Kentsel arayüz-heykel kurgusu: Atatürk anıtları
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kentler tarihsel süreçte her dönem yeniden üretilmiş ve biçimlenmişlerdir. Özellikle, kent merkezinde yer alan, kentin odak noktası haline gelen kamusal alanlar sürekli değişim-dönüşüm süreçlerine maruz kalmaktadır. Kamusal alandaki değişim- dönüşüm süreçleri, mekansal ilişkilerle ve kullanımlarla ortaya çıkan farklı dinamiklerin fiziksel çevreye yansımasıyla oluşur. Bu mekanları tanımlayan işaret ve referans öğeleri olarak heykeller, kamusal alanları biçimlendiren bir niteliğe sahiptir. Bu bağlamda, kamusal alan karakterini şekillendiren bileşenlerin, mekanı; mekanın da bu bileşenleri zaman içinde nasıl etkilediğinin analiz edilmesi ve anlaşılması gerekmektedir. Türkiye’de kamusal mekan yaklaşımı, modernleşme projesi düşüncesiyle birlikte, düzenli mekanlar dizgesi yaratarak mekanın daha iyi algılanmasını sağlamak amacıyla, ‘Atatürk Anıtları’ odak noktası alınarak uygulanmıştır. Cumhuriyet’in erken dönemlerinde kentsel bir obje olarak, Atatürk ve/veya Cumhuriyet Caddesi, Bulvarı, Meydanı gibi sosyal, kültürel, politik anlamlar içeren alanlarda konumlanan Atatürk Anıtları, yerin-kentin kimlik temsiliyetinde simgesel bir güce sahip, mekanı biçimlendiren ve kurgulayan bir öge halindedir. Ayrıca zaman içinde değişen işlevler, kullanımlar ve mekânsal organizasyonlara göre kamusal alanların biçimsel ve anlamsal örgütlenmesinde de belirleyici unsur olmuşlardır. Tarihsel süreçte politik, sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik değişimler ve bunların fiziki yansımaları, Atatürk anıtlarının hem algılanmasında hem de üslup ve biçiminde farklılıklar ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Atatürk anıtlarının kamusal alan ile ilişkisi tarihsel süreç boyunca irdelenmekte ve bu bağlamdaki mekânsal belirleyicibiçimlendirici etkisi ve rolü araştırılmaktadır. Atatürk Anıtları ile kamusal alan arasındaki ilişkinin dönemsel özelliklere ve yaklaşımlara bağlı olarak zaman içindeki değişiminin anlaşılması ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, çalışma, Atatürk anıtının diğer mekansal bileşenlerle birlikte kamusal mekanı ve arayüzü nasıl biçimlendirdiğini ve oluşturduğunu analiz eder. Bu analizi tarihsel süreç içindeki farklı dönem ve yaklaşımlara ilişkin belirli yönleri ve kriterleri esas alarak gerçekleştirmektedir. Bunlar, anıt- çevresel ilişkiler ve ölçek, anıt- kamusal alan zemin özellikleri ve ilişkileri, anıtmekânsal özellikler ve bileşenler, anıt- mimari özellikler, anıt- peyzaj ilişkisi ve etkileri gibi kamusal mekanı bütüncül olarak anlamaya dayanan parametrelerdir. Ayrıca bu yöntemle ve çerçeveyle, politik-kimliksel, sosyo-kültürel ve fiziksel değişim, çeşitli görsel ve yazılı kaynakların analizleri, bu kapsamdaki materyal ve araçların karşılaştırılması ve çakıştırılması yoluyla izlenmekte ve değerlendirilmektedir.
