İşkodra (Arnavutluk) i̇li̇ni̇n atmosferi̇k polenleri̇
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Atmosferik Allerjenler toplumda polen nezlesi olarak bilinen rahatsızlıklara neden olmaktadırlar. Aerobiyoloji atmosferdeki biyolojik partiküllerin üretim, salınım, taşınımı ile ilgili bilgiler sağlayarak allerjenlerin sağlık üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini azaltmaya yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır. Aerobiyolojik çalışmalar bölgesel ve zamansal olarak yapılmaktadır. Arnavutluk’ta yapılan aerobiyolojik çalışmaların sayısı çok az olmak ile birlikte İşkodra ili için yapılmış bir aerobiyolojik çalışmaya literatürde rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışma ile 29 Aralık 2017 - 29 Aralık 201 tarihleri arasındaki iki yıl boyunca İşkodra ili havasında yapılan bir aeropalinolojik çalışma olup, İşkodra ili atmosferindeki polenlerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. İşkodra iline yerleştirilen Durham cihazı kullanılarak Gravimetrik yöntemle elde edilen preparatlar incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk yılında atmosferindeki polenlerin 43 taksonlara ait oldukları, ikinci yılında ise 46 taksonlara ait oldukları saptanmıştır. Toplam çalışma süresince atmosferde 49 farklı taksona ait polen tespit edilmiştir. İşkodra havasında 2 yıl süre içerisinde Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (%22,12), Poaceae (%12,31), Olea sp. (%8,57), Quercus sp. (%7,31), Platanus sp. (%6,86), Pinus sp. (%6,61), Humulus sp. (%5,26), Corylus sp. (%4,25), Plantago sp. (% 3,80), Corylaceae (%2,72), Fraxinus sp. (%2,07) dominant olarak bulunmuştur. İşkodra atmosferindeki polen miktarı, Durham cihazına yerleştirilen preperatlar yardımı ile cm² alan birimi olarak haftalık ve aylık dönemlerde tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, meteorolojik faktörlerle karşılaştırılıp, İşkodra ili için bir polen takvimi hazırlanmıştır. Toplam polen miktarının Nisan ayında en yüksek düzeye ulaştığı gözlenmiştir.
Atmospheric Allergens cause health problems known as pollen fever in the society. Aerobiology aims to help reduce the negative effects of allergens on health by providing information about the production, release and transport of biological particles in the atmosphere. Aerobiological studies are conducted regionally and temporally. Although the number of aerobiological studies done in Albania is very low, no aerobiological study done for Shkodra has been found in the literature. This study is an aeropalinological study conducted in the air of Shkodra for 2 years between 29 December 2017 - 29 December 2019 and aims to determine which pollen are present in the air of Shkodra city. Samples, which are obtained by Gravimetric method were examined by using Durham sampler located in Shkodra province. It was determined that the pollen in the atmosphere of Shkodra in the first year of the study belonged to 43 taxa and in the second year they belonged to 46 taxa. During the whole study, 49 different taxa were recorded. Pollen belonging to Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (%22,12), Poaceae (%12,31), Olea sp. (%8,57), Quercus sp. (%7,31), Platanus sp. (%6,86), Pinus sp. (%6,61), Humulus sp. (%5,26), Corylus sp. (%4,25), Plantago sp. (% 3,80), Corylaceae (%2,72), Fraxinus sp. (%2,07) taxa were detected to be dominant in Shkodra atmosphere within 2 years. The quantity of pollen fall on a square – centimeter in Shkoder was assigned in weekly and monthly periods with the help of slides placed on the Durham sampler. Monthly pollen calendar was prepared by considering the results to meteorologic conditions.The highest level of the total amount of pollen was observed in April.
Atmospheric Allergens cause health problems known as pollen fever in the society. Aerobiology aims to help reduce the negative effects of allergens on health by providing information about the production, release and transport of biological particles in the atmosphere. Aerobiological studies are conducted regionally and temporally. Although the number of aerobiological studies done in Albania is very low, no aerobiological study done for Shkodra has been found in the literature. This study is an aeropalinological study conducted in the air of Shkodra for 2 years between 29 December 2017 - 29 December 2019 and aims to determine which pollen are present in the air of Shkodra city. Samples, which are obtained by Gravimetric method were examined by using Durham sampler located in Shkodra province. It was determined that the pollen in the atmosphere of Shkodra in the first year of the study belonged to 43 taxa and in the second year they belonged to 46 taxa. During the whole study, 49 different taxa were recorded. Pollen belonging to Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (%22,12), Poaceae (%12,31), Olea sp. (%8,57), Quercus sp. (%7,31), Platanus sp. (%6,86), Pinus sp. (%6,61), Humulus sp. (%5,26), Corylus sp. (%4,25), Plantago sp. (% 3,80), Corylaceae (%2,72), Fraxinus sp. (%2,07) taxa were detected to be dominant in Shkodra atmosphere within 2 years. The quantity of pollen fall on a square – centimeter in Shkoder was assigned in weekly and monthly periods with the help of slides placed on the Durham sampler. Monthly pollen calendar was prepared by considering the results to meteorologic conditions.The highest level of the total amount of pollen was observed in April.
Aerobiyoloji, Durham cihazı, İşkodra, Polen, Durham sampler, Shkoder
Halilaj, A. (2020). İşkodra (Arnavutluk) i̇li̇ni̇n atmosferi̇k polenleri̇. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimler Enstitüsü.