Renal transplant hastalarında farklı interlökin reseptör monoklonal antikorlarının karşılaştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Transplantasyondan sonraki ilk yıl içinde görülen akut rejeksiyon uzun süreli graft sürvisinin başlıca göstergesidir. Allograft rejeksiyonunun önlenmesi için değişik immün süpressif yöntemler uygulanmasına rağmen tamamında özgün yan etkiler bulunmaktadır. Bunun için hem daha etkin hem daha az yan etkiye sahip ürünlere ihtiyaç olmuştur. İnterlökin 2 reseptör monoklonal antikorlarının (IL2RA) devreye girmesi ile transplantasyonda anahtar rol oynayan hücreler olan T lenfositlerin proliferasyonu güçlü bir şekilde baskılanmakta ve süpresyon hedefi odaksal olduğundan malignite ve enfeksiyon gelişme riski azalmaktadır. IL2RA’larının ikili yada üçlü rejimlerle beraber kullanılması transplantasyondan sonraki ilk yıl içinde biyopsi kanıtlı akut rejeksiyonu kontrol grubuna göre % 30-40 azaltmaktadır. Kullanımda olan IL2RA’larının birisi basiliximab iki doz (0. ve 4. gün) diğeri ise daclizumab 5 doz (2 haftalık peryotlarla) uygulandığından karşılaştırmalar yeterli dizayn edilememiş ve 2 doz 2 doz uygulamada ise normalde 2 doz uygulanacak olan basiliximab 5 doz uygulanması gereken daclizumaba göre daha etkili bulunmuş fakat kontrol grubu kullanılmamıştır. Bu çalışmada IL2RA (daclizumab ve basiliximab) alan ve almayan hastalarda retrospektif 1-3-6-12 aylarda biyopsi kanıtlı yada kanıtsız akut rejeksiyon, serum kreatinin seviyeleri, kreatinin klerensi, serum lipidler, tansiyon arteryel, enfeksiyon oranları [özellikle Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ve opurtunistik enfeksiyon], malignite ve lenfoproliferatif hastalıklar üzerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Canlı vericiden böbrek nakli yapılan 78 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalar kontrol (grup I): 40 hasta (15 kadın, 25 erkek), ve IL2RA uygulanan (grup II): 38 hasta (19 kadın, 19 erkek) ikiye bölündü. IL2RA uygulanan hastalar kendi aralarında Daclizumab (grup IIA): 19 hasta (10 bayan, 9 erkek), Basiliximab (grup IIB): 19 hasta (9 bayan, 10 erkek) olacak şekilde iki subgruba ayrıldı. Akut rejeksiyon grup I’de 9 hastada (%22,5), grup II’de 7 hastada (18,4) [grup IIA’da 4 hastada ( %21) ve grup IIB’de 3 hasta (%16,3)] saptandı. Grup IIA ve IIB kendi aralarında karşılaştırıldığında grup IIB’de akut rejeksiyon gelişen hasta sayısı düşük olmasına rağmen istatistiksel anlamlılık mevcut değildi. 12 aylık takipte graft sağkalımı ve hasta sağkalımı açısından değerlendirildiğinde grup I de 3 hastada greft kaybı ve 4 hastada ölüm gerçekleşirken grup IIA ve grup IIB de greft kaybı ve ölüm görülmedi. Yeni gelişen hipertansiyon, diabet ve hiperlipidemi açısından gruplar arasında fark yoktu. Özet olarak günlük uygulamadaki dozları ile karşılaştırıldığında IL2RA’larının birbirine üstünlüğü bulunamadı. Her iki grupta yan etki açısından en az kontrol grubu kadar güvenli olarak yorumlandı. Graft sağkalımı ve hasta sağkalımı açısından IL2RA’larının kontrol grubuna göre ciddi üstünlüğü mevcutdu. Fakat daha kesin değerlendirme için büyük çaplı çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Acute rejection that develops in the first year of transplantation is the main determinant of long term graft survival. Although several imuunosuppressive methods are being used to prevent acute rejection, all these methods have unique adverse effects. Thus, there is a need for agents that are more effective with fewer adverse events. After beginning to use interleukin 2 receptor monoclonal antibodies (IL2RA), T lymphocyte proliferation which acts a key role in transplantation, is potently inhibited and due to focused immunosuppression risk of malignency and infection have been decreased. IL2RA usage with dual or triple therapies, have been reduced biopsy proved acute rejection in the first year of transplantation according to control group by 30-40%. One of the IL2RAs in use is basiliximab and is administered 2 times (day 0 and 4), and the other is daclizumab which is administered as 5 doses with 2 weeks interval. A study comparing two-dose basiliximab with two-dose daclizumab in renal transplantation concludes that basiliximab may be preferable. In our study, IL2RA (daclizumab or basiliximab) receiving patients were compared with non-receiving patients with respect to biopsy proven or non-proven acute rejection at 1-3-6-12th months, creatinine levels and clearances, lipid