Ayva, dut ve zeytin odun çeliklerinin alçak tünel ve açıkta köklendirilmeleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Cydonia vulgaris türüne giren Eşme ayva ve Moru sp. türüne giren Ichınose dut çeşitlerinin, odun, Olea eurctaea türüne giren Gemlik zeytin Çeşidinin odunsu Çelikleri ;IE.-.’in 1993 yılında 0, 2000, 4000 ppm’lik, 1994 yılında ise 0, 2000, 4000 ve 6000 ppm’lik dozlarına 5 saniye süre ile bandırılarak plastik materyalden hazırlanan alçak tünellerde ve açıkta o-luşturulan ünitelere dikilmişlerdir. Dikim ortamlarında bahçe toprağı, yanmış ahır gübresi ve kum karışımı kullanılmıştır. Çelikler köklendirme ortamlarına üstten 1-2 göz toprak yüzeyinde kalacak biçimde dik ve 45°egimli olarak dikilmişlerdir. Çeliklerin köklenmeleri üzerinde uygulamaların Önemli etkileri olmuştur. îlk yılda açıkta yapılan köklendirmelerden ayva ve dut çeliklerinde so.nuÇ alınamamış, zeytin Çeliklerin-, de ise açıktaki köklenme oranları.(%2.5-22) alçak tünele gire (%6-62) önemli ölçüde düşük bulunmuştur. Ayva ve dut Çeliklerinde IBA konsantrasyonu ve dikim şeklinin köklenme oranı ve kök kalitesi üzerine etkisi her iki yılda da önemli olmamış ve köklenme oranı ayva çeliklerinde, %4-12, dut çeliklerinde 1993 yılında %0-8, 1994 yılında %4-18 arasında değişmiştir. Zeytin çeliklerinde en yüksek köklenme oranları, 1993 yılında alçak tünel altındaki, IBA uygulanmış ve eğimli dikilmiş Çeliklerden elde edilmiş (%56-62), 1994 yılında ise, dikim şeklinin önemli etkisi görülmemiş, buna karşılık 4000 ve 6000 ppm dozundaki IBA uygulamaları (%50-69) , kontrol ve 2000 ppm'e göre (%13-19) köklenme oranlarını önemli ölçüde yükseltmiştir. Uygulamaların kök sayılarına ve kök kalitelerine etkileri Çok belirgin olmamış, en yüksek köklenme oranını veren bazı uygulamalar aynı zamanda kök sayısını da arttırmışlardır. Uygulamaların sürgün uzunluğuna etkileri zeytinde dikkat Çekmiş, ancak tu farklılaşmalar pratik açıdan önemli bulunmamıştır.
Eşme quince’s (which belong to the species of Cydonia vulzariş ) and Ichinose mulberry’s (which belong to the species of Morus sp■ ) hard wood cuttings and Gemlik olive’s (uhich belong to species of Olea europaea '■ semi hard-wood cuttings were treated with 0, 2000, 4000 ppm doses of IBA in 1993 and 0, 2000, 4000, 6000 ppm doses of IBA in 1994. Cuttings were dipped in to IBA with 5 seconds and then, planted under plastic tunnel and in the öpen field. Garden soil, stable manure and sand mixture were used in plant beds. Cuttings were planted upright and slope with 45cwith their 1 or 2 buds on the soil sürfece. There were important effects of the treatments on rooting of cuttings, In the fırst year hardvood cuttings of quince. and mulberry did not give any resul t in the öpen field. But v.»ith semi-hardwopd cuttings of ol ive in the öpen field rooting rates were (2.5%-22%) which lower than under plastic tunnel’s rates (6%-62%). IBA applications and planting forms did not affect the rooting rates and root quality of quince and mulberry hard wood cuttings, in 1993 and 1994. Rooting rates of guince cuttings were 4-12% in 1993 and of mulberry cuttings were 0-8% in 1993 and 4-18% in 1994. The highest rooting rates of ol ive cuttings were obtained with plastic tunnel, IBA applied and slope planted cuttings in 1993 (56-62%). Planting type were not important in 1994. But 4000 and 6000 ppro IBA were significantly increased the rooting rates (50-69%) compared to the control and 2000 ppm concentrations of IBA (13-19%) The effects of the applications on root number and root quality vere not significant. Some applications which have high rooting rates increased also the root number. Effect of applications on the shoot length were established only in the ol ive cuttings but these effects were not seen important practically.
Eşme quince’s (which belong to the species of Cydonia vulzariş ) and Ichinose mulberry’s (which belong to the species of Morus sp■ ) hard wood cuttings and Gemlik olive’s (uhich belong to species of Olea europaea '■ semi hard-wood cuttings were treated with 0, 2000, 4000 ppm doses of IBA in 1993 and 0, 2000, 4000, 6000 ppm doses of IBA in 1994. Cuttings were dipped in to IBA with 5 seconds and then, planted under plastic tunnel and in the öpen field. Garden soil, stable manure and sand mixture were used in plant beds. Cuttings were planted upright and slope with 45cwith their 1 or 2 buds on the soil sürfece. There were important effects of the treatments on rooting of cuttings, In the fırst year hardvood cuttings of quince. and mulberry did not give any resul t in the öpen field. But v.»ith semi-hardwopd cuttings of ol ive in the öpen field rooting rates were (2.5%-22%) which lower than under plastic tunnel’s rates (6%-62%). IBA applications and planting forms did not affect the rooting rates and root quality of quince and mulberry hard wood cuttings, in 1993 and 1994. Rooting rates of guince cuttings were 4-12% in 1993 and of mulberry cuttings were 0-8% in 1993 and 4-18% in 1994. The highest rooting rates of ol ive cuttings were obtained with plastic tunnel, IBA applied and slope planted cuttings in 1993 (56-62%). Planting type were not important in 1994. But 4000 and 6000 ppro IBA were significantly increased the rooting rates (50-69%) compared to the control and 2000 ppm concentrations of IBA (13-19%) The effects of the applications on root number and root quality vere not significant. Some applications which have high rooting rates increased also the root number. Effect of applications on the shoot length were established only in the ol ive cuttings but these effects were not seen important practically.
Ayva, Quince, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Dut, Mulberry, Zeytin, Olive, Çelik-bitki, Cutting-plant
Aydınlı, N. (1995). Ayva, dut ve zeytin odun çeliklerinin alçak tünel ve açıkta köklendirilmeleri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.