19.yüzyılda bir Uşşâkî Şeyhi: Abdurrahman Sâmi Saruhânî
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Abdurrahman Sami Saruhânî, Halvetiyye'nin Uşşâkiyye kolunun 19. yüzyıldaki önde gelen temsilcilerinden biridir. 1879 yılında Manisa'da dünyaya gelen Saruhânî, dinî ilimleri tahsilinin ardından tasavvufî hayata meyletmiş, seyrüsülûkünü tamamladıktan sonra İstanbul merkez olmak üzere irşad faaliyetlerini sürdürmüştür. Ayrıca tasavvufla ilgili birçok eser kaleme alan Abdurrahman Sâmi Efendi 1934 yılında İstanbul'da vefat etmiştir. Eserleri çerçevesinde tasavvufi görüşlerinin ayrıntılı olarak ele alındığı bu çalışma giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk olarak Abdurrahman Sami Efendi'nin yaşadığı dönemde İstanbul'daki tasavvufî hayat ele alındı. Birinci bölümde Sâmi Efendi'nin hayatı, eserleri, kendisiyle oluşan silsile ve mensup olduğu tarikat tanıtıldı. İkinci bölümde bazı itikâdî, amelî ve ahlâkî konulardaki düşünceleri, üçüncü bölümde ise tasavvufî görüşleri, Esmâ-i Hüsnâ yorumu ve bazı sûre, âyet ve duaların özelliklerine dair izahı anlatıldı. Abdurrahman Sami Efendi'nin eserlerinden yola çıkılarak hazırlanan bu çalışmada kendisinin düşünce dünyasına dair pek çok konu yer almaktadır.
Abdurrahman Sâmi Saruhânî is one of the prominent representatives of Uşşâkî branch of Halveti in 19th century. Saruhânî who was born in Manisa at 1879, tends to have mystical life after he studied theology. After completing his spiritual path of sûfîsm, he continued his guidance activities mainly in İstanbul. Abdurrahman Sami Efendi who wrote many works about mysticism died in 1934 in Istanbul. This study in which his mystical vision discussed in detail within the framework of his works consists of one introduction and three chapters. Firstly, Mystical life in Istanbul were discussed in the period Abdurrahman Sami Efendi lived. At the first chapter, the life of Sâmi Efendi's studies, the lineage formed by him and the sect he belongs to are introduced. At the second chapter, his thoughts on faith, practical and ethical issues were discussed. At the third chapter, his mystical beliefs, his Esmâ-i Husnâ review and his explanation about the properties of some sûre, verse and pray is described. There are many matters about his thought of the world in this study which is based on Abdurrahman Sami Efendi's Works.
Abdurrahman Sâmi Saruhânî is one of the prominent representatives of Uşşâkî branch of Halveti in 19th century. Saruhânî who was born in Manisa at 1879, tends to have mystical life after he studied theology. After completing his spiritual path of sûfîsm, he continued his guidance activities mainly in İstanbul. Abdurrahman Sami Efendi who wrote many works about mysticism died in 1934 in Istanbul. This study in which his mystical vision discussed in detail within the framework of his works consists of one introduction and three chapters. Firstly, Mystical life in Istanbul were discussed in the period Abdurrahman Sami Efendi lived. At the first chapter, the life of Sâmi Efendi's studies, the lineage formed by him and the sect he belongs to are introduced. At the second chapter, his thoughts on faith, practical and ethical issues were discussed. At the third chapter, his mystical beliefs, his Esmâ-i Husnâ review and his explanation about the properties of some sûre, verse and pray is described. There are many matters about his thought of the world in this study which is based on Abdurrahman Sami Efendi's Works.
Abdurrahman Sâmi Sarûhânî, Hayatı ve eserleri, Uşşâkiyye, Tasavvuf, His life and works, Sûfîsm
Taner, Y. (2015). 19.yüzyılda bir Uşşâkî Şeyhi: Abdurrahman Sâmi Saruhânî. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.