ß-hCG level in this group of patients was significantly higher than in those who did not go to surgery (9981 ± 7865 vs 2122 ± 2898 mIU/mL; p=0.003). At a cut-off of 6486 mIU/mL, ß-hCG could predict the emergence of acute abdomen with a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 94.3%. For the prediction of acute abdomen, identification of an extra-ovarian adnexial mass had a sensitivity of 100%, yet a specificity of 34.3%. In comparison, an extra-uterine gestational sac defined by TVUS had a lower sensitivity (75%), but a higher specificity (65.7%). CK, on the other hand, was not predictive of an oncoming acute abdomen. In the 35 patients who did not go to surgery, the ectopic pregnancy resolved in 24.8 ? 12.4 days in average following methotrexate administration. The resolution period was longer in patients with higher ß-hCG levels at the outset (r=0.556; p=0.001). The presence of an adnexial mass was also an independent determinant of the regression in ß-hCG levels that reflected the resolution of ectopic pregnancy (F=3.243; p=0.081). CK levels at presentation were not predictive of that resolution period.Conclusion: In patients treated conservatively for ectopic pregnancy, CK levels at the outset neither predict an acute abdomen to emerge, nor shed light on the resolution period in patients who respond to medical therapy.
Ektopik gebelik, Kreatin kinaz, Ectopic pregnancy, Creatine kinase
Rehimli, S. (2008). Konservatif olarak takip edilen anrüptüre tubal ektopik gebelerde kreatin kinaz. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.