Effects of spandex and yarn counts on the properties of elastic core-spun yarns produced on Murata vortex spinner

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Sage Publications


The present research focused on the effects of spandex and yarn count parameters on the properties of elastic core-spun vortex yarns. The experiment and test results indicated that the various properties of elastic core-spun vortex yarns were significantly affected by spandex and yarn count. Coarser yarns showed lower unevenness, imperfection and breaking elongation values than finer yarns. Core-spun vortex yarns containing spandex showed lower tenacity and higher breaking elongation values than vortex spun yarns. The liveliness of spandex affected the hairiness properties of core-spun vortex yarns. The number of fibers in the cross section and the liveliness of spandex must be evaluated together during the manufacturing process of elastic core-spun vortex yarns.



Core-spun yarn, Elasticity, Breaking elongation, Core-spun yarn, Yarn, Hairiness, Spandex, Vortex yarn, Hairiness, Core spinning, Count, Cross section, Elongation, Vortex spinning, Yarn manufacture, Yarn property, Spinning (fibers), Spinning machines, Polyurethanes, Tenacity, Spandex, MVS spinning, MVS yarn


Örtlek, H. G. ve Ülkü, Ş. (2007). "Effects of spandex and yarn counts on the properties of elastic core-spun yarns produced on Murata vortex spinner". Textile Research Journal, 77(6), 432-436.