Obez hastalarda uygulanan total diz protezinin klinik sonuçları
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Total diz protezi, obez hastalara uygulandığında klinik ve fonksiyonel sonuçları çok iyi olmamaktadır. Biz, bu çalışmada, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) kullanılarak obez olarak belirlediğimiz hastaların total diz protezi sonuçlarını, obez olmayanların sonuçları ile ve normal, fazla kilolu, obez ve morbid obezlerin kendi aralarında olan sonuçlarını karşılaştırmayı planladık. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Sağlık Uygulama Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniğinde Ocak 2007-Ocak 2013 tarihleri arasında TDP(total diz protezi) ameliyatı olmuş, 112 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bunlardan, romatoid artrit (RA), sistemik lupus eritematozus (SLE) gibi romatolojik hastalığı olanlar, travma nedeniyle dizinde sekonder artrit gelişmiş olanlar, kısıtlayıcı diz protezi yapılanlar, hemofili, kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) gibi ek hastalığı olanlar, dizinde valgus dizilim bozukluğu olan hastalar ve ameliyat alanında derin enfeksiyonlu hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldılar. Kalan 75 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bu hastaların 14 (%18,6)'ü erkek, 61 (%81,3)'i kadındı ve yaşları 26 ile 85 arasında değişmekteydi (ortalama 66,09±9,6). Ortalama takip süremiz 36,2±4,2 ay oldu. Hastalarımızın boyları 143 cm ile 177 cm arasında dağılım göstermekteydi (ortalama 158,2±7,3 cm). Ağırlıkları 56 kg ile 114 kg arasında dağılmaktaydı (ortalama 80,8±12,03 kg). Ortalama VKİ 32,3±5,003 kg/m2 olarak bulundu. Yirmi sekiz (%37,3) hastanın sağ dizine, 25 (%33,3) hastanın sol dizine ve 22 (%29,3) hastanın da her iki dizine total diz protezi uygulandı. Hastaların ameliyat öncesi ve ameliyat sonrası Oksford diz skorlaması (ODS), eklem hareket açıklıkları (EHA), anatomik aks açıları, gelişen komplikasyonlar ve vizüel analog skala (VAS) skorları değerlendirildi. Ameliyat öncesi 31,9±3,1 olan ODS ortalaması, ameliyat sonrası 40,8±4,7 olarak bulundu. Ameliyat öncesi 8,72±1,007 olan VAS skoru ortalaması, ameliyat sonrası 1,1±0,9 olarak bulundu. Hastalarımızda toplamda dokuz adet komplikasyon geliştiği görüldü ve ameliyat sonrası yaşadıkları durumlar göz önüne alındığında, 9 (%12) hastada derin ven trombozu (DVT), 10 (%13,3) hastada enfeksiyon, 7 (%9,3) hastada artrofibrozis, 6 (%8) hastada idrar yolu enfeksiyonu (İYE) ve 1 (%1,3) hastada yoğun bakım ünitesi (YBÜ) gerektirecek hipovolemi bulguları saptandı. 25 (%33,3) hastada ameliyat sonrası, yatağında kan transfüzyonuna ihtiyaç duyuldu. 8 (%10,6) hastanın 3'üne enfeksiyon nedeniyle, 1'ine periprostetik kırık ve 1'ine de artrofibrozis nedeniyle tekrar ameliyat uygulandı. 4 (%5,3) hastanın ameliyat sonrası 7-10 gün içerisinde yara yerlerinde açılma olduğu görüldü. 3 (%4) hastada miyokard infarktüsü ve 6 (%8) hastada da ameliyat sonrası ileus geliştiği görüldü. Bu sonuçlar neticesinde; normal, fazla kilolu, obez ve morbid obez olarak alt gruplara ayırdığımız hastalarımızın çoğunun obez gruptan oluştuğunu gördük. Ameliyat sonrası ODS, VAS skorlarında ve anatomik aks açılarında non-obez gruba göre bu grubun fonksiyonel sonuçları daha kötü olarak saptandı. Non-obez grupta EHA'nın obez gruba göre daha iyi olduğu gözlendi. En sık rastlanan komplikasyon enfeksiyon oldu.
