Göç deneyimleri ve kesişimsellik: Bursa'da yaşayan 1989 Bulgaristan göçmenleri üzerine nitel bir araştırma
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Göç olgusu yüzyıllardır olduğu gibi geçtiğimiz yüzyılda da önemli bir yere sahiptir. Göç gibi tarihin şekillenmesinde önemli etkilere sahip olan olayların aktarımında belgeler, anlaşmalar gibi yazılı kaynaklar kadar anlatılar da önemli bir yer tutar. Olaylara dair anlatılar ilk olarak aile belleği şeklinde kuşaklararası aktarım ile gerçekleşir. Söz konusu aile belleklerinin oluşumunda toplumsal cinsiyet önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu çalışmada da 20. yüzyılın önemli göç olaylarından biri olan 1989 Bulgaristan Göçü'ne dair aile belleklerine sahip olan bireylerin deneyimleri yaş ve toplumsal cinsiyet kesişimleri dikkate alınarak anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada temel nitel araştırma deseni ve yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılmış, 1989 göçü ile Bursa iline göçmüş aile üyeleri seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın örneklemi göçü yaşamamış ya da göç sürecini hatırlamayacak kadar küçük yaşta olan bireylerden oluşmuştur. Sorular, nitel araştırma deneyimine sahip öğretim üyeleri ile yapılan uzman panelinde hazırlanmıştır. Toplanan bu veriler içerik analizi tekniği kullanılarak analiz edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda aile içinde doğrudan bir aktarımdan ziyade dolaylı yollardan aktarımın yapıldığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca göç kararının alınması ve göç anlatılarının aktarılmasında etkili olan kişinin ailedeki kadınlar olması, göçün feminizasyonu anlamında 1989 Göçü'nün önemini göstermektedir.
The phenomenon of migration has an important place in the past century as it has been for centuries. In the transfer of events that have important effects on the shaping of history, such as migration, narratives have an important place as much as written sources such as documents and agreements. The narratives about the events are first occur through intergenerational transmission in the form of family memory. Gender has an important place in the formation of these family memories. In this study, the experiences of individuals who have family memories of the 1989 Bulgaria Migration, one of the important migration events of the 20th century, were tried to be understood by considering the age and gender intersections. In this context, basic qualitative research design and semi-structured interview technique were used in the study, and family members who immigrated to Bursa with the 1989 migration were selected. The sample of the study consisted of individuals who did not experience migration or who were too young to remember the migration process. The questions were prepared in an expert panel with faculty members with qualitative research experience. These collected data were analyzed and interpreted using the content analysis technique. As a result of the analysis, it is seen that there is indirect transmission rather than a direct transmission within the family. In addition, the fact that women in the family are influential in taking the migration decision and conveying the migration narratives shows the importance of 1989 Migration in terms of feminization of migration.
The phenomenon of migration has an important place in the past century as it has been for centuries. In the transfer of events that have important effects on the shaping of history, such as migration, narratives have an important place as much as written sources such as documents and agreements. The narratives about the events are first occur through intergenerational transmission in the form of family memory. Gender has an important place in the formation of these family memories. In this study, the experiences of individuals who have family memories of the 1989 Bulgaria Migration, one of the important migration events of the 20th century, were tried to be understood by considering the age and gender intersections. In this context, basic qualitative research design and semi-structured interview technique were used in the study, and family members who immigrated to Bursa with the 1989 migration were selected. The sample of the study consisted of individuals who did not experience migration or who were too young to remember the migration process. The questions were prepared in an expert panel with faculty members with qualitative research experience. These collected data were analyzed and interpreted using the content analysis technique. As a result of the analysis, it is seen that there is indirect transmission rather than a direct transmission within the family. In addition, the fact that women in the family are influential in taking the migration decision and conveying the migration narratives shows the importance of 1989 Migration in terms of feminization of migration.
Kadın çalışmaları, Kesişimsellik, Toplumsal cinsiyet, Yaş, Politik olaylar, Women’s studies, Intersectionality, Gender, Age, Political events
Apaydın, M. (2022). Göç deneyimleri ve kesişimsellik: Bursa'da yaşayan 1989 Bulgaristan göçmenleri üzerine nitel bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.