Kestanenin (castanea sativa mill.) normal (na), modifiye (ma) ve kontrollü atmosferde (ka) muhafazası
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, Bursa İli Cumalıkızık Köyünde bulunan özel bir kapama üretici bahçesinden temin edilen ‘Sarıaşlama’ ve ‘Osmanoğlu’ kestane çeşitlerinde yürütülmüştür. Kestaneler muhafazaya alınmadan önce sıcak (46±2°C, 45 dk) ve soğuk su (15±2°C, 8 gün) uygulamalarına tabi tutulmuştur. Sıcak ve soğuk su uygulamalarından sonra meyveler normal atmosferde (NA), modifiye atmosferde (MA) ve kontrollü atmosferde (KA) muhafazaya alınmıştır. MA’de muhafazada meyveler iki farklı kalınlığa sahip (50 ve 65 μm) polietilen (PE) örtü materyali kullanılarak vakumlu ve vakumsuz olacak şekilde paketlenmiştir. KA’de muhafazada meyveler üç farklı atmosfer bileşiminde (%CO2:%O2) (10:2, 15:2, 20:2) muhafaza edilmiştir. Her üç muhafaza yönteminde kestaneler 0±1°C sıcaklıkta ve %90±5 oransal nem koşullarında 5 ay süre ile muhafaza edilmiştir. Ayrıca raf ömrü belirlemek amacıyla muhafaza süresine ek olarak meyveler 10 gün süre ile 20±2°C sıcaklıkta ve %60±5 oransal nem koşullarında bekletilmiştir. Muhafaza süresince 1’er ay aralıklarla ve raf ömrü sürecini tamamlamış meyvelerden alınan örneklerde çeşitli kalite parametreleri ve bazı enzim aktiviteleri incelenmiştir. Her iki çeşitte yürütülen çalışmada en fazla ağırlık kaybı NA’de muhafaza edilen meyvelerde tespit edilirken, toplam şeker ve nişasta değişimlerinin de vakum uygulamalı MA’de en az olduğu görülmüştür. MA’deki CO2 (%), O2 (%) ve C2H4 (ppm) bileşiminin yine vakumlu ortamlarda daha az değişim gösterdiği ölçülmüştür. Küflenme oranı incelendiğinde ise vakumlu uygulamalarla MA’de muhafaza edilen meyvelerin diğer uygulamalara göre daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu çalışmada muhafaza süresi ve meyve kalitesi ile enzimatik değişimler de göz önünde tutulduğunda daha başarılı sonuçlar sıcak su ve vakum uygulamaları ile kombine edilen 50 μm PE uygulamasından alınmıştır. KA’de ağırlık kaybının az bir değişim gösterdiği görülmüştür. pH incelendiğinde ise KA’de muhafaza edilen meyvelerde asitliğe doğru olan değişimin daha fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Enzimatik faaliyetlerin genel olarak bütün gaz kombinasyonlarında yavaşladığı, özellikle sıcak su 15:2 ve soğuk su 20:2 gaz kombinasyonlarında daha fazla engellemenin gerçekleştiği bulunmuştur. Diğer parametreler de göz önünde tutulduğu taktirde her iki çeşitte sıcak su uygulaması ve 15:2 gaz kombinasyonlarında muhafaza edilen meyvelerin muhafaza süresi ve meyve kalitesi bakımından daha ümit var sonuçlar verdiği tespit edilmiştir.
