Diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases in hematological malignancies: A critical review of evidence and turkish expert opinion (teo-2)


One of the most problematic issues in hematological malignancies is the diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases. Especially, the difficulty of mycological diagnosis and the necessity of immediate intervention in molds have led to the adoption of "surrogate markers" that do not verify but rather strongly suggest fungal infection. The markers commonly used are galactomannan (GM), beta-glucan, and imaging methods. Although there are numerous studies on these diagnostic approaches, none of these markers serve as a support for the clinician, as is the case in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections. This paper has been prepared to explain the diagnostic tests. As molecular tests have not been standardized and are not used routinely in the clinics, they will not be mentioned here.



Diagnosis, Serology, Imaging, Invasive fungal infection, Beta-d-glucan, Infections, Galactomannan enzyme-immunoassay, Immunocompromised patients, Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, Blood culture, Linked-immunosorbent-assay, Pulmonary aspergillosis, Joint clinical guidelines, 3. european conference, Hematology


Akdağlı, S. A. vd. (2014). "Diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases in hematological malignancies: A critical review of evidence and turkish expert opinion (teo-2)". Türk Hematoloji Dergisi, 31(4), 342-356.
