Can reason regulate the reality by which we experience the life as our private life?
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In this paper I will attempt to show that modern individual as a knowing subject has been constructed as such that (s)he is incapable of forming a private life. Since Kant's "Copernican revolution" in philosophy, the regulative capacity of human reason, among other things, is accepted as the primary judge to know the nature in general and to understand the human beings within their social context. Though the decisive successes of reason on the side of nature, and its holy victories over the humanity, it is still far away from generating a private life for each individual. Modern individuals are not free and/or autonomous persons, they have to be, more or less, one of the parts of a whole. The more we become an individual, the less we experience the life as private.
Bu çalışma, 18-22 Haziran 2007 tarihleri arasında İstanbul[Türkiye]’da düzenlenen 57. International Phenomenology Congress’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
Serin, İ. (2009). "Can reason regulate the reality by which we experience the life as our private life?". ed. A. T. Tymieniecka. Analecta Husserliana, Memory in the Ontopoiesis of Life: Memory in the Orbit of the Human Creative Existence, Book Two, 102, 335-340.