Katı-faz ekstraksiyon ve gaz kromatografik metotlarla gıda örneklerinde pestisit analizleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sebze ve meyvelerdeki pestisit kalıntı düzeylerinin belirlenmesi, pestisitlerin canlı sağlığına ve çevreye olan zararlı etkileri nedeniyle oldukça önemlidir. Bu amaçla, kiraz ve biber örneklerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan organofosforlu pestisit kalıntı düzeylerinin saptanmasına yönelik yeni bir katı-faz ekstraksiyon yöntemi geliştirilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Pestisitlerin tayini gaz kromatografisi tekniği ile FPD ve NPD kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve doğrulama çalışmaları GC-MS ile yapılmıştır. Standart örnek hazırlama metodu geliştirilmesi yönünde yapılan iyileştirme çalışmalarında; aseton yerine etil asetat, PSA yerine C-18 ve NH2 kolonlarının kullanımı ile önerilen metot başarıyla uygulanmıştır. İlaçsız kiraz ve biber örneklerinde geri kazanım çalışmaları ile diazinon, chlorpyrifos-methyl, parathion-methyl ve chlorpyrifos-ethyl kalıntı düzeylerinin tespiti gerçekleştirilmiştir. Standart metot olan Luke metodunda 10 ve 250 µg/kg konsantrasyondaki diazinon için sırasıyla % 74 ve % 84, chlorpyrifos-methyl için % 73 ve % 84, parathion-methyl için % 72 ve % 84 ve chlorpyrifos-ethyl için % 73 ve % 81 ortalama geri kazanım değerleri elde edilmiştir. Geliştirilen otomatik katı-faz ekstraksiyon C-18 metodunda 10 ve 250 µg/kg konsantrasyonda elde edilen ortalama geri kazanım değerleri ise diazinon için sırasıyla % 86 ve % 96, chlorpyrifos-methyl için % 85 ve % 96, parathion-methyl için % 85 ve % 96 ve chlorpyrifos-ethyl için % 86 ve % 96 olmuştur. Ortalama bağıl standart sapma değerleri Luke metodunda % 8’den büyük, otomatik katı-faz ekstraksiyon C-18 metodunda ise % 8’den küçük olarak bulunmuştur. Luke metodunda elde edilen LOQ değerleri diazinon için 6,8 µg/kg, chlorpyrifos-methyl için 7,0 µg/kg, parathion-methyl için 7,1 µg/kg ve chlorpyrifosethyl için 6,8 µg/kg olmuştur. Otomatik katı-faz ekstraksiyon C-18 metodunda diazinon için 3,1 µg/kg, chlorpyrifos-methyl için 3,3 µg/kg, parathion-methyl için 3,1 µg/kg ve chlorpyrifos-ethyl için 3,2 µg/kg LOQ değerleri bulunmuştur. Geliştirilen otomatik katıfaz ekstraksiyon C-18 analitik metodunun belirsizliği ortalama % 10 olarak elde edilmiştir.
Determination of pesticide levels is quite important due to their effect on health and environment in fruit and vegetables. In this research, a new method of solid-phase extraction has been established for organaphosphorus pesticide residues in cherry and pepper. Pesticide determination was carried out with GC-FPD, GC-NPD and confirmation was done by using GC-MS. During the standard sample preparation, instead of acetone, ethyl acetate was used. In same way PSA was replace by C-18 and NH2 columns. Recovery studies have lead to determination of diazinon, chlorpyrifos-methyl, parathion-methyl and chlorpyrifos-ethyl residue levels with blank pepper and cherry samples. With Luke which is standard method for the concentration of 10 µg/kg and 250 µg/kg diazinon, average recovery was 74% and 84%, respectively. Recovery was also found 73% and 84% for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 72% and 84% for parathion-methyl and 73% and 81% for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, respectively with using the Luke method. Furthermore by using developed C-18 automated solid-phase extraction, for 10 µg/kg and 250 µg/kg concentrations recovery value were found 86% and 96% for diazinon, 85% and 96% for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 85% and 96% for parathion-methyl and finally 86% and 96% for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, respectively. Average relative standard deviation was found bigger than 8% in Luke method, and smaller than 8% in C-18 automated solid-phase extraction method. LOQ values for Luke method were 6,8 µg/kg for diazinon, 7,0 µg/kg for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 7,1 µg/kg for parathion-methyl and 6,8 µg/kg for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, respectively. LOQ values for C-18 automated solid-phase extraction method were found as follows; 3,1 µg/kg for diazinon, 3,3 µg/kg for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 3,1 µg/kg for parathion-methyl and 3,2 µg/kg for chlorpyrifosethyl, respectively. Uncertainty for the developed C-18 automated solid-phase extraction were found as 10 %.
Determination of pesticide levels is quite important due to their effect on health and environment in fruit and vegetables. In this research, a new method of solid-phase extraction has been established for organaphosphorus pesticide residues in cherry and pepper. Pesticide determination was carried out with GC-FPD, GC-NPD and confirmation was done by using GC-MS. During the standard sample preparation, instead of acetone, ethyl acetate was used. In same way PSA was replace by C-18 and NH2 columns. Recovery studies have lead to determination of diazinon, chlorpyrifos-methyl, parathion-methyl and chlorpyrifos-ethyl residue levels with blank pepper and cherry samples. With Luke which is standard method for the concentration of 10 µg/kg and 250 µg/kg diazinon, average recovery was 74% and 84%, respectively. Recovery was also found 73% and 84% for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 72% and 84% for parathion-methyl and 73% and 81% for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, respectively with using the Luke method. Furthermore by using developed C-18 automated solid-phase extraction, for 10 µg/kg and 250 µg/kg concentrations recovery value were found 86% and 96% for diazinon, 85% and 96% for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 85% and 96% for parathion-methyl and finally 86% and 96% for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, respectively. Average relative standard deviation was found bigger than 8% in Luke method, and smaller than 8% in C-18 automated solid-phase extraction method. LOQ values for Luke method were 6,8 µg/kg for diazinon, 7,0 µg/kg for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 7,1 µg/kg for parathion-methyl and 6,8 µg/kg for chlorpyrifos-ethyl, respectively. LOQ values for C-18 automated solid-phase extraction method were found as follows; 3,1 µg/kg for diazinon, 3,3 µg/kg for chlorpyrifos-methyl, 3,1 µg/kg for parathion-methyl and 3,2 µg/kg for chlorpyrifosethyl, respectively. Uncertainty for the developed C-18 automated solid-phase extraction were found as 10 %.
Pestisit, Kiraz, Biber, Katı-faz ekstraksiyon, Otomasyon, GC-FPD, GC-NPD, GC-MS, Pesticide, Cherry, Pepper, Solid-phase extraction, Automation
Altun, N. Ç. (2007). Katı-faz ekstraksiyon ve gaz kromatografik metotlarla gıda örneklerinde pestisit analizleri. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.