Katoliklikten Protestanlığa Luteran reform ve heretikler
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada Hıristiyanlığın kurumsallaşmasıyla güçlenen Katolikliğin Ortaçağ Avrupası’nda yüzyıllar içindeki gelişimi ve yaşadığı bölünmeler ele alınmıştır. Kilisenin yönetime etkisi, yönetimin de topluma etkisi göz önünde bulundurularak heretik hareketlerin ortaya çıkış sebepleri ve meydana gelen olaylarla bağlantılı olarak bu hareketin sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Önce Katolikler nezdinde heretik kabul edilen gruplar ve şahsiyetler ele alınmış ardından XVI. yüzyılın en büyük heretiği Luther ile Kilise’nin mücadelesi aktarılmıştır. Luther, Katolikler için bir heretik iken başlattığı reformun başarıya ulaşması sonucu kendisi de, başka inanç gruplarını heretik olmakla suçlamış ve Protestanlık dışında kalanlar hakkında metinler kaleme almıştır. Bu tezin ilk bölümü Luther reformunun bir ilk olmadığı ve Kilise’ye karşı mücadelenin çok daha önceki yıllara dayandığını göstermektedir. Kilise’ye karşı çıkışların sebepleri ayrıca incelenmiş teolojik, siyasi, toplumsal etkiler üzerinde durulmuştur. İkinci bölümde reformcu bir şahsiyet olarak Luther üzerinde durulmuş, Kiliseyle yaşadığı problemler değerlendirilmiştir. Son bölümde ise Avrupa toplumunun tarihsel geçmişini anlamanın, günümüz problemlerine ışık tutacağı düşünüldüğünden bazı konularda bugün ile bağlantı kurulmaya çalışılmıştır.
In this study, the development and divisions of Catholicism in Medieval Europe, which has been strengthened by the institutionalization of the Christian religion, has been discussed. Considering the impact of the Church on the administration and the effect of the administration on the society, the reasons for the emergence of heretic movements and their results connected with occurred incidents were evaluated. First of all, the groups and personalities accepted as heretics according to Catholics were discussed, and then the struggle of the Church with Luther, the greatest heretic of the 16th century, was conveyed. Luther accused other belief groups of being heretic as a result of success of the reform he initiated when he was a heretic for Catholics and he has written texts about those who are out of Protestant. The first part of this thesis shows that the Luther reform was not the first and that the struggle against the Church dates back to much earlier years. The reasons for the opposition to the Church were also examined, besides, the theological, political and social influences were emphasized. In the second part, Luther has been emphasized as a reformist personality, and his problems with the Church have been evaluated. As for the last part, due to fact that it is thought that understanding the historical background of the European society will shed light to today's problems, and it has been tried to establish a connection with today especially in some points.
In this study, the development and divisions of Catholicism in Medieval Europe, which has been strengthened by the institutionalization of the Christian religion, has been discussed. Considering the impact of the Church on the administration and the effect of the administration on the society, the reasons for the emergence of heretic movements and their results connected with occurred incidents were evaluated. First of all, the groups and personalities accepted as heretics according to Catholics were discussed, and then the struggle of the Church with Luther, the greatest heretic of the 16th century, was conveyed. Luther accused other belief groups of being heretic as a result of success of the reform he initiated when he was a heretic for Catholics and he has written texts about those who are out of Protestant. The first part of this thesis shows that the Luther reform was not the first and that the struggle against the Church dates back to much earlier years. The reasons for the opposition to the Church were also examined, besides, the theological, political and social influences were emphasized. In the second part, Luther has been emphasized as a reformist personality, and his problems with the Church have been evaluated. As for the last part, due to fact that it is thought that understanding the historical background of the European society will shed light to today's problems, and it has been tried to establish a connection with today especially in some points.
Heretik, Katolik, Kilise, Ortaçağ, Din, Avrupa, Reform, Martin Luther, Protestan, Yahudi, Müslüman, Antisemitizm, Heretic, Catholic, Church, Medieval, Religion, Europe, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Anti-semitism
Buşgut, H. (2021). Katoliklikten Protestanlığa Luteran reform ve heretikler. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.