Zayıf alan çift rezonans spektrometresi ve spin-spin etkileşmeleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada 1 .6 mT ' lık zayıf alan NMR çift rezonans spektrometresinin Üç elemanının ( alçak frekans titreş ici, alçak frekans dar band yükselteci , faza duyar detektör ) kurgusu üzerin de duruldu. Alçak frekans titreşicinin genliğinde önemsenmeyecek bir kararsızlık görülmekle birlikte frekansında oldukça iyi bir kararlılık sağlandı. Alçak frekans dar band yükseltecind e 3 Hz kadar dar bir band elde edilbilmekte ve sinyal yaklaşık 570 kat büyütebilmektedir. Faza duyar detektörde ( V f -V e > ve Vo çıkış sinyalleri ile giriş sinyali arasında iyi bir simetri ve çizgisellik olduğu görüldü. Bu spektrometre il e BDPA /Toluen (9 x10 molar ) ve BDPA / Toluen (10 molar ) örnekleri için alınan ölçüler ile Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi'nde bulunan 1.6 mt'lik zayıf alan NMR çift rezonans spektrometresinde aynı örnekler için alınan ölçüler arasında bir uyumun olduğu görüldü.
In this study, it is dwelled on the design of the three elements of 1.6 mT weak field NMR double resonance spectrometer (low frequency oscillator, low frequency narrow band amplifier, phase-sensitive detector). In spite of some trifle unstability, in amplitude of the low frequency oscillator, it was obtained quite a good stability in its frequency. In the low frequency narrow band amplifier, it is possible to get some 3 Hz narrow band and the signal can be magnified about 570 folds. It was observed in the phase- sensitive detector a good symmetry and linearity between output signals (V -V ), V and input signal T.. There is a good agreement between the measurements taken with this - 3 spectrometer for the samples BDPA/Toluene (9x10 molars) - 2 and BDPA/Toluene <10 molars) and the measurements taken for the same samples with the 1.6 mT weak field NMR double resonance spectrometer in the Science Faculty of Ankara University.
In this study, it is dwelled on the design of the three elements of 1.6 mT weak field NMR double resonance spectrometer (low frequency oscillator, low frequency narrow band amplifier, phase-sensitive detector). In spite of some trifle unstability, in amplitude of the low frequency oscillator, it was obtained quite a good stability in its frequency. In the low frequency narrow band amplifier, it is possible to get some 3 Hz narrow band and the signal can be magnified about 570 folds. It was observed in the phase- sensitive detector a good symmetry and linearity between output signals (V -V ), V and input signal T.. There is a good agreement between the measurements taken with this - 3 spectrometer for the samples BDPA/Toluene (9x10 molars) - 2 and BDPA/Toluene <10 molars) and the measurements taken for the same samples with the 1.6 mT weak field NMR double resonance spectrometer in the Science Faculty of Ankara University.
Spektrometre, Spectrometer
Özdemir, A. O. (1991). Zayıf alan çift rezonans spektrometresi ve spin-spin etkileşmeleri. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.