Bursa ili ceviz bahçelerinde elma içkurdu [Cydia pomonella (L.)] ile mücadelede feromon yayıcıları, kaolin ve granulovirüs uygulamalarının etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, 2012-2013 yıllarında Bursa ili Yenişehir ilçesinde Fernor ve Chandler ceviz çeşitlerini içeren iki farklı ceviz bahçesinde yapılmıştır. Elma içkurdu [(Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae)] ile mücadelede Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı, Kaolin ve Granulovirüs uygulamalarının etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi için bahçeler ikişer dönümlük bloklara ayrılmıştır. Bu bloklar; Granulovirüs, Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı, Granulovirüs+Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı, Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı+İnsektisit, Tam Doz Kaolin, Yarım Doz Kaolin ve şahit olarak İnsektisit uygulamalarından oluşmaktadır. Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı ile muamele edilen bloklarda her ağaca 4 adet ve her biri 190 mg elma içkurdu feromonu (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadienol içeren Isomate C Plus® (Shin-Etsu, Japonya) feromon yayıcılar asılmıştır. Granulovirüs (Madex®, Andermatt Biocontrol, İsviçre) preparatı 100 ml/ha dozunda ve döl başına 3 kez olmak üzere toplam 6 kez uygulanmıştır. Tam Doz Kaolin (Surround®, BASF, Türkiye) uygulaması yılda 3 kez 100 l suya 5 kg ve Yarım Doz Kaolin uygulaması yılda 3 kez 100 l suya 2,5 kg dozunda yapılmıştır. Haftalık ergin sayımları için her bloğa iki adet delta tipi feromon tuzak asılmıştır. Çalışma yapılan ceviz bahçelerinde C. pomonella yılda 2 döl vermiştir. Tuzak başına haftalık en fazla ergin Granulovirüs uygulamasının yapıldığı bloklarda yakalanmıştır. Farklı mücadele uygulamalarının yapıldığı bloklarda meyveler incelenerek zarar oranları belirlenmiştir. Yapılan incelemelere göre 2012 ve 2013 yılında elma içkurdu larvalarının meyvedeki yüzde zarar oranları sırasıyla Granulovirüs bloğunda %3,5 ve %6,25, Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı bloğunda %1,5 ve %1, Granulovirüs+Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı bloğunda %2,15 ve %5,5, Polietilen Feromon Yayıcı+İnsektisit bloğunda %0,9 ve %1,75, Tam Doz Kaolin bloğunda %2,5 ve %1,25, Yarım Doz Kaolin bloğunda %1,1 ve %1,25, İnsektisit bloğunda ise %0,75 ve %2,25 olmuştur. Sonuç olarak, ceviz bahçelerinde elma içkurdu ile mücadelede hem fiyat yönünden hem de yüksek etkinlik göstermesi nedeniyle tek başına Polietilen Feromon Yayıcılarının uygulanması önerilmektedir.
