Samsun'da satışa sunulan bazı besinlerin aflatoksin yönünden araştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada Samsun il merkezinden belirli zaman aralıklarında satın alınan örnekler üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsam da 8’er pulbiber ve ceviz, 3 fındık, 6 Antep fıstığı, 6 yerfıstığı, 1 susam, 1 tahin olmak üzere toplam 33 örnek incelemeye alınmıştır. Bu örnekler genel bileşenler ve aflatoksinler yönünden test edilmiştir. Örneklerin nem içeriği; pulbiber’de %18.81-20.49, ceviz’de %3.24-3.77, fındık’la %1.8-2.53, Antep fıstığın’da %-2.19-3.12, yerfıstığın’da %2.47-7.29, susam’da %>4.95, tahin’de %1.19 olarak bulunmuştur. Kül miktarı; pulbiber’de %12.14-23.88, ceviz’de %1.72-2.00, fındık’la %1.47-2.58, Antep fıstığı’nda %3.60-4.60, yerfıstığı’nda %<1.63-2.68, susam’da %3.01, tahin’de %3.53 tür. Bu örneklerden pulbiber’de %8.85 ve %12.73, ceviz’dc %13.75-21.30, fındık’la %15.34-16.38, Antep fıstığı’nda %17.34-20.46, yerfıstığı’nda %22.93-26.34, susam’da %27.48, tahin’de %28.64 protein bulunmuştur. Yağ içerikleri aynı sıraya göre; % 10.57 ve % 14.56, %58.18-67.66, %60.19-69.32, %45.48-62.53, %39.33-48.23, %69.34, %64.91 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın asıl amacı olan aflatoksin analizi 33 örnekten 9’unda olumlu sonuç vermiştir. 8 pulbiber örneğinin tamamında aflatoksin B1 4.46-24.25 /μg/kg arasında pozitif sonuç verirken, bir yerfıstığı örneğinde ise aflatoksin B1 183.19 /μg/kg B, ve 58.62/μg/kg olarak saptanmıştır. Söz konusu besin maddelerinde aflatoksinc rastlama sıklığının çok düşük düzeyde olması halk sağlığı ve ülke ekonomisi açısından son derece sevindiricidir. Ancak pulbiber için aynı iyimserliği belirtmek olanaksızdır.
In this research ii has been worked on some food samples bought from Samsun city at different times. For this purpose 8 crushed red pepper, 8 walnut, 3 nut, 6 pistachio, 6 peanut, 1 sesame and 1 sesame oil samples have been examined. These samples were analysed for general components and anatoxins. The moisture content of the samples have been 18.81-20.49 % at crushed red pepper; 3.24- 3.77 % at walnut; 1.8-2.53 % at nut; 2.19-3.12 % at pistachio; 2.47-7.29 % at peanut; 4.95 % at sesame and 1.19 % at sesame oil. The ash amounts have been 12.14-23.88 % at crushed red pepper; 1.72-2.00 % at walnut; 1.47-2.58 % at nut; 3.60-4.60 % at pistachio; 1.63-2.38 % at peanut; 3.01 % at sesame and 3.53 % at sesame oil. Protein amounts of samples have been found as 8.85-12.73 % at crushed red pepper; 13.75- 21.30 % at walnut; 15.34-16.38 % at nut; 17.34-20.46 % at pistachio; 22.93-26.34 % at peanut; 27.48- % at sesame and 28.64 % at sesame oil. The oil content of samples have been determined as 10.57-14.56 % ; 58.18-67.66 % ; 60.19- 69.32 % ; 45.48-62.53 % ; 39.33-48.23 % ; 69.34 % and 64.91 % respectively. The anatoxin analyses which was the main aim of the research have given positive results at 9 of the 33 samples. The whole 8 crushed red pepper samples have been positive for anatoxin Bj with the amounts between 4.46-24.25 /μg/kg and ] pistachio sample has been positive for anatoxin Bj with 183.19 /μg/kg and anatoxin B, with 58.62 /μg/kg. The low amounts of anatoxin at the samples have been plesanl for public health and country's economics but for crushed red pepper saying the same optimism might not been possible.
In this research ii has been worked on some food samples bought from Samsun city at different times. For this purpose 8 crushed red pepper, 8 walnut, 3 nut, 6 pistachio, 6 peanut, 1 sesame and 1 sesame oil samples have been examined. These samples were analysed for general components and anatoxins. The moisture content of the samples have been 18.81-20.49 % at crushed red pepper; 3.24- 3.77 % at walnut; 1.8-2.53 % at nut; 2.19-3.12 % at pistachio; 2.47-7.29 % at peanut; 4.95 % at sesame and 1.19 % at sesame oil. The ash amounts have been 12.14-23.88 % at crushed red pepper; 1.72-2.00 % at walnut; 1.47-2.58 % at nut; 3.60-4.60 % at pistachio; 1.63-2.38 % at peanut; 3.01 % at sesame and 3.53 % at sesame oil. Protein amounts of samples have been found as 8.85-12.73 % at crushed red pepper; 13.75- 21.30 % at walnut; 15.34-16.38 % at nut; 17.34-20.46 % at pistachio; 22.93-26.34 % at peanut; 27.48- % at sesame and 28.64 % at sesame oil. The oil content of samples have been determined as 10.57-14.56 % ; 58.18-67.66 % ; 60.19- 69.32 % ; 45.48-62.53 % ; 39.33-48.23 % ; 69.34 % and 64.91 % respectively. The anatoxin analyses which was the main aim of the research have given positive results at 9 of the 33 samples. The whole 8 crushed red pepper samples have been positive for anatoxin Bj with the amounts between 4.46-24.25 /μg/kg and ] pistachio sample has been positive for anatoxin Bj with 183.19 /μg/kg and anatoxin B, with 58.62 /μg/kg. The low amounts of anatoxin at the samples have been plesanl for public health and country's economics but for crushed red pepper saying the same optimism might not been possible.
Aflatoksin B1, Aflatoksin B2, Aflatoksin G2, Aflatoksin G1, Pulbiber, Antep fıstığı, Yerfıstığı, Ceviz, Fındık, Susam, Tahin, Aflatoxin B2, Aflatoxin B1, Aflatoxin G1, Crushed red pepper, Pistachio, Peanut, Walnut, Nut, Sesame, Sesame oil, Aflatoxin G2
Apak, S. (1995). Samsun'da satışa sunulan bazı besinlerin aflatoksin yönünden araştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.