İbn Sînâ'da ruh-beden ilişkisi ve ruhun ölümsüzlüğü problemi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ölüm insanın bedenin ötesinde bir gerçekliği olduğunun en açık delilidir. İste nefs, akıl ya da ruh denilen sey bu gerçekliği ifade etmek için kullanılmıstır. İbn Sînâ’nın sisteminde bu kavramların her biri kendine yer bulmakla beraber aynı seyi ifade etmezler. O, insanın bedeninin ötesindeki ‘gerçek benliğini’ nefs kavramıyla ifade etmistir. Ona göre nefs, manevî bir cevherdir ve dolayısıyla ölümsüzdür. Natık nefs söz konusu olduğunda, İbn Sînâ akıl kavramını çoğu zaman natık nefsle (insan nefsi) aynı anlamı ifade edecek sekilde kullanmıstır. Ruh kavramı ise daha ziyade tıpla ilgili yazılarında yer alır. Ona göre ruh, bedene yayılan ve nefsin bedene hükmetmesine yardım eden latîf (ince) bir ‘madde’dir. İbn Sînâ’nın sisteminde ‘nefs’i doğru anlamak için sudur teorisini de anlamalıyız. Çünkü nefs, Fa’al Akl’ın, mîzacı müsait hale gelen her bedene feyz (tasan) ettiği bir cevherdir ve insan söz konusu olduğunda aynı zamanda insanın ‘bilmesinin’ de sebebidir. Nefsin ölümden sonraki durumuyla ilgili olarak Đbn Sînâ, daha çok kendisinden önce dile getirilen görüslerin tutarsızlığını ortaya koymaya çalısmıs ve kendisine yöneltilen elestirilere cevap vermistir. İbn Sînâ’nın bu konudaki asıl gayreti ise mevcut nasslarla (dini metin) felsefî mîrası uzlastırmak olmustur.
Death is the clearest proof of which humankind has a fact that transcends body. Although all those concepts have a specific place at İbni Sina’s system, they don’t express the same thing. He represents the fact that transcends human body as a concept of soul. According to him, soul is a spiritual essence, so, it’s deathless. When he mentioned about human soul, he usually utilized the concepts of mind as it conveys the same meaning with concept of soul. On the other hand, concept of mind was generally utilized in his medical articles. According to him, spirit is a delicate ‘material’ that spreads over body and helps soul for its domination on body. To comprehend ‘soul’ in İbni Sina’s system truly, we should also understand the overflow theory. This is because soul is an essence that is overfilled by practical mind into the body whose character became opportune time and, when we mention about humankind, it’s also the reason of human’s ‘awareness’. About the situation of soul after death, he preferred to display the inconsistency of prior notions that were built up before him and, he answered the criticisms to his Notion. However, his primary effort was to compromise the current religious texts with philosophical heritage.
Death is the clearest proof of which humankind has a fact that transcends body. Although all those concepts have a specific place at İbni Sina’s system, they don’t express the same thing. He represents the fact that transcends human body as a concept of soul. According to him, soul is a spiritual essence, so, it’s deathless. When he mentioned about human soul, he usually utilized the concepts of mind as it conveys the same meaning with concept of soul. On the other hand, concept of mind was generally utilized in his medical articles. According to him, spirit is a delicate ‘material’ that spreads over body and helps soul for its domination on body. To comprehend ‘soul’ in İbni Sina’s system truly, we should also understand the overflow theory. This is because soul is an essence that is overfilled by practical mind into the body whose character became opportune time and, when we mention about humankind, it’s also the reason of human’s ‘awareness’. About the situation of soul after death, he preferred to display the inconsistency of prior notions that were built up before him and, he answered the criticisms to his Notion. However, his primary effort was to compromise the current religious texts with philosophical heritage.
Nefs, Ruh, Akıl, Sudur, Mead, Hasr, Yetkinlik, Mutluluk, Soul, Spirit, Mind, Overflow, Life to come, Resurrection, Competency, Happiness
Kul, A. (2011). İbn Sînâ'da ruh-beden ilişkisi ve ruhun ölümsüzlüğü problemi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.