This study was conducted in two different walnut groves containing Fernor and Chandler varieties in Yenisehir town of Bursa in 2012-2013. Each orchard was divided into 0.2 ha blocks in order to evaluate the efficacy of polyethylene pheromone dispensers, kaolin sprays and granulovirus applications for control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). These blocks were composed of the following treatments; Granulovirus alone, polyethylene pheromone dispensers alone, granulovirus + polyethylene pheromone dispensers, polyethylene pheromone dispensers plus insecticide, full-rate kaolin sprays, half-rate kaolin sprays and insecticide treatment alone as a control. In the blocks treated with pheromone dispensers (Isomate C Plus®, Shin-Etsu, Japan), 4 dispensers, containing 190 mg of codling moth pheromone (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadienol, were hung per tree. A total of 6 applications, 3 for each generation, of granulovirus formulation (Madex®, Andermatt Biocontrol, Switzerland) was made at a rate of 100 ml/ha. Full-rate kaolin sprays (Surround®, BASF, Turkey) were applied 3 times a year at a rate of 5 kg, half-rate kaolin sprays were applied 3 times a year at a rate of 2.5 kg per 100 l of water. For weekly monitoring of adults, 2 delta-type pheromone traps were hung in each block. In the surveyed walnut orchards, C. pomonella had 2 generations in a year. First adults were caught in traps on May 23 and 22 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The highest number was caught in granulovirus-treated blocks. The mean percentage damage levels of codling moth larvae for walnuts, were as follows in 2012 and 2013, respectively; %3.5 and %6.25 in granulovirus-treated blocks. %1.5 and %1 in polyethylene pheromone dispenser-treated blocks. %2.15 and %5.5 in granulovirus+polyethylene pheromone dispenser-treated blocks. %0.9 and %1.75 in polyethylene pheromone dispenser+insecticide-treated blocks. %2.5 and %1.25 in full-rate kaolin-treated blocks. %1.1 and %1.25 in half-rate kaolin-treated blocks and %0.75 and %2.25 in insecticide-treated blocks. In conclusion, the application of polyethylene pheromone dispensers alone is recommended to control codling moth in walnut orchards because of their high efficacy and economical economical price.
This study was conducted in two different walnut groves containing Fernor and Chandler varieties in Yenisehir town of Bursa in 2012-2013. Each orchard was divided into 0.2 ha blocks in order to evaluate the efficacy of polyethylene pheromone dispensers, kaolin sprays and granulovirus applications for control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). These blocks were composed of the following treatments; Granulovirus alone, polyethylene pheromone dispensers alone, granulovirus + polyethylene pheromone dispensers, polyethylene pheromone dispensers plus insecticide, full-rate kaolin sprays, half-rate kaolin sprays and insecticide treatment alone as a control. In the blocks treated with pheromone dispensers (Isomate C Plus®, Shin-Etsu, Japan), 4 dispensers, containing 190 mg of codling moth pheromone (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadienol, were hung per tree. A total of 6 applications, 3 for each generation, of granulovirus formulation (Madex®, Andermatt Biocontrol, Switzerland) was made at a rate of 100 ml/ha. Full-rate kaolin sprays (Surround®, BASF, Turkey) were applied 3 times a year at a rate of 5 kg, half-rate kaolin sprays were applied 3 times a year at a rate of 2.5 kg per 100 l of water. For weekly monitoring of adults, 2 delta-type pheromone traps were hung in each block. In the surveyed walnut orchards, C. pomonella had 2 generations in a year. First adults were caught in traps on May 23 and 22 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The highest number was caught in granulovirus-treated blocks. The mean percentage damage levels of codling moth larvae for walnuts, were as follows in 2012 and 2013, respectively; %3.5 and %6.25 in granulovirus-treated blocks. %1.5 and %1 in polyethylene pheromone dispenser-treated blocks. %2.15 and %5.5 in granulovirus+polyethylene pheromone dispenser-treated blocks. %0.9 and %1.75 in polyethylene pheromone dispenser+insecticide-treated blocks. %2.5 and %1.25 in full-rate kaolin-treated blocks. %1.1 and %1.25 in half-rate kaolin-treated blocks and %0.75 and %2.25 in insecticide-treated blocks. In conclusion, the application of polyethylene pheromone dispensers alone is recommended to control codling moth in walnut orchards because of their high efficacy and economical economical price.
Ceviz, Elma içkurdu, Cydia pomonella, Granulovirüs, Kaolin, Feromon yayıcı, Çiftleşmenin engellenmesi, Ekonomik zarar eşiği, Meyve zararı, Walnut, Codling moth, Cydia pomonella, Granulovirus, Kaolin, Pheromone dispenser, Mating disruption, Economic damage threshold, Fruit damage
Demir, P. (2014). Bursa ili ceviz bahçelerinde elma içkurdu [Cydia pomonella (L.)] ile mücadelede feromon yayıcıları, kaolin ve granulovirüs uygulamalarının etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.