Bazı knoevenagel reaksiyon ürünlerinin eldesi ve hazır kalıplama bileşenlerinin (SMC) yüzey gerilimleri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada bir seri aromatik amin, benzilidenmalononitril ve fulven bileşik serilerinin SMC (hazır kalıplama bileşeni) yüzeyindeki adhezyon promotor etkileri araştırıldı. Bileşiklerden aromatik aminler ticari olarak temin edilirken diğerleri kendi laboratuvarımızda geliştirilmiş uygun yöntemler ile sentezlendi. Bileşikler hidrofobik SMC yüzeyine uygulandı ve yüzey karakteristiklerindeki değişimler ATR-FTIR spektroskopisi ile incelendi. Yüzey yapışma promotorları olarak kullanılan bileşiklerin etkinliklerini değerlendirmek için su damlası temas açısı ölçümleri gerçekleştirildi. Endüstride kullanılan standart prosedürlere uygun olarak boyanmış yüzeyler çapraz kesim testi ile test edildi. Test edilen ikincil aminlerin %91’i, benzilidenmalononitrillerin %50’si ve fulven bileşiklerinin %90’ı cam elyaf yüzeylere tutunmada mükemmel sonuç verdi. Birincil aromatik aminler testi geçemedi. Adhezyon artırma mekanizmasının açıklanması için, toluen (SMC’nin hodrofobik kısmını temsil eden) ve tereftalaldehit (SMC’nin polar di-ester kısmını temsil eden) ile yüzey modifiye edici bileşiklerin T1 durulma süreleri ölçüldü. Bu araştırmanın sunucunda, SMC’lerin boyama ön işlemlerinde endüstriyel olarak uygulanan yöntemlerin dezavantajlarını önlemeye hizmet edecekleri ortaya kondu.
In this work series of aromatic amines, benzylidenemalononitriles and fulvenes were screened for their efficiencies as adhesion promotors for sheet molding compound (SMC) surfaces. The compounds from the aromatic amine series were commercially available while the others were prepared according to appropriate methods developed in our laboratory. The compounds were loaded on to the hydrophobic SMC surfaces and the surface characteristics changes were measured first by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. To assess the efficiencies of the compounds used as surface adhesion promotors water droplet contact angle (WCAs) measurements were performed. The surfaces painted according to standard procedures used in industry were subjected to cross-cut tests. 91% of the secondary amines, 50 % of the benzylidenemalononitrile and 90% of the fulvene series tested were found to be excellent surface adhesion enhancers of fiberglass surfaces. The primary aromatic amines failed the test. To elucidate the mechanism of adhesion enhancement spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) measurements for representative compounds in contact with toluene (representing the hydrophobic part of SMC) and therephtalaldehyde (representing the polar di-ester part of SMC) were performed. Thus the results of this investigation will serve to avert the disadvantages of the industrially applied methods for pre-painting surface treatments of SMCs.
In this work series of aromatic amines, benzylidenemalononitriles and fulvenes were screened for their efficiencies as adhesion promotors for sheet molding compound (SMC) surfaces. The compounds from the aromatic amine series were commercially available while the others were prepared according to appropriate methods developed in our laboratory. The compounds were loaded on to the hydrophobic SMC surfaces and the surface characteristics changes were measured first by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. To assess the efficiencies of the compounds used as surface adhesion promotors water droplet contact angle (WCAs) measurements were performed. The surfaces painted according to standard procedures used in industry were subjected to cross-cut tests. 91% of the secondary amines, 50 % of the benzylidenemalononitrile and 90% of the fulvene series tested were found to be excellent surface adhesion enhancers of fiberglass surfaces. The primary aromatic amines failed the test. To elucidate the mechanism of adhesion enhancement spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) measurements for representative compounds in contact with toluene (representing the hydrophobic part of SMC) and therephtalaldehyde (representing the polar di-ester part of SMC) were performed. Thus the results of this investigation will serve to avert the disadvantages of the industrially applied methods for pre-painting surface treatments of SMCs.
Malononitril, Fiberglass, Cam elyaf, Yüzey modifikasyonu, Yüzey tutunma promotorı, Aromatik aminler, Fulven, Aromatic amines, Surface modification, Surface adhesion promotors, Malononitrile, Fulvene, SMC
Tez, A. (2019). Bazı knoevenagel reaksiyon ürünlerinin eldesi ve hazır kalıplama bileşenlerinin (smc) yüzey gerilimleri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.