Çocukluk kataraktında ikincil göz içi lens yerleştirilmesi ve sonuçları
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu girişimsel olgu serisinde Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı'nda, Ocak 2005 ile Eylül 2015 tarihleri arasında, 2 yaş altında doğumsal katarakt nedeniyle lens aspirasyonu yapılarak afak bırakılan ve 2 yaşından sonra, ikincil cerrahi ile arka kamaraya göz içi lens (GİL) yerleştirilen 42 hastanın 59 gözü, klinik özellikler, cerrahi öncesi ve sonrası en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinlikleri (EİDGK), kırma kusurları ve cerrahi tedaviye ait komplikasyonlar açısından geriye dönük olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Doğumsal katarakt tanısı konulan 29 erkek, 13 kız olgunun toplam 59 gözü çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Ortalama lens aspirasyonu yaşı 9.52±5.4 ay, ortalama GİL yerleştirilmesi yaşı 42.7±25.3 ay ve ortalama GİL gücü ise 25.2±5.4 D olarak saptanmıştır. GİL ikincil olarak 40 gözde siliyer sulkusa, 19 gözde ise kapsül içine yerleştirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda olgular lens aspirasyon cerrahisi yaşına göre doğum sonrası ilk 6 ayda opere olan ve 6-24 ay arası opere olan hastalar olarak 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Afak olgularımızda ikincil GİL yerleştirmesi sonrası EİDGK ortalaması birinci grupta 0,43±0,2 , ikinci grupta ise 0,27±0,24 olarak saptanmış olup görme keskinliğindeki fark iki grup arasında erken birincil cerrahi yapılan olgular lehine istatiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p=0,023). Ayrıca ikincil GİL yerleştirilmesi 36 ayın altında gerçekleşen hastalarla, 36 ay ve üstünde olan hastalar da 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Bu iki grupta EİDGK sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde birinci grupta ortalama 0,28±0,2 , ikinci grupta ise 0,36±0,2 olarak saptanmıştır. İki grup arasında istatistiksel anlamlı farklılık gözlenmemiştir (p=0,247). İkincil GİL yerleştirilme cerrahisi sonrası komplikasyon olarak en sık 9 (%15) olguda glokom, 6 (%10.1) olguda GİL desantralizasyonu, 3 (%5.08) olguda ise arka sineşi gelişmiştir. Sonuç olarak doğumsal kataraktlarda erken cerrahi ikincil GİL yerleştirmesi sonrası iyi görsel sonuçlar elde etmek açısından çok önemlidir.
In this interventional case series, 59 eyes of 42 patients were operated at Department of Ophthalmology of Uludag University Medical Faculty, between January 2005-September 2015. Lens aspiration was performed as the primary surgery due to childhood cataracts under 2 years of age. The subjects were left aphakic and underwent secondary intraocular lens implantation into posterior chamber after the age of 2. Retrospectively recorded data for each patient were; best corrected visual acuities (BCVA) before and after surgeries, refractive errors and complications related to surgical treatments. Total 59 eyes of 29 boys and 13 girls diagnosed with congenital cataracts were included in this study. Mean age at the time of lens aspiration was determined to be 9.52±5.4 months and mean age at the time of IOL implantation was 42.7±25.3 months. Mean IOL power was determined to be 25.2±5.4 D. IOL was implanted to ciliary sulcus in 40 eyes, and in the capsular bag in 19 eyes. In our study, subjects were evaluated in two groups. Group 1 was consisted of patients that were operated in the first 6 months and Group 2 between 6-24 months postpartum. BCVA average of aphakic subjects after secondary IOL implantation in Group 1 were defined to be 0,43±0,2, and 0,27±0,24 in Group 2, statistical difference was found between these two groups in favor of early primary surgical cases (p=0,023). Besides, subjects were grouped in two according to secondary IOL implantation time; before 36 months and after 36 and more months. BCVA of Group 1 and Group 2 were 0,28±0,2 and 0,36±0,2, respectively. No statistical difference was found between two groups (p=0,247). The most common complication after the second surgery was glaucoma in 9 (%15) patients, following with IOL decentralisation in 6 (%10.1) patients and formation of posterior synechia in 3 (%5.08) patients. Consequently, early surgery for secondary IOL implantation is very important in childhood cataracts in order to obtain good visual results.
In this interventional case series, 59 eyes of 42 patients were operated at Department of Ophthalmology of Uludag University Medical Faculty, between January 2005-September 2015. Lens aspiration was performed as the primary surgery due to childhood cataracts under 2 years of age. The subjects were left aphakic and underwent secondary intraocular lens implantation into posterior chamber after the age of 2. Retrospectively recorded data for each patient were; best corrected visual acuities (BCVA) before and after surgeries, refractive errors and complications related to surgical treatments. Total 59 eyes of 29 boys and 13 girls diagnosed with congenital cataracts were included in this study. Mean age at the time of lens aspiration was determined to be 9.52±5.4 months and mean age at the time of IOL implantation was 42.7±25.3 months. Mean IOL power was determined to be 25.2±5.4 D. IOL was implanted to ciliary sulcus in 40 eyes, and in the capsular bag in 19 eyes. In our study, subjects were evaluated in two groups. Group 1 was consisted of patients that were operated in the first 6 months and Group 2 between 6-24 months postpartum. BCVA average of aphakic subjects after secondary IOL implantation in Group 1 were defined to be 0,43±0,2, and 0,27±0,24 in Group 2, statistical difference was found between these two groups in favor of early primary surgical cases (p=0,023). Besides, subjects were grouped in two according to secondary IOL implantation time; before 36 months and after 36 and more months. BCVA of Group 1 and Group 2 were 0,28±0,2 and 0,36±0,2, respectively. No statistical difference was found between two groups (p=0,247). The most common complication after the second surgery was glaucoma in 9 (%15) patients, following with IOL decentralisation in 6 (%10.1) patients and formation of posterior synechia in 3 (%5.08) patients. Consequently, early surgery for secondary IOL implantation is very important in childhood cataracts in order to obtain good visual results.
Doğumsal katarakt, Çocukluk çağında afaki, İkincil göz içi lensi yerleştirilmesi, Conjenital cataract, Childhood aphakia, Secondary intraocular lens implantation
İncebıyık, İ. (2016). Çocukluk kataraktında ikincil göz içi lens yerleştirilmesi ve sonuçları. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.