İbnü’d-Dehhân en-Nahvî’nîn kitâbü’l-fusûl adlı eserinin tahlili
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bağdat’ta cereyan eden siyasi mücadelelere gözlerini açan, hayatını ilme adayan, kendini geliştirmek için İsfahan’a ilim yolculuğu yapan İbnü’d-Dehhân şiir, hadis ve tefsir alanlarında çalışma yapmış olsa da nahivci kimliği ile temayüz etmiştir. Nahiv bilgisiyle döneminin Sîbeveyhi’si olarak anılmış, birçok alim ondan övgü ile bahsetmiştir. İbnü’d-Dehhân en-Nahvî’nin Kitâbü’l-Fusûl adlı eseri 6. yüzyılda Arap dili grameri alanında yazılmış, nahiv, sarf, tasrîf ve harf bilgisine dair muhtasar bir eserdir. Oldukça özet bir kitap olmasının yanı sıra Arap dili gramerinin hemen hemen her alanına değinmiştir. Gramere dair temel bilgileri kapsayan bir mukaddime ile başlayan eser cümle, kelime ve harf bilgisi şeklinde bir sıralama ile sarf ve nahiv kaidelerini ele alır. Her gramer konusunda açıklama yapmayı tercih etmeyen İbnü’d-Dehhân, bazı konularda hiç örnek vermemiş, bazılarında ise sadece bir örnekle yetinmiştir. Muhtasar bir kitap olmasının yanı sıra bazı konularda önde gelen bir kısım dilcilerin görüşleriyle lehçe farklılıklarına da yer vermiştir.
Although Ibn al-Dahhân, who opened his eyes to the political struggles going on in Baghdad, and devoted his life to science, and had a scientific travel to Isfahan to improve himself, carried out scientific studies in the fields of poem, hadith and tafsir, he was distinguished by his nahivist identity. With his knowledge on nahiv (syntax), he was renowned as Sîbeveyhi of the time, and many scholars mentioned about him with praise. The book of Ibn al-Dahhân al-Nahvî called as Kitâb al-Fusûl is a concise work written in the field of Arab Language grammar in VI century about syntax, sarf (morphology), tasrîf (declension) and letter knowledge. Besides being a quite brief summary book, it mentions about nearly every field of Arab language grammar. The book, which starts with a preface covering the basic information on grammar, studies the morphology and syntax rules in the order of sentence, word and letter knowledge. Ibn al-Dahhân, who does not prefer giving explanation about every subject of grammar, does not given any examples on some issues, while he is satisfied with only one example in some issues. In addition to being a concise book, the book gives place dialect differences about some subjects together with the views of leading linguists of the time.
Although Ibn al-Dahhân, who opened his eyes to the political struggles going on in Baghdad, and devoted his life to science, and had a scientific travel to Isfahan to improve himself, carried out scientific studies in the fields of poem, hadith and tafsir, he was distinguished by his nahivist identity. With his knowledge on nahiv (syntax), he was renowned as Sîbeveyhi of the time, and many scholars mentioned about him with praise. The book of Ibn al-Dahhân al-Nahvî called as Kitâb al-Fusûl is a concise work written in the field of Arab Language grammar in VI century about syntax, sarf (morphology), tasrîf (declension) and letter knowledge. Besides being a quite brief summary book, it mentions about nearly every field of Arab language grammar. The book, which starts with a preface covering the basic information on grammar, studies the morphology and syntax rules in the order of sentence, word and letter knowledge. Ibn al-Dahhân, who does not prefer giving explanation about every subject of grammar, does not given any examples on some issues, while he is satisfied with only one example in some issues. In addition to being a concise book, the book gives place dialect differences about some subjects together with the views of leading linguists of the time.
İbnü’d-Dehhân, Kitâbü’l-Fusûl, Nahiv, Sarf, Tahlil, Ibn al-Dahhân, Kitâb al-Fusûl, Syntax, Morphology, Analysis
Coşkun, E. (2023). İbnü’d-Dehhân en-Nahvî’nîn kitâbü’l-fusûl adlı eserinin tahlili. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.