Kolesteatom ile kronik otitis media ayrımında difüzyon MR, dinamik kontrastlı MR ve T2 relaksasyon zamanı ölçümünün yeri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmamızın amacı kolesteatom ve kronik otitis media (KOM) ayrımında difüzyon MR, ADC ölçümü, dinamik kontrastlı MR görüntüleme ve T2 relaksometri zamanının ölçümlerinin tanıya katkısını araştırmaktır.Çalışmamızda, klinik veya cerrahi olarak KOM ve kolesteatom tanısı almış toplam 41 olgunun retrospektif olarak MR görüntüleri incelendi. Lezyonların difüzyon MR görüntüleri, ADC değerleri, kontrastlanma paterni ve T2 zamanları iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Kontrastlanma paternleri kalitatif olarak değerlendirildi. Cerrahi ve odyolojik muayene bulguları standart referans alınarak sensitivite ve spesifite değerleri, difüzyon MR görüntüleme, ADC değerleri ve T2 relaksometri için yapıldı. MR incelemeleri ile tanı arasında istatistiksel farklılık olup olmadığı Mc Nemar testi ile incelendi. Testlerin genel performansını incelemek amacıyla ROC analizi yapıldı. p<0.05 anlamlılık seviyesi olarak belirlendi.İstatistiksel analiz sonucunda difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülerde kolesteatom saptanma sensitivitesi %100, spesifitesi %86 olarak bulundu. ADC ölçümlerinde kolesteatom ile KOM ayrımında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptandı (p<0.05). İki grup arasındaki T2 relaksasyon zamanları karşılaştırıldığında ise KOM olgularında ortalama T2 relaksasyon zamanı daha fazla olmasına rağmen istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Dinamik incelemede, her bir dinamik inceleme paterni birbiriyle karşılaştırıldı. Periferinden rim tarzında giderek artan boyanma paterninin (patern 2) kolesteatom dokusunu ayırt etmede istatistiksel olarak diğer paternlere göre anlamlı olduğu bulundu (patern 1-2 arası p<0.001, patern 2-3 arası p=0.005, patern 2-4 arası p<0.001).Sonuç olarak kolesteatom olgularını saptamada difüzyon görüntüleme ve ADC değerleri ile birlikte kontrast madde ile yapılan dinamik çalışmalar, yüksek oranda kolesteatom olgularını saptamada fayda sağlayabilir.
The aim of our study is to investigate the contribution of diffusion MR, dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging, ADC measurements and T2 relaxometry in diagnosis of distinguishing cholesteatoma and Chronic Otitis Media (COM).Our study is created by retrospectively reviewing MR images of a digital archive of totally 41 patients that were clinically or surgically diagnosed as COM and cholesteatoma. Diffusion images, ADC values, T2 relaxation time, and contrast enhanced pattern of lesions between the two groups were compared statistically. Contrast-enhanced pattern was qualitatively evaluated. Taking surgical and audiometric examination results into consideration as a standard, specificity and sensitivity values for diffusion imaging, ADC values and T2 relaxometry are applied. Whether there is statistical difference between MRI and diagnosis were examined by Mc Nemar test. ROC analysis was performed to examine the overall performance of the tests. Level of significance was determined as p<0.05.As a result of statistical analysis, cholesteatoma detection sensitivity in diffusion-weighted images is determined as 100%, and specificity was determined as 86%. ADC measurements revealed a statistically significant difference in differentiating COM and cholesteatoma (p<0.05). When T2 relaxation times were compared between two groups, although the average T2 relaxation time was more in COM patients? case, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. During dynamic examination, dynamic analysis of each pattern were compared to each other. To distinguish the texture of cholesteatoma, an increasing pattern of staining in the style of the rim periphery (pattern 2) was found to be statistically more significant compared to other patterns (for pattern between 1-2 p<0.001, for pattern between 2-3 p=0.005, for pattern between 2-4 p<0.001).After all, diffusion imaging and the ADC values with contrast-enhanced dynamic studies, may be beneficial in detecting cases of cholesteatoma of a high percentage.
The aim of our study is to investigate the contribution of diffusion MR, dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging, ADC measurements and T2 relaxometry in diagnosis of distinguishing cholesteatoma and Chronic Otitis Media (COM).Our study is created by retrospectively reviewing MR images of a digital archive of totally 41 patients that were clinically or surgically diagnosed as COM and cholesteatoma. Diffusion images, ADC values, T2 relaxation time, and contrast enhanced pattern of lesions between the two groups were compared statistically. Contrast-enhanced pattern was qualitatively evaluated. Taking surgical and audiometric examination results into consideration as a standard, specificity and sensitivity values for diffusion imaging, ADC values and T2 relaxometry are applied. Whether there is statistical difference between MRI and diagnosis were examined by Mc Nemar test. ROC analysis was performed to examine the overall performance of the tests. Level of significance was determined as p<0.05.As a result of statistical analysis, cholesteatoma detection sensitivity in diffusion-weighted images is determined as 100%, and specificity was determined as 86%. ADC measurements revealed a statistically significant difference in differentiating COM and cholesteatoma (p<0.05). When T2 relaxation times were compared between two groups, although the average T2 relaxation time was more in COM patients? case, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. During dynamic examination, dynamic analysis of each pattern were compared to each other. To distinguish the texture of cholesteatoma, an increasing pattern of staining in the style of the rim periphery (pattern 2) was found to be statistically more significant compared to other patterns (for pattern between 1-2 p<0.001, for pattern between 2-3 p=0.005, for pattern between 2-4 p<0.001).After all, diffusion imaging and the ADC values with contrast-enhanced dynamic studies, may be beneficial in detecting cases of cholesteatoma of a high percentage.
Kolesteatom, KOM, Difüzyon, Dinamik kontrastlı MR, T2 relaksasyon, Cholesteatoma, COM, Diffusion, Dinamic contrastenhanced MR, T2 relaxation
Ünal, D. (2011). Kolesteatom ile kronik otitis media ayrımında difüzyon MR, dinamik kontrastlı MR ve T2 relaksasyon zamanı ölçümünün yeri. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.