Calculations of temperature rise in Al, Cu and Fe photon collimators for 8-32 MeV photon beams

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Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics


We have focused on temperature changes in the collimator at the TARLA bremsstrahlung photon facility. One of the important parameters during the design of an ideal collimator, especially for high-energy photons, is temperature rise in the collimator material. For this purpose, energy deposition in the collimator materials was simulated using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code. Depending on energy deposition values, temperature rise in the collimator materials of Al, Cu and Fe was calculated for photon beams with 8-32 MeV energies.


Bu çalışma, 19-24, Ekim 2016 tarihlerinde Antalya[Türkiye]’de düzenlenen 3. International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN) Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Physics, Aluminum, Deposition, Particle beams, Photoelectrons, Photons, Energy depositions, High energy photons, MeV energy, Monte Carlo codes, Photon beams, Photon collimators, Temperature changes, Temperature rise


Kuluöztürk, Z. N. vd. (2017). ''Calculations of temperature rise in Al, Cu and Fe photon collimators for 8-32 MeV photon beams''. Acta Physica Polonica A., 132(3), Special Issue, Part 2, 1168-1170.