Bazı organik gıdalara uygulanan karbondioksit basıncının mikroflora üzerine etkisinin araştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Günümüzde insanlığın en önde gelen sorunlarından biri yeterli ve sağlıklı beslenmedir. Yeterli beslenmede gereksinimi karşılamak amacıyla geliştirilen teknik ve teknolojiler, sağlıklı beslenmeyi tehdit etmeye başlamıştır. Bunun sonucu olarak gıda hammaddeleri üretiminde kimyasal gübre, ilaç ve kalıtsal değişime uğratılmış damızlık ve tohum kullanımı yerine, yeni tekniklerin uygulanması gündeme gelmiş ve böylece ekolojik ürünlere geçiş sağlanmıştır. Sağlık yönünden beklentilerin giderek arttığı ekolojik ürünlerde önemli bir konu da, bunların mikrobiyolojik özelliklerinin de uygun olmasıdır. Bu durumu dikkate alarak ülkemizde üretilen ve önemli ölçüde dış ülkelere pazarlanan kuru gıdaların mikrobiyolojik durumlarını belirlemek; ekolojik ürünlere, zararlılara karşı kimyasal fümigasyon yerine basınçlı CO2 uygulamasından, mikrofloranın etkilenip etkilenmediğini saptamak amacıyla bu tez çalışmasının yapılması yararlı görülmüştür. Araştırmanın amacına uygun olarak ihracatçı bir firmadan yurt dışına satılan, CO2 uygulanmış veya uygulamasız armut, elma, erik, kayısı, incir, üzüm, vişne kakları ile nohut, mercimek ve bulgur örnekleri materyal olarak alınmıştır. Değişik tarihlerde, CO2 uygulamasız tanık örnekler, 10, 15 ve 20 bar CO2 uygulanmış olarak 140 örnekle üç tekerrürlü olarak çalışılmıştır. Örneklerde toplam mezofîl bakteri, toplam termofîl bakteri, küf, maya ve koliform bakteri sayımları yapılarak, sonuçlar istatistiki olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma materyali kuru gıda maddelerinin toplam mezofîl bakteri sayısı ürün çeşidine göre değişim gösterdiği gibi, bazı örneklerde CO2 uygulaması ile de değişmiştir. Herhangi bir CO2 uygulaması yapılmayan tanık örneklerin toplam mezofîl bakteri yükü <1 0-1.5x1 08 kob/100g arasında değişmiştir. Örneklerin toplam termofîl bakteri yükleri de örnek çeşidi ve CO2 uygulamasına göre <10- 4.8xl07 kob/100g arasında değişmiştir. Ekolojik kuru gıdaların küf yükleri <10- 6.2xl06 kob/100g arasında değişmekle birlikte genelde düşük sayılabilecek düzeyde olduğu ve CO2 uygulaması ile azalma gösterdiği söylenebilir.
One of the foremost problems of today's human beings is adequate and healthy nourishment. Techniques and technology developed in order to meet the needs of adequate nourishment has begun to threaten healthy nourishment. Due to this result, in the production of chemical fertilizers, medicine and ferment which have suffered a hereditary change and seeds new techniques became a current issue and this way a transition to ecological products was ensured. Another important subject in point of health is the increasing need of ecological products is that the microbiological characters are appropriate. By taking notice of this, products that are produced in our country and important measures of dried food, that are marketed to countries abroad we must determine the microbiological way of contamination; instead of fumigation against dangerous chemicals to use pressured CO2 for ecological products is the reason for working on this thesis to find out whether microflora is effected or not. As an appropriate objective for this research pear, apple, plum, apricot, fig, grape, black cherry, dried fruits and chick pea, lentil and bulgur samples that were applied and not applied CO2 were taken as materials from an export firm that sold them abroad. At different dates, not applied CO2 witness samples, 10, 15 and 20 bar applied CO2 were worked on with 140 samples with three recurrences. In the samples a total of mezophil bacterias, total thermophil bacterias, mould, yeast and choliform bacteria counts were done and the results were evaluated according to the statistics. Research materials dried food matters total mezophil bacteria counts according to the variety showed difference, some samples used with CO2 had changed also. Any of the witness samples that were not applied CO2 totaled mezophil bacteria charges changed between <10-1.5xl08 kob/100g. According to the samples total thermophil bacteria charges and variety of samples and CO2 application is changed between <10-4.8xl07 kob/100g. Ecological dried foods mould charges changed between <10-6.2xl06 and showed that in general had low levels and with the application of CO2 also showed decrease can be said.
One of the foremost problems of today's human beings is adequate and healthy nourishment. Techniques and technology developed in order to meet the needs of adequate nourishment has begun to threaten healthy nourishment. Due to this result, in the production of chemical fertilizers, medicine and ferment which have suffered a hereditary change and seeds new techniques became a current issue and this way a transition to ecological products was ensured. Another important subject in point of health is the increasing need of ecological products is that the microbiological characters are appropriate. By taking notice of this, products that are produced in our country and important measures of dried food, that are marketed to countries abroad we must determine the microbiological way of contamination; instead of fumigation against dangerous chemicals to use pressured CO2 for ecological products is the reason for working on this thesis to find out whether microflora is effected or not. As an appropriate objective for this research pear, apple, plum, apricot, fig, grape, black cherry, dried fruits and chick pea, lentil and bulgur samples that were applied and not applied CO2 were taken as materials from an export firm that sold them abroad. At different dates, not applied CO2 witness samples, 10, 15 and 20 bar applied CO2 were worked on with 140 samples with three recurrences. In the samples a total of mezophil bacterias, total thermophil bacterias, mould, yeast and choliform bacteria counts were done and the results were evaluated according to the statistics. Research materials dried food matters total mezophil bacteria counts according to the variety showed difference, some samples used with CO2 had changed also. Any of the witness samples that were not applied CO2 totaled mezophil bacteria charges changed between <10-1.5xl08 kob/100g. According to the samples total thermophil bacteria charges and variety of samples and CO2 application is changed between <10-4.8xl07 kob/100g. Ecological dried foods mould charges changed between <10-6.2xl06 and showed that in general had low levels and with the application of CO2 also showed decrease can be said.
Ekolojik ürün, Mikroflora, CO2-uygulaması, Ecological product, Microflora, Applied CO2
Kaya, D. (2003). Bazı organik gıdalara uygulanan karbondioksit basıncının mikroflora üzerine etkisinin araştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.