Hatîb eş-Şirbînî’nin es-Sirâcü’l-Münîr adlı tefsirinde Kur’ân’ı yorumlama yöntemi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Şemsuddîn Muhammed b. Muhammed Şirbînî el-Kahirî eş-Şâfiî el-Hatîb el-İmam el-Allame, hicrî X. Asır Mısır’lı müfessirlerimizdendir. Şirbînî’nin doğum tarihi ve ailesi hakkında bilgi bulunmamakla birlikte vefâtı 977/1570 olarak bilinmektedir. Tefsir, Fıkıh, Kelâm, Arap dili ve Edebiyatı gibi alanlarda pek çok eser kaleme alan müfessir, es-Sirâcü’l-Münîr adlı tefsirini 961/1554 senesinde dostlarından birinin gördüğü rüya üzerine kaleme almıştır. Şirbînî, tefsirinde rivâyet ağırlıklı bir yöntem izlemekte ve dirâyet yönünü de genel olarak rivâyete yaslayarak ortaya koymaktadır. Muhtelif alanlarda yazdığı eserlerle ilim hayatını zenginleştirmiş olan müfessirimiz mukaddimesinde de belirttiği gibi tefsirini ayrıntılara girmeden mütevâtir kıraatlere, sahih ve hasen hadislere yer vererek orta boy bir hacimde bir eser kaleme almıştır. Tez çalışmamızda Şirbînî’nin es-Sirâcü’l-Münîr’i yöntem açısından değerlendirilmektedir. Öncelikle müfessir ve eseri üzerinde sağlıklı değerlendirmelere ulaşmak için birinci bölümde hayatı, hocaları, talebeleri ve eserleri hakkında tabakat eserlerini esas alarak muhtelif kaynaklardan istifade ettik. Dönemini ise siyasî, sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel ve dinî yönleriyle araştırarak geniş bir yelpaze ile tanımayı hedefledik. İkinci bölümde, tefsirin rivâyet ve dirâyet; üçüncü bölümde de Kur’ân ilimleri yönü ile eserin yöntemini belirlemeye çalıştık.
Shamsuddin Muhammad b. Muhammad Shirbini al-Kahiri al-Shafi’i al-Khatib al-Imam al-Allame is one of the Egyptian mufassirs of the Xth century. Although there is no information about Shirbini's birth date and family, his death is known as 977/1570. The mufassir, who wrote many works in fields such as tafsir, fiqh, kalam, Arabic language and literature, wrote his tafsir al-Siraj al-Munir in 961/1554, taking a dream of one of his friends as a sign. Al-Shirbini follows a narration-oriented method in his tafsir and reveals the dirayah aspect also by relying on narration in general. The mufassir, who enriched his scholarly life with his works in various fields, composed his tafsir as a medium-sized work, by including mutawâtir qiraats, sahih and hasan hadiths without going into details as he stated in his introduction. This thesis evaluates al-Siraj al-Munir of al-Shirbini in terms of methodology. First of all, in order to do a sound evaluation on the mufassir and his work, in the first part, we benefited from various sources based on the works of tabakat about his life, his teachers, his students and his works. We aimed to familiarize his period by researching its political, social, economic, cultural and religious aspects in a wide range. We tried to determine the method of the work in terms of narration and dirayah in the second part, in terms of Qur'ân sciences in the third part.
Shamsuddin Muhammad b. Muhammad Shirbini al-Kahiri al-Shafi’i al-Khatib al-Imam al-Allame is one of the Egyptian mufassirs of the Xth century. Although there is no information about Shirbini's birth date and family, his death is known as 977/1570. The mufassir, who wrote many works in fields such as tafsir, fiqh, kalam, Arabic language and literature, wrote his tafsir al-Siraj al-Munir in 961/1554, taking a dream of one of his friends as a sign. Al-Shirbini follows a narration-oriented method in his tafsir and reveals the dirayah aspect also by relying on narration in general. The mufassir, who enriched his scholarly life with his works in various fields, composed his tafsir as a medium-sized work, by including mutawâtir qiraats, sahih and hasan hadiths without going into details as he stated in his introduction. This thesis evaluates al-Siraj al-Munir of al-Shirbini in terms of methodology. First of all, in order to do a sound evaluation on the mufassir and his work, in the first part, we benefited from various sources based on the works of tabakat about his life, his teachers, his students and his works. We aimed to familiarize his period by researching its political, social, economic, cultural and religious aspects in a wide range. We tried to determine the method of the work in terms of narration and dirayah in the second part, in terms of Qur'ân sciences in the third part.
Tefsir, Kur’ân, eş-Şirbînî, es-Sirâcü’l-Münîr, Yöntem, Tafsir, Qur'ân, al-Shirbini, al-Siraj al-Munir, Method
Zengin, M. D. (2023). Hatîb eş-Şirbînî’nin es-Sirâcü’l-Münîr adlı tefsirinde Kur’ân’ı yorumlama yöntemi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.