Analytical information on the asphaltenes from a few standard characterization techniques

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Taylor & Francis


The asphaltene has been obtained from asphalt cement with penetration grade 60, which is extracted from crude Libya petroleum. The elemental composition and some structural properties of the asphaltene samples are determined by various methods, such as SEM, infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray analysis. Some experiments are performed on (1)H dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in a number of asphaltene suspensions in organic solvents. The frequency dependence of the DNP enhancement under conditions of weak EPR saturation in a low magnetic field is obtained and interpreted as the EPR line shape of some free radicals present in the samples.



Energy & fuels, Engineering, Environmental sciences & ecology, Asphaltene, Dynamic nuclear polarization, Electron double-resonance, Spectroscopy, Suspensions, Crude oil, Free radicals, Infrared spectroscopy, Magnetic fields, Organic solvents, Spin polarization, Structural properties, Asphalt cements, Characterization techniques, Dynamic nuclear polarization, Elemental compositions, EPR, Frequency dependence, FTIR, Line shape, Low magnetic fields, SEM, Asphaltenes


Peksöz, A. vd. (2011). "Analytical information on the asphaltenes from a few standard characterization techniques". Energy Sources, Part A-Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 33(15), 1474-1481.