This research has been carried out on chestnuts cv. ‘Sarıaşlama’ and ‘Osmanoğlu’ produced in the area situated in Cumalıkızık of Bursa province. The samples of chestnuts were exposed to the implementation of hot (46±2°C, 45 min.) and cold (15±2°C, 8 days) water before being taken to the storage. The fruits were stored both in normal (NA), modified (MA) and controlled atmosphere packaging (CA) after hot and cold water treatments. The fruit stored in MAP were wrapped through vacuumed and non-vacuumed insulated bags, the textures of which are made of polyethylene (50 and 65 μm). The fruits were stored in three different atmosphere combinations (%CO2:%O2) (10:2, 15:2, 20:2) in CA storage. Both three storage methods fruits were stored at 0±1°C temperature and 90±5% relative humidity for 5 months. To determine the shelf life, fruits were held at 20±2°C temperature and %60±5 relative humidity for 10 days. On the samples of the fruit taken monthly periodical intervals and shelf life during the store periods, various quality parameters and enzymatic activities have been observed. In this study both types of chestnuts the maximum weight loss were detected in fruit NA stored, total sugars and starch was found to have a little changes in the modified atmosphere in which vacuum practices have been put. In addition to these, the combination of CO2 (%), O2 (%), and C2H4 (ppm) in the modified conditions in vacuumed environments has been observed the less gradient. As for the ratio of mildew analysis in the fruit kept in the modified conditions where vacuum applications are held has shown better results than in the other applications. This case enzymatic activities in this study, the implementation of hot water and vacuum practices combined by 50 μm polyethylene has shown and observed better and successful results from both the storage period and the fruit quality points of views. Weight loss has been shown slightly changes in CA. pH changes was detected at lower levels in the fruits stored in CA. Enzymatic activities generally slow down in all gas combinations, especially much more in hot water and 15:2 and in cold water 20:2 gas combinations. Considered to other parameters in both types, the implementation of hot water and 15:2 gas combination has shown and observed better and expectance results from both the storage period and the fruit quality points of views.
This research has been carried out on chestnuts cv. ‘Sarıaşlama’ and ‘Osmanoğlu’ produced in the area situated in Cumalıkızık of Bursa province. The samples of chestnuts were exposed to the implementation of hot (46±2°C, 45 min.) and cold (15±2°C, 8 days) water before being taken to the storage. The fruits were stored both in normal (NA), modified (MA) and controlled atmosphere packaging (CA) after hot and cold water treatments. The fruit stored in MAP were wrapped through vacuumed and non-vacuumed insulated bags, the textures of which are made of polyethylene (50 and 65 μm). The fruits were stored in three different atmosphere combinations (%CO2:%O2) (10:2, 15:2, 20:2) in CA storage. Both three storage methods fruits were stored at 0±1°C temperature and 90±5% relative humidity for 5 months. To determine the shelf life, fruits were held at 20±2°C temperature and %60±5 relative humidity for 10 days. On the samples of the fruit taken monthly periodical intervals and shelf life during the store periods, various quality parameters and enzymatic activities have been observed. In this study both types of chestnuts the maximum weight loss were detected in fruit NA stored, total sugars and starch was found to have a little changes in the modified atmosphere in which vacuum practices have been put. In addition to these, the combination of CO2 (%), O2 (%), and C2H4 (ppm) in the modified conditions in vacuumed environments has been observed the less gradient. As for the ratio of mildew analysis in the fruit kept in the modified conditions where vacuum applications are held has shown better results than in the other applications. This case enzymatic activities in this study, the implementation of hot water and vacuum practices combined by 50 μm polyethylene has shown and observed better and successful results from both the storage period and the fruit quality points of views. Weight loss has been shown slightly changes in CA. pH changes was detected at lower levels in the fruits stored in CA. Enzymatic activities generally slow down in all gas combinations, especially much more in hot water and 15:2 and in cold water 20:2 gas combinations. Considered to other parameters in both types, the implementation of hot water and 15:2 gas combination has shown and observed better and expectance results from both the storage period and the fruit quality points of views.
Sıcak su uygulaması, Storage, Muhafaza, Kestane, Modifiye atmosferde paketleme, Vakum, Kontrollü atmosfer, Soğuk su uygulaması, Hot water application, Chestnut, Packaging in modified atmosphere, Vacuum, Controlled atmosphere, Cold water application
Çetin, M. (2020). Kestanenin (castanea sativa mill.) normal (na), modifiye (ma) ve kontrollü atmosferde (ka) muhafazası .Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.