Klasik edeb kaynaklarında Sokrat'a nispet edilen anekdotik ve hikemi merviyyât
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Klasik Arap nevâdir eserlerinde filozof Sokrat'ın yeri çok önemlidir. Klasik edeb kaynak- laın muhtevasında yer alan Sokrat'a ait mizahi parçalar, anekdotik anlatımlar ve filolojik mahiyetteki espriler dolayısıyla mizah tarihi açısından da çok zengindir. Bu çalışmada Sokrat'a nispet edilen anekdotik ve hikemî sözlerini incelenmiştir; Sokrat'ın hayat felse- fesine dair bir takım görüşleri, hayatındaki kişiler (karısı, öğrencileri, krallar) gibi, haya- tının bilinmeyen bazı yönleri, karısıyla arasında geçen kimi diyalog ve polemiklerden, ev haline dair bazı rivayetlerin satır aralarından, keza dost ve öğrencileriyle münasebetlerin- den bahsedilmiştir. Ayrıca Sokrat'a nispet edilen özlü sözlerden hikemiyâtı bazı veciz, tema itibariyle çarpıcı, üslup bakımından da sanatlı olan nitelikli bazı örneklere(hak, ha- kikat,zülüm, bilgi, cehalet,akıl,düşünce, soyluluk, kötülük,) gibi ve pratik hayatın tecrü- besinden doğan bilgece yaklaşımlarına da yer verilmiştir.
The place of the philosopher Socrates is very important in the classical Arabic works of Nawadir. Humorous pieces belonging to Socrates, which are included in the content of classical literary sources, are also very rich in terms of humor history due to anecdotal expressions and philological jokes. In this study, the anecdotal and hikemi words attribu- ted to Socrates were examined; Some of Socrates' views on his philosophy of life, some unknown aspects of his life such as the people in his life (wife, students, kings), some dialogues and polemics between him and his wife, between the lines of some rumors about his home life, as well as his relations with his friends and students are mentioned. In addition, from the aphorisms attributed to Socrates, there are some examples (right, truth, oppression, knowledge, ignorance, reason, thought, nobility, evil) that are succinct in wisdom, striking in theme and artistic in style, and arising from the experience of prac- tical life. wise approaches are also included.
The place of the philosopher Socrates is very important in the classical Arabic works of Nawadir. Humorous pieces belonging to Socrates, which are included in the content of classical literary sources, are also very rich in terms of humor history due to anecdotal expressions and philological jokes. In this study, the anecdotal and hikemi words attribu- ted to Socrates were examined; Some of Socrates' views on his philosophy of life, some unknown aspects of his life such as the people in his life (wife, students, kings), some dialogues and polemics between him and his wife, between the lines of some rumors about his home life, as well as his relations with his friends and students are mentioned. In addition, from the aphorisms attributed to Socrates, there are some examples (right, truth, oppression, knowledge, ignorance, reason, thought, nobility, evil) that are succinct in wisdom, striking in theme and artistic in style, and arising from the experience of prac- tical life. wise approaches are also included.
Yunan filozofları, Grek filozofları, Arap edebiyatı, Mizah, Anekdot, Hikmet, Greek philosophers, Arabic literature, Anecdote, Humor, Sayings
Alioğlu, B. (2022). Klasik edeb kaynaklarında Sokrat'a nispet edilen anekdotik ve hikemi merviyyât. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.