Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu liselerinde tarım bölümünü seçen öğrencilerin beklentilerinin değerlendirilmesi üzerine bir araştırma: Bursa ili örneği
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Verimi yüksek, yoğun ve başarılı bir ekonominin altyapısını oluşturan en önemli unsurlardan biri donanımlı, gelişime açık, başarılı ve yaratıcı iş gücü ile olacağı bilinmektedir. Bunun yolu da en ince ayrıntısına kadar düşünülüp planlanmış mesleki formasyondan geçmektedir. Kişiye seçeceği meslek dalıyla alakalı tarım, sanat, teknik, otomotiv, endüstri sanayisi gibi bilgi, beceri ve kabiliyeti kazandırmak, seçtiği dalda kendini geliştirmeyi planlamak, mesleki ve teknik eğitimin ana yapı taşını oluşturmaktadır. Mesleki eğitim bireylerin kişisel gelişimi, mesleki yeterlilik ve toplumda yer edinmesi için önemli bir geçiş kapısıdır. Mesleki ve teknik liselerinin kuruluş amacına yönelik olarak; ülkenin ve bulunduğu yörenin değişen şartlarına uyum sağlayabilen, problemle karşılaştığı zaman analitik düşünebilen, analiz edip doğru çözümler bulan, sorumluluk alabilecek mesleki donanıma sahip, iyi düzeyde iletişim kurabilen takım çalışmalarına uyumlu, seçmiş olduğu branşta yenilikleri takip eden, donanımlı ve vasıflı ara eleman yetiştirmektir. Bu araştırma meslek liselerinde tarım bölümünü tercih eden öğrencilerin demografik yapısını, öğrencinin sahip olduğu demografik yapının okula karşı tutumlarını ne düzeyde etkilediği, Türk eğitim sisteminde tarım meslek liselerinin bulunduğu konumu değerlendirilmesi, nitelikli eleman olarak kendilerini geliştirmeleri için imkânların sağlanma durumlarını ve öğrencilerin meslek seçimi yeterliliğinin ne düzeyde olduğunun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu hedef doğrultusunda 113 öğrenciye anket uygulanmıştır. Anket sonucunda edindiğimiz veriler tanımlayıcı istatistik ve Ki-kare hipotez yöntemleri kullanılarak yorumlanmıştır. Tarım bölümünü seçen öğrencilerin tutumları irdelenerek ortaya çıkan durumlar sonuç bölümünde belirtilmiştir.
It is known that with a well-equipped, open to development, successful and creative workforce, which is one of the most important elements that constitute the infrastructure of a highly productive, dense, and successful economy. The way to this is through a professional formation that has been thought out and planned to the smallest detail. Gaining knowledge, skills, and abilities such as agriculture, art, technique, automotive, industrial industry related to the profession he will choose, planning to develop himself in the chosen branch constitute the main building block of vocational and technical education. Vocational education is an important gateway for the personal development of individuals, their professional competence, and their place in society. For the purpose of establishment of vocational and technical high schools; To train well-equipped and qualified intermediate staff who can adapt to the changing conditions of the country and the region where they are located, who can think analytically when faced with problems, who analyze and find the right solutions, who can take responsibility, have professional equipment, can communicate at a good level, are compatible with teamwork, follow the innovations in their chosen branch. In this study, it was aimed to determine to what extent the demographic structure and demographic structure of the individuals who prefer the agriculture department in vocational high schools affect their attitudes towards school, to evaluate the position of agricultural vocational high schools in the Turkish education system, to determine the level of the students' vocational choice competence and the provision of opportunities for them to develop themselves as qualified personnel. In line with this goal, a questionnaire was applied to 113 students. The data we obtained as a result of the survey were interpreted using descriptive statistics and Chi-square hypothesis methods. The attitudes of the students who chose the agriculture department were examined and the situations that emerged were stated in the conclusion section.
It is known that with a well-equipped, open to development, successful and creative workforce, which is one of the most important elements that constitute the infrastructure of a highly productive, dense, and successful economy. The way to this is through a professional formation that has been thought out and planned to the smallest detail. Gaining knowledge, skills, and abilities such as agriculture, art, technique, automotive, industrial industry related to the profession he will choose, planning to develop himself in the chosen branch constitute the main building block of vocational and technical education. Vocational education is an important gateway for the personal development of individuals, their professional competence, and their place in society. For the purpose of establishment of vocational and technical high schools; To train well-equipped and qualified intermediate staff who can adapt to the changing conditions of the country and the region where they are located, who can think analytically when faced with problems, who analyze and find the right solutions, who can take responsibility, have professional equipment, can communicate at a good level, are compatible with teamwork, follow the innovations in their chosen branch. In this study, it was aimed to determine to what extent the demographic structure and demographic structure of the individuals who prefer the agriculture department in vocational high schools affect their attitudes towards school, to evaluate the position of agricultural vocational high schools in the Turkish education system, to determine the level of the students' vocational choice competence and the provision of opportunities for them to develop themselves as qualified personnel. In line with this goal, a questionnaire was applied to 113 students. The data we obtained as a result of the survey were interpreted using descriptive statistics and Chi-square hypothesis methods. The attitudes of the students who chose the agriculture department were examined and the situations that emerged were stated in the conclusion section.
Tarım, Tarımsal proje, Mesleki ve teknik liseler, Tarımsal faaliyetler, Agriculture, Agricultural project, Vocational and technical high schools
Kiremitçi, V. (2023). Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu liselerinde tarım bölümünü seçen öğrencilerin beklentilerinin değerlendirilmesi üzerine bir araştırma: Bursa ili örneği. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.