Keman eğitimcilerimizin yöntem-teknik ve dağar ile ilgili kaynaklar açısından keman eğitimine katkılarının değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu araştırmada, keman eğitimcilerimizin keman eğitimine yönelik yöntem teknik ve dağar ile ilgili yayımlanmış olan kaynaklarına yer verilmiş; bu kaynakların nicelik açısından yeterlilikleri, keman eğitimcilerinin ve keman eğitiminde uzman kişilerin bu kaynaklara ilişkin görüşleri, keman eğitimcilerinin kaynak oluşturmaya yönelik yaklaşımları değerlendirilmiş; veriler, kaynak taraması, anket ve görüşme teknikleri yolu ile elde edilmiştir. Kaynak taramasında; konu ile ilgili kitaplar, bilimsel yazılar ve tezler incelenmiş; internet taraması da kaynak tarama kapsamında kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemle; elitim, sanat eğitimi, müzik eğitimi, çalgı eğitimi ve çalgı eğitimine yönelik yayımlanmış olan ilk kaynaklar, ülkemizde keman eğitimi ve keman eğitimine yönelik yayımlanmış olan yöntem-teknik ve dağar ile ilgili çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir. Anket çalışması; üniversitelere bağlı 15 Eğitim Fakültesi GSE Bölümü Müzik Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalında ve 6 Devlet Konservatuarı Yaylı Çalgılar Ana Sanat Dalında görev yapmakta olan keman öğretim elemanlarına uygulanmıştır. Görüşmelerde, keman eğitiminde uzman; Ali Uçan, Cihat Askın, Edip Günay, Feridun Büyükaksoy, Oktay Dalaysel ve Ömer Can’ın görüşlerine yer verilmiştir. Kaynak taraması yolu ile; keman eğitiminde kullanılmak üzere yayımlanmış kaynakları bulunan keman eğitimcilerine ve özgeçmişlerine yer verilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; keman eğitimcilerinin keman eğitimine yönelik hazırlamamamı olduğu yöntem-teknik ve dağar ile ilgili kaynakların, önemli bir birikim oluşturmakla birlikte; nicelik açısından yeterli olmadığı, ulusal ve özgün nitelikler taşıyan yeni kaynaklara gereksinim duyulduğu, bu anlamda keman eğitimcilerinin kaynak hazırlamaya olumlu yaklaşım gösterdikleri, bu yaklaşımların ise, yöntem-teknik ve dağar niteliklerini içerisinde bulunduran çalışmalar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Keman eğitimcilerimizin, keman eğitimine yönelik yayımlanmış olan kaynaklarının değerlendirilmesine ilk olarak bu çalışmada yer verilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
In this study, issued sources of violin educators are considered, which are method-technic and source books for violin education. Quantitative adequacy of these sources, opinions of violin educators and specialist of violin education about them and approaches of the violin educators for preparing new sources are evaluated in the study. Data was obtained by research on sources, technic of questionnaire and interview. In the course of searching the sources, books, scientific papers and thesis were investigated. In the scope of this research internet was used as well. Through this method, issued works on education, education of art, education of music, education of instrument and sources on the education of music were evaluated. Questionnaires were applied to the personnel specialised on violin education who recently work in the department of stringed musical instruments of 6 State Conservatory and musical education department of 15 Educational Faculty which are connected to the universities. In the interviews, opinions of specialists of violin education such as Ali Uçan, Cihat Askın, Edip Günay, Feridun Büyükaksoy, Oktay Dalaysel and Ömer Can is considered. By searching sources, violin educators which have issued works on violin education and their brief history of life are given in the study. As a result of study, it was determined that there is considerable amount of method-technic and source books for violin education which are produced by the educators of violin. However, it is observed that they are quantitatively inadequate and new national and original sources are required. This study also show that educators of violin approach positively to prepare new sources which would be works having characteristic of method- technic and source books. This study is first with regard to the issued sources of our violin educators, which are prepared for educations of violin. Proposals are developed in accordance with the findings obtained by this study.
In this study, issued sources of violin educators are considered, which are method-technic and source books for violin education. Quantitative adequacy of these sources, opinions of violin educators and specialist of violin education about them and approaches of the violin educators for preparing new sources are evaluated in the study. Data was obtained by research on sources, technic of questionnaire and interview. In the course of searching the sources, books, scientific papers and thesis were investigated. In the scope of this research internet was used as well. Through this method, issued works on education, education of art, education of music, education of instrument and sources on the education of music were evaluated. Questionnaires were applied to the personnel specialised on violin education who recently work in the department of stringed musical instruments of 6 State Conservatory and musical education department of 15 Educational Faculty which are connected to the universities. In the interviews, opinions of specialists of violin education such as Ali Uçan, Cihat Askın, Edip Günay, Feridun Büyükaksoy, Oktay Dalaysel and Ömer Can is considered. By searching sources, violin educators which have issued works on violin education and their brief history of life are given in the study. As a result of study, it was determined that there is considerable amount of method-technic and source books for violin education which are produced by the educators of violin. However, it is observed that they are quantitatively inadequate and new national and original sources are required. This study also show that educators of violin approach positively to prepare new sources which would be works having characteristic of method- technic and source books. This study is first with regard to the issued sources of our violin educators, which are prepared for educations of violin. Proposals are developed in accordance with the findings obtained by this study.
Keman eğitimi, Keman eğitimcileri, Yöntem-teknik ve dağar, Education of violin, Educators of violin, Method-technic and source books
Torlular, A. (2005). Keman eğitimcilerimizin yöntem-teknik ve dağar ile ilgili kaynaklar açısından keman eğitimine katkılarının değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.