Muhammed el-Emîn Diaby'nin şiirinde züht
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, Afrika sahra altı bölgesinde şiirlerini Arapça ile kaleme alan bir şairin hayatı, eserleri ve şiirlerinde yer alan züht kavramı, yapısalcılık yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Afrika sahra altı bölgesinde şiirlerini Arapça ile kaleme alan şairlerin şiirlerinde züht kavramına genel bir bakışın incelendiği bu çalışmada bölge şairlerinin züht şiirlerinin çoğunun, vaaz ve öğüt şeklinde olduğu saptanmıştır. Tezimize konu aldığımız şair Muhammed el-Emîn Diaby'in ise bu şairlerden farklı olarak zühdün genel anlamından (bir şeye rağbet etmemek) hareketle, bu kavramın çeşitli aşamalarına değinmiştir. Şairin zühde yönelme nedenlerine bakıldığında her ne kadar hayatın değişkenliklerinden çektiği zorlukların ön plana çıktığı görülse de aslında masivadan uzaklaşma arzusu başta yer almaktadır. Bu da sadece dini sebeplerden meydana gelmeyen felsefi züht kavramı ile açıklanmaktadır. Diaby'in şiirselliğinin incelendiği çalışma şairi Arapça şiir yazan bölge şairlerinin listesine eklemiştir.
İn this work, a case study of one of the names in the Africa sub saharan region arabic poetry domain is going to be put forth, his life, asceticism in his poetry and other Works will be approached in the light of the structuralism method of analysis. İn the first place, a general survey will be carried on the topic of asceticism in the african Arabic poetry to Show that most of the poets in this region treated asceticism in their Works in the form of advising the masses and preaching the Word of Allah to them, whereas the subject matter poet, Muhammed Al Amin Diaby had a different approach to the topic by extracting meaning from its basic philological and lexicological background (i.e. to desert or abondon something). A manner that caved in through the poet's hardships and struggles in life. This form of asceticism is what is termed as philosophical asceticism, İn other words it's the asceticism that is not birthed by only religious reasons. This Project aims at taking a survey in the subconcious of a poet, as well as bringing a new name to the lime light in the Africa sub saharan region Arabic poetry studies.
İn this work, a case study of one of the names in the Africa sub saharan region arabic poetry domain is going to be put forth, his life, asceticism in his poetry and other Works will be approached in the light of the structuralism method of analysis. İn the first place, a general survey will be carried on the topic of asceticism in the african Arabic poetry to Show that most of the poets in this region treated asceticism in their Works in the form of advising the masses and preaching the Word of Allah to them, whereas the subject matter poet, Muhammed Al Amin Diaby had a different approach to the topic by extracting meaning from its basic philological and lexicological background (i.e. to desert or abondon something). A manner that caved in through the poet's hardships and struggles in life. This form of asceticism is what is termed as philosophical asceticism, İn other words it's the asceticism that is not birthed by only religious reasons. This Project aims at taking a survey in the subconcious of a poet, as well as bringing a new name to the lime light in the Africa sub saharan region Arabic poetry studies.
Afrika, Arapça şiiri, Züht, Africa, Arabic poetry, Asceticism
Umar, A. S. Y. (2017). Muhammed el-Emîn Diaby'nin şiirinde züht. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.