Konsantre yemlere farklı düzeylerde flavomisin katılmasının besi kuzularında canlı ağırlık artışı, yemden yararlanma ve besi maddelerinin sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkileri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İki deneme halinde yürütülen bu çalışmada, flavomisinin kuzularda besi performansı, bazı rumen parametreleri ve besin maddelerinin rumen yıkunlanabilirlikleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Birinci denemede ortalama 2.5 aylık yaşta, 60 baş Karacabey Merinosu erkek kuzu kullanılmıştır. Kuzular kontrol grubu üe 1., 2. ve 3. deneme grupları şeklinde 4 gruba ayrılmışlardır. Besi denemesi 63 gün sürdürülmüş ve tüm gruplar kuzu besi yemi ve fiğ kuru otundan oluşan bir rasyonla ad libitum beslenmişlerdir. Kontrol grubu ile deneme gruplarına verilen kuzu besi yemlerine sırasıyla 0, 10, 25 ve 40 ppm dozlarında flavomisin katılmıştır. Deneme sonunda gruplardaki kuzuların günlük ortalama canlı ağırlık artışları sırasıyla 298, 320, 321, 322 g, yem tüketimleri 1550, 1580, 1590, 1610 g, yemden yararlanma değerleri 5.2, 4.9, 4.9 ve 5.0 olarak saptanmıştır. ikinci deneme rumen fistülü açılmış 3 adet Karacabey Merinosu koç üzerinde adaptasyon, kontrol, deneme ve deneme sonrası dönemleri şeklinde birbirini izleyen dört dönemde gerçeldeştirilmiştir. Dönemler sırasıyla 10,10, 22 ve 10 gün sürdürülmüştür. Koçlarm her biri araştırma süresince 700 g kuzu besi yemi ve 500 g fiğ kuru otundan ibaret bir rasyonla bireysel şekilde beslenmişlerdir. Deneme döneminde koçlara verilen kuzu besi yemine 25 ppm dozda flavomisin ilave edilmiştir. Hayvanlardan kontrol, deneme ve deneme sonrası dönemleri sırasında 4'er günlük aralıklarla, sabah yemlemesinden 0, 2, 4 ve 6 saat sonra rumen sıvısı örnekleri alınmıştır. Alman örneklerin pH değerleri ile total uçucu yağ asidi (TUYA) veamonyak azotu (NH3-N) miktarları saptanmıştır. Aynı saatlerde ölçülen pH değerleri bakımından dönemler arasmda önemli bir fark görülmezken, TUYA ve NH3-N miktarları deneme döneminde kontrole göre yüksek bmunmuştur. Yükselmeler rumen sıvılarının alındığı bazı saat ve günlerde istatistik yönden önemli olmuştur (P<0.05). Araştırmada kontrol döneminin 5-10. günleri ile deneme döneminin 15-20. günleri arasmda, kuzu besi yemi ve fiğ kuru otunun besin maddesi rumen yıknnlanabilirlik özellikleri naylon kese tekniği kullanılarak: belirlenmiştar. Yem maddelerinin her üri dönemde belirlenen besin maddesi yıknnlanabilirlik özellikleri arasında istatistik bir farka rastlanmamıştır. Fiğ kuru otunun ham selüloz efektif yıknnlanabilirlik yüzdesi deneme döneminde, kontrole göre % 7.8 oranında daha yüksek olmuştur. Sonuç olarak flavomisinin kuzularda canlı ağırlık artışını hızlandırabileceği ve bu etkisini daha çok nanende ham selüloz yıkılımım arttırarak yapabileceği kamsma, varılmıştır.