Outcomes following the total knee arthroplasty are not generally accepted as so satisfying. In this study we evaluated the results of the total knee artrhoplasty procedure on the patients who identified as obese according to their body mass indexes and compared the results among the subgroups including normal, overweighted, obese and morbidly obese. 112 patients of total knee arthroplasty were retrospectively evaluated who operated on at Uludag University Medical Faculty of Education and Research Hospital in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, between January 2007-January 2013. Of these following patients were excluded from study: rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), trauma due to seconder knee arthritis, constrained knee prosthesis, hemophilia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as additional disease and deep infection patients. Seventy five patients were studied retrospectively and 14 of them (18,6%) were male and 61 (81,3%) were female. The ages of the patients were changed between 26 and 85 (mean 66,09±9,6). Mean follow up time was as found as 36,2±4,2 months. The mean height of the patients was 158,2±7,3 cm and it changed between 143 cm and 177 cm. In the same way the average weight of the patients was 80,8±12,03 kg, it changed between 56 kg and 114 kg. The procedure was done on the right knee in 28 patient's (37,3%) , on the left knee in 25 patient's (33,3%), and bilaterally in 22 patient's (29,3%). Preoperative and postoperative OKS (The Oxford knee scoring), ROM (range of motion), anatomical axle angles, complications and VAS (visual analogue pain scoring) scores were evaluated. The average OKS values were 31,9±3,1 preoperatively and 40,8±4,7 postoperatively. The average VAS score values were measured as 8,72±1,007 preoperatively, 1,1±0,9 postoperatively. Totaly nine complications were found to the patients and when the patients were evaluated postoperatively following compications were found: 9 patients (12%) with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 10 patients (13,3%) with infection, 7 patients (9,3%) with arthrofibrosis, 6 patients (8%) with urinery truct infection (UTI) and 1 patient (1,3%) requiring intensive care unit (ICU) with anemia. 25 of the patients (33,3%) were required a blood transfusion at their bed postoperatively. Reoperations were done due to infection in 3 patients, periprostetic fracture in 1 patient and arthrofibrosis in again 1 patient. A dehiscense was observed in 4 patients (5,3%) in 7-10 days postoperatively. Myocard infarction was seen in 3 (4%) patients and postoperative ileus was found in 6 patients (8%). We understood that most of the patient's were coming from the obese group when the patients were divided into normal, overweighted, obese and morbidly obese subgroups. The values of OKS, VAS and anatomical axle angles of the obese group were found as worse than the non-obese group. The value of ROM in non-obese group were measured better than obese group. The most commonly observed complication was infection.
Outcomes following the total knee arthroplasty are not generally accepted as so satisfying. In this study we evaluated the results of the total knee artrhoplasty procedure on the patients who identified as obese according to their body mass indexes and compared the results among the subgroups including normal, overweighted, obese and morbidly obese. 112 patients of total knee arthroplasty were retrospectively evaluated who operated on at Uludag University Medical Faculty of Education and Research Hospital in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, between January 2007-January 2013. Of these following patients were excluded from study: rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), trauma due to seconder knee arthritis, constrained knee prosthesis, hemophilia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as additional disease and deep infection patients. Seventy five patients were studied retrospectively and 14 of them (18,6%) were male and 61 (81,3%) were female. The ages of the patients were changed between 26 and 85 (mean 66,09±9,6). Mean follow up time was as found as 36,2±4,2 months. The mean height of the patients was 158,2±7,3 cm and it changed between 143 cm and 177 cm. In the same way the average weight of the patients was 80,8±12,03 kg, it changed between 56 kg and 114 kg. The procedure was done on the right knee in 28 patient's (37,3%) , on the left knee in 25 patient's (33,3%), and bilaterally in 22 patient's (29,3%). Preoperative and postoperative OKS (The Oxford knee scoring), ROM (range of motion), anatomical axle angles, complications and VAS (visual analogue pain scoring) scores were evaluated. The average OKS values were 31,9±3,1 preoperatively and 40,8±4,7 postoperatively. The average VAS score values were measured as 8,72±1,007 preoperatively, 1,1±0,9 postoperatively. Totaly nine complications were found to the patients and when the patients were evaluated postoperatively following compications were found: 9 patients (12%) with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 10 patients (13,3%) with infection, 7 patients (9,3%) with arthrofibrosis, 6 patients (8%) with urinery truct infection (UTI) and 1 patient (1,3%) requiring intensive care unit (ICU) with anemia. 25 of the patients (33,3%) were required a blood transfusion at their bed postoperatively. Reoperations were done due to infection in 3 patients, periprostetic fracture in 1 patient and arthrofibrosis in again 1 patient. A dehiscense was observed in 4 patients (5,3%) in 7-10 days postoperatively. Myocard infarction was seen in 3 (4%) patients and postoperative ileus was found in 6 patients (8%). We understood that most of the patient's were coming from the obese group when the patients were divided into normal, overweighted, obese and morbidly obese subgroups. The values of OKS, VAS and anatomical axle angles of the obese group were found as worse than the non-obese group. The value of ROM in non-obese group were measured better than obese group. The most commonly observed complication was infection.
Obezite, TDP (total diz protezi), Komplikasyon, Osteoartrit, Obesity, TKA (total knee arthroplasty), Complication, Osteoarthritis
Yıldız, N. Ş. (2013). Obez hastalarda uygulanan total diz protezinin klinik sonuçları. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.