profiles, arterial tension, infections [especially cytomegalovirus (CMV) and opportunistic infections], malignency and lymphoproliferative diseases. Materials and Methods: In this study 78 patients with renal transplantation from living donors were included. Patients were divided into two groups as; 40 patients (15 female, 25 male) in control (group I), 38 patients in IL2RAs receiving group (group II) (19 female, 19 male). Group II was further divided in two subgroups by, 19 patients (10 female, 9 male) in daclizumab (group IIA) and 19 patients (9 female, 10 male) in basiliximab group (group IIB). Acute rejection was evident in 9 patients (22.5%) in group I, 7 patients (18.4) in group II [4 patients (21%) in group IIA and 3 patients (16.3%) in group IIB ]. There was nostatistically significant difference between group IIA and IIB. In 12 month followup, there were 3 graft losts and 4 deaths in group I, there was no graft losses or deaths in group IIA and IIB. There was no significant difference between groups for new-onset hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In summary, when comparing current used dosages of IL2RAs, none was superior over the other. Adverse events in study groups were similar to those seen in control group. Groups receiving IL2RAs were significantly superior over control group for graft and patient survival. Before having definitive conclusions, larger studies are still needed.
Acute rejection that develops in the first year of transplantation is the main determinant of long term graft survival. Although several imuunosuppressive methods are being used to prevent acute rejection, all these methods have unique adverse effects. Thus, there is a need for agents that are more effective with fewer adverse events. After beginning to use interleukin 2 receptor monoclonal antibodies (IL2RA), T lymphocyte proliferation which acts a key role in transplantation, is potently inhibited and due to focused immunosuppression risk of malignency and infection have been decreased. IL2RA usage with dual or triple therapies, have been reduced biopsy proved acute rejection in the first year of transplantation according to control group by 30-40%. One of the IL2RAs in use is basiliximab and is administered 2 times (day 0 and 4), and the other is daclizumab which is administered as 5 doses with 2 weeks interval. A study comparing two-dose basiliximab with two-dose daclizumab in renal transplantation concludes that basiliximab may be preferable. In our study, IL2RA (daclizumab or basiliximab) receiving patients were compared with non-receiving patients with respect to biopsy proven or non-proven acute rejection at 1-3-6-12th months, creatinine levels and clearances, lipid profiles, arterial tension, infections [especially cytomegalovirus (CMV) and opportunistic infections], malignency and lymphoproliferative diseases. Materials and Methods: In this study 78 patients with renal transplantation from living donors were included. Patients were divided into two groups as; 40 patients (15 female, 25 male) in control (group I), 38 patients in IL2RAs receiving group (group II) (19 female, 19 male). Group II was further divided in two subgroups by, 19 patients (10 female, 9 male) in daclizumab (group IIA) and 19 patients (9 female, 10 male) in basiliximab group (group IIB). Acute rejection was evident in 9 patients (22.5%) in group I, 7 patients (18.4) in group II [4 patients (21%) in group IIA and 3 patients (16.3%) in group IIB ]. There was nostatistically significant difference between group IIA and IIB. In 12 month followup, there were 3 graft losts and 4 deaths in group I, there was no graft losses or deaths in group IIA and IIB. There was no significant difference between groups for new-onset hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In summary, when comparing current used dosages of IL2RAs, none was superior over the other. Adverse events in study groups were similar to those seen in control group. Groups receiving IL2RAs were significantly superior over control group for graft and patient survival. Before having definitive conclusions, larger studies are still needed.
IL2RA, Renal transplantasyon, Akut rejeksiyon, Daclizumab, Basiliximab, IL2RB, Renal transplantation, Acut rejection, Daclizumab
Akdağ, S. İ. (2007). Renal transplant hastalarında farklı interlökin reseptör monoklonal antikorlarının karşılaştırılması. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.