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of flavomycin on fattening performance, some rumen parameters and rumen degradability characteristics of nutrients in lambs. Sixty male lambs, approximately 2.5 months of age, were used in experiment 1. Lambs were allocated four groups as the control and treatment 1, 2, 3. All of the groups were fed ad libitum on a ration that consisted of concentrate feed and vetch hay during the experiment of 63 days. Concentrate feeds that were given to the control and the treatments groups were included respectively at levels of 0, 10, 25, 40 ppm flavomycin. At the end of experiment, mean daily gains of control and treatment animals were respectively 298, 320, 321, 322 g, daily feed intakes were 1550, 1580, 1590, 1610 g, feed efficiencies were 5.2, 4.9, 4.9, 5.0. Second experiment was conducted consecutively four periods as the adaptation, the control, the treatment and the post-treatment on three rumen-fistulated Karacabey Merino rams. The periods were continued respectively during 10, 10, 22 and 10 days. Each of rams was fed on individually a ration that consisted of 700 g concentrate feed and 500 g vetch hay. Concentrate feeds that were given to rams during the treatment period were included at level of 25 ppm flavomycin. Samples of rumen fluid were taken intermittently four days from theanimals during the control, the treatment and the post-treatment, 0, 2, 4, 6 h after morning feed. Values of pH, total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) and ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations of rumen fluid samples were determined. There were no significant differences between the periods for pH values that were measured in the same hours, but TVFA and NHj-N concentrations in the treatment period were found higher than that of the control period. These increases in TVFA were statistically significant in some hours and on some days (P<0.05). In the experiment, rumen degradabüıty of nutrients of concentrate feed and vetch hay were determined by means of the nylon bag technique among 5.-10. days of the control period and 15.-20. days of the treatment period. There were no statistical differences between both of the periods which assessed in rumen degradation characteristics of nutrients. In the treatment period, rumen effective degradabüıty of vetch hay cellulose were higher at rate of 7.8 % than that of the control period. As a result, it was expected that flavomycin may increase body weight gain and this effect may depend on enhance of rumen cellulose disappearance.
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of flavomycin on fattening performance, some rumen parameters and rumen degradability characteristics of nutrients in lambs. Sixty male lambs, approximately 2.5 months of age, were used in experiment 1. Lambs were allocated four groups as the control and treatment 1, 2, 3. All of the groups were fed ad libitum on a ration that consisted of concentrate feed and vetch hay during the experiment of 63 days. Concentrate feeds that were given to the control and the treatments groups were included respectively at levels of 0, 10, 25, 40 ppm flavomycin. At the end of experiment, mean daily gains of control and treatment animals were respectively 298, 320, 321, 322 g, daily feed intakes were 1550, 1580, 1590, 1610 g, feed efficiencies were 5.2, 4.9, 4.9, 5.0. Second experiment was conducted consecutively four periods as the adaptation, the control, the treatment and the post-treatment on three rumen-fistulated Karacabey Merino rams. The periods were continued respectively during 10, 10, 22 and 10 days. Each of rams was fed on individually a ration that consisted of 700 g concentrate feed and 500 g vetch hay. Concentrate feeds that were given to rams during the treatment period were included at level of 25 ppm flavomycin. Samples of rumen fluid were taken intermittently four days from theanimals during the control, the treatment and the post-treatment, 0, 2, 4, 6 h after morning feed. Values of pH, total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) and ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations of rumen fluid samples were determined. There were no significant differences between the periods for pH values that were measured in the same hours, but TVFA and NHj-N concentrations in the treatment period were found higher than that of the control period. These increases in TVFA were statistically significant in some hours and on some days (P<0.05). In the experiment, rumen degradabüıty of nutrients of concentrate feed and vetch hay were determined by means of the nylon bag technique among 5.-10. days of the control period and 15.-20. days of the treatment period. There were no statistical differences between both of the periods which assessed in rumen degradation characteristics of nutrients. In the treatment period, rumen effective degradabüıty of vetch hay cellulose were higher at rate of 7.8 % than that of the control period. As a result, it was expected that flavomycin may increase body weight gain and this effect may depend on enhance of rumen cellulose disappearance.
Flavomisin, Flavomycin, Kuzu, Rumen parametreleri, Naylon kese, Besi performansı, Lamb, Rumen parameters, Nylon bag, Fattening performance
Türkmen, İ. İ. (2018). Konsantre yemlere farklı düzeylerde flavomisin katılmasının besi kuzularında canlı ağırlık artışı, yemden yararlanma ve besi maddelerinin sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkileri. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.