Yeni hizmet performansı üzerinde yeni hizmet geliştirme öncüllerinin etkileri: e-ticaret işletmeleri üzerinde bir araştırma
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında işletmelerin farklılaşmak, yeni müşteriler kazanmak ve mevcut müşterilerini elde tutabilmek için gerçekleştirdikleri faaliyetlerden biri yeni hizmetler geliştirmektir. Teknolojideki hızlı ilerlemeler neticesinde radikal ve artımsal hizmet yeniliklerinin ortaya çıktığı alanlarda birisi de e-ticaret sektörüdür. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, e-ticaret işletmelerinin hizmet yeniliğinde yer alan boyutları belirleyerek, bu boyutların yeni hizmet performansına etkilerini ve yeni hizmet performansının da e-ticaret işletmelerinin pazarlama performansına etkilerini ortaya koymaktır. E-ticaret işletmeleri üzerinde gerçekleştirilen araştırma sonucu toplanan veriler, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesiyle (YEM) analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre stratejik yatırım, hizmet yeniliği deneyimi, bilgi teknolojisi deneyimi ve rekabet ortamı egzojen değişkenlerinin e-ticaret işletmelerinin yeni hizmet performansı üzerinde anlamlı ve pozitif bir etkiye sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Ancak risk toleransı, işbirliği ve tüketici talebi egzojen değişkenlerinin e-ticaret işletmelerinin yeni hizmet performansı üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmamıştır. Ayrıca analiz sonucunda e-ticaret işletmelerinin yeni hizmet performansının pazarlama performansı üzerinde anlamlı ve pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, e-ticaret işletmelerinin rekabet ortamını doğru analiz etmesinin, hizmet yenilikleri konusunda deneyim kazanmasının, hizmet yeniliklerine yaptıkları stratejik yatırımlarının ve bilgi teknolojilerine ağırlık vermesinin çok önemli olduğu ifade edilebilir.
In today's intensely competitive environment, one of the methods that businesses carry out to differentiate themselves, gain new customers and retain existing customers is to develop new services. One of the areas where radical and incremental service innovations have emerged as a result of rapid advances in technology is the e-commerce sector. The purpose of this dissertation is to determine the dimensions of e-commerce businesses in service innovation and to reveal the effects of these dimensions on new service performance, along with the effects of new service accomplishment on the marketing performance of e-commerce businesses. The data collected from the research conducted on e-commerce companies were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). According to the results of the analysis, it has been found that the exogenous variables of strategic investment, service innovation experience, information technology experience and competitive environment have a significant and positive effect on the new service performance of e-commerce businesses. However, exogenous variables of risk tolerance, collaboration and consumer demand did not have a significant effect on the service innovation performance of e-commerce businesses. In addition, as a result of the analysis, service innovation performance on marketing performance has also been found to have a significant and positive effect. In line with these results, it can be stated that it is very important for e-commerce businesses to gain experience in service innovations, to analyze the competitive environment correctly and focus on information technologies and their strategic investments in service innovations.
In today's intensely competitive environment, one of the methods that businesses carry out to differentiate themselves, gain new customers and retain existing customers is to develop new services. One of the areas where radical and incremental service innovations have emerged as a result of rapid advances in technology is the e-commerce sector. The purpose of this dissertation is to determine the dimensions of e-commerce businesses in service innovation and to reveal the effects of these dimensions on new service performance, along with the effects of new service accomplishment on the marketing performance of e-commerce businesses. The data collected from the research conducted on e-commerce companies were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). According to the results of the analysis, it has been found that the exogenous variables of strategic investment, service innovation experience, information technology experience and competitive environment have a significant and positive effect on the new service performance of e-commerce businesses. However, exogenous variables of risk tolerance, collaboration and consumer demand did not have a significant effect on the service innovation performance of e-commerce businesses. In addition, as a result of the analysis, service innovation performance on marketing performance has also been found to have a significant and positive effect. In line with these results, it can be stated that it is very important for e-commerce businesses to gain experience in service innovations, to analyze the competitive environment correctly and focus on information technologies and their strategic investments in service innovations.
Yeni hizmet geliştirme, Hizmet inovasyonu, E-ticaret, Pazarlama performansı, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM), New service development, Servis innovation, E-commerce, Marketing performance, Structural Equation Model
Sönmezay, M. (2021). Yeni hizmet performansı üzerinde yeni hizmet geliştirme öncüllerinin etkileri: e-ticaret işletmeleri üzerinde bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.