Cities have been reshaped and reproduced in each period through continual historical processes. Particularly, public spaces, which are located in city center and become the focal point for the city, are constantly subject to change and transformation. The change-transformation processes in public spaces are formed by the effect of various dynamics emerging with spatial relations and uses on the physical environment. Sculptures-monuments, as signs and reference element that define these spaces, have a characteristics that shapes public spaces. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze and understand the components that shape the character of public spaces and how the space affects these components over time. Public and urban space approach in Turkey, together with the impact of the modernization project thought, was shaped to be dealt with as the focal point of ‘Atatürk Monuments’ in space. Atatürk Monuments will provide a better spatial sense by creating a regular spatial arrangements. As an urban object in the early period of the Republic, Atatürk monuments, located in areas with social, cultural and political meanings such as Atatürk and/or Cumhuriyet Street, Boulevard and Square, have a symbolic formative and fictional power in the identity representation of the place-city. In addition, these monuments have been a determining factor in the formal and notional organization of the public spaces according to changing functions, uses and spatial organizations over time. Political, socio-cultural, economic changes and their physical reflections in the historical process have revealed differences both the perception and style and form of Atatürk Monuments. In this research, the relationship of Atatürk Monuments with the public space is examined throughout historical process, and its spatial determinant-formative effect and role is investigated. It is aimed to understand and evaluate the change and transformation in the relationship between Atatürk Monuments and the public space over time, depending on periodic characteristics and approaches. Within this framework, the study analyze to how the Atatürk monument formed and reshaped the public space and interface along with other spatial components. This analysis is carried out on the basis of certain aspect and criteria regarding different periods and approaches in the historical process. These are parameters, based on a holistic understanding of public space, such as monument-environmental relations and scale, monument- ground characteristics and relations of public space, monument-spatial features and components of public space, monumentarchitectural characteristics, monument-landscape relations and effects. In addition, with this method, political-identity, socio-cultural and physical change and transformation is monitored and evaluated by analyzing various visual and written sources, comparing and overlapping the materials and tools within this scope.
Cities have been reshaped and reproduced in each period through continual historical processes. Particularly, public spaces, which are located in city center and become the focal point for the city, are constantly subject to change and transformation. The change-transformation processes in public spaces are formed by the effect of various dynamics emerging with spatial relations and uses on the physical environment. Sculptures-monuments, as signs and reference element that define these spaces, have a characteristics that shapes public spaces. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze and understand the components that shape the character of public spaces and how the space affects these components over time. Public and urban space approach in Turkey, together with the impact of the modernization project thought, was shaped to be dealt with as the focal point of ‘Atatürk Monuments’ in space. Atatürk Monuments will provide a better spatial sense by creating a regular spatial arrangements. As an urban object in the early period of the Republic, Atatürk monuments, located in areas with social, cultural and political meanings such as Atatürk and/or Cumhuriyet Street, Boulevard and Square, have a symbolic formative and fictional power in the identity representation of the place-city. In addition, these monuments have been a determining factor in the formal and notional organization of the public spaces according to changing functions, uses and spatial organizations over time. Political, socio-cultural, economic changes and their physical reflections in the historical process have revealed differences both the perception and style and form of Atatürk Monuments. In this research, the relationship of Atatürk Monuments with the public space is examined throughout historical process, and its spatial determinant-formative effect and role is investigated. It is aimed to understand and evaluate the change and transformation in the relationship between Atatürk Monuments and the public space over time, depending on periodic characteristics and approaches. Within this framework, the study analyze to how the Atatürk monument formed and reshaped the public space and interface along with other spatial components. This analysis is carried out on the basis of certain aspect and criteria regarding different periods and approaches in the historical process. These are parameters, based on a holistic understanding of public space, such as monument-environmental relations and scale, monument- ground characteristics and relations of public space, monument-spatial features and components of public space, monumentarchitectural characteristics, monument-landscape relations and effects. In addition, with this method, political-identity, socio-cultural and physical change and transformation is monitored and evaluated by analyzing various visual and written sources, comparing and overlapping the materials and tools within this scope.
Atatürk anıtları, Atatürk Bulvarı, Cumhuriyet Meydanı, Kamusal alan, Türk modernizmi, Ataturk Boulevard, Ataturk’s monument, Cumhuriyet Square, Public space, Turkish modernism
Okumuş, G. (2021). Kentsel arayüz-heykel kurgusu: Atatürk anıtları. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.