Güney Marmara bölgesinde hindi ve tavuklarda Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infeksiyonu üzerinde bakteriyolojik ve serolojik çalışmalar
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, Güney Marmara Bölgesi'nde hindi ve tavukların Ornithobacterinm rhinotracheale infeksiyonu belirlendi. Solunum sistemi hastalık belirtileri gösteren besi hindi ve tavuklardan klinik örnekler (513 tracheal svab, 138 lezyonlu hava kesesi svabı, 121 akciğer örneği) ve (821 adet) serum örnekleri toplandı. Klinik örneklerden 16 (%2.07) O. rhinotracheaîe susu izole ve identifiye edildi. 11 suş serotip A olarak serotipîendirilirken, 4 suş serotip B, 1 suş serotip C olarak serotçsi belirlendi. İzole edilen 16 susun hepsi Üremeleri ve biyokimyasal karakterleri yönünden standart suşlarla aynı özelliklere sahipti O.rhinotracheale infeksiyonunun seroprevaiansı ticari bîr ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) ile belirlendi. İncelenen 821 serum örneğinin 440'ı (%53.59) O.rhinotracheale antikorları yönünden pozitif saptandı. O rhinotracheaîe izoîatkrı amoksisilin/klavulonik asite, tetrasikline, kanamisine, eritromisine, ampisilin/suîbaktam'a%100.0} enrofloksasine %87.50, neomisine %56.25, ampisiline %50.OO, sulfemethoksarol/tıinethoprime %43.75 duyarh bulundu. Suşlarm tümü gentamisine dirençlilik gösterdi.
In this study, Ornithohacterium rhinotracheale infection of turkeys and chickens in the Southern Marmara Region was detected. Clinical samples (513 tracheal swabs, 138 swabs from airsacs with lesion and 121 lung samples) and (821) serum samples were collected from meat turkey and chickens having respiratory problems. Sixteen (2.07%) O. rhinotracheale strains were isolated and identified from the clinical samples. Eleven strains were serotyped as serotype A while four strains as serotype B and one as serotype C. All of the 16 isolated strains had the same growth and biochemical characteristics with those of the standard O.rhinotracheale strains. Seroprevalence of O.rhinotracheale infection was determined by a commercial ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). O.rhinotracheale antibodies were detected in 440 (53.59%) of the 821 sera. Sensitivity to antibiotics of the isolates to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, tetracycline, kanamycin, ampicillin/sulbactam 100.0%, to erythromycin 93.75%, to enrofloxacin §7.50%, to neomycin 56.25%, to ampicillin 50.00%, to sidphamethoxazole/trimethoprim 43.75% were found. All of the strains showed resistancy to gentamicin.
In this study, Ornithohacterium rhinotracheale infection of turkeys and chickens in the Southern Marmara Region was detected. Clinical samples (513 tracheal swabs, 138 swabs from airsacs with lesion and 121 lung samples) and (821) serum samples were collected from meat turkey and chickens having respiratory problems. Sixteen (2.07%) O. rhinotracheale strains were isolated and identified from the clinical samples. Eleven strains were serotyped as serotype A while four strains as serotype B and one as serotype C. All of the 16 isolated strains had the same growth and biochemical characteristics with those of the standard O.rhinotracheale strains. Seroprevalence of O.rhinotracheale infection was determined by a commercial ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). O.rhinotracheale antibodies were detected in 440 (53.59%) of the 821 sera. Sensitivity to antibiotics of the isolates to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, tetracycline, kanamycin, ampicillin/sulbactam 100.0%, to erythromycin 93.75%, to enrofloxacin §7.50%, to neomycin 56.25%, to ampicillin 50.00%, to sidphamethoxazole/trimethoprim 43.75% were found. All of the strains showed resistancy to gentamicin.
Orhinotracheale, Tavuk, Hindi, Serotip, Chicken, Turkey, Serotype
Aşyemez, A. Ü. (2004). Güney Marmara bölgesinde hindi ve tavuklarda Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infeksiyonu üzerinde bakteriyolojik ve serolojik çalışmalar. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.