Yarı ince kesitlerin polikromatik boyanması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Elektron mikroskobik gözlem öncesi, yarı ince rezin kesitlerin boyanarak ışık mikroskobu ile incelenmesi önemli bir basamaktır. Ancak, plastik gömme ortamları, boya ajanlarının dokulara geçişini sınırlandırdığı için; boyama yöntemlerinin pek çoğu, plastik kesitlere uygulanamamakta ya da bir takım zorluklarla karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, doku bileşenlerini farklı renkte boyayarak tanımlanabilmelerini sağlayan polikromatik boyama yöntemlerinin rezin kesitlere uygulanabilirliğini araştırmak amacıyla planlanmıştır. Çalışmada sıçanlardan alınan çeşitli doku örnekleri, ikili fiksasyon ve takip aşamalarından sonra Epon ile bloklandı. Yarı ince kesitler toluidin mavisi, hematoksilen ve eozin, metilen mavisi-bazik fuksin, metilen mavisi-Azur II-bazik fuksin ve iron alum hematoksilen boyama yöntemleri ile boyanarak ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Toluidin mavisi ile boyanan kesitlerde; nükleus koyu mavi, sitoplazma açık mavi, ekstraselüler matriks elemanları ise mavi tonlarında gözlendi. Hematoksilen ve eozin ile; nükleus mavi-mor, sitoplazma pembe, ekstraselüler matriks elemanları açık pembe renkte boyandı. Metilen mavisi-bazik fuksin yöntemi ile; nükleus mavi-viyole, sitoplazma mavi, bağ dokusu kollajeni pembe, kas dokusu viyole renkte gözlendi. Metilen mavisi-Azur II-bazik fuksin yöntemi ile; nükleus koyu mavi, sitoplazma açık mavi, bağ dokusu kollajeni açık pembe, kas dokusu mavi-viyole renkte ayırtedildi. Sinir dokusuna uygulanan iron alum hematoksilen boyaması ile; nükleus pembe-mor, nöron sitoplazması pembe, astrosit sitoplazması kırmızı, oligodendrosit sitoplazması yeşil renkte gözlendi. Sonuç olarak; denenen dört polikromatik boyama yöntemi ile, yarı ince kesitlerde; doku bileşenlerinin farklı renklerde ayırtedilebildiği kaliteli preparatlar elde edildi. Gerekli modifikasyonlar yapılarak, laboratuarımızda uygulanabilir hale getirildi. Bu yöntemlerle hazırlanan preparatlarm hem elektron mikroskobik çalışmalarda hem de histoloji eğitiminde, demonstrasyon amacıyla, kullanılabileceği kanısına varıldı.
Examination of stained semithin sections with light microscopy before electron microscopic observation is an important step. However, plastic embedding mediums limit penetration of staining reagants into the tissue and because of this limitation, most of the staining procedures either can't be used with plastic sections or some diffuculties are faced when these procedures are applied. This study was designed to assess the suitability of polychrome staining procedures which help determination of tissue components by different coloring In this study, various rat tissue samples were embedded in Eponfollowing double fixation and tissue processing. Toluidin blue, hematoxylin and eosin, metilen blue-basic fuchsin, metilen blue- Azur II-basic fuchsinstaining procedures were applied onto semithin sections and these sectionswere examined with light microscope. The sections which were stained with toluidine blue; nucleus was darkblue, cytoplasma was light blue and extracelluler matrix components wereblue colored. The sections which were stained with hematoxylin-eosin; nucleus was blue-purple, cytoplasma was pink, extracelluler matrix components were pale pink colored. The sections which were stained with metilen blue-basic fuchsin; nucleus was blue-violet, cytoplasma was blue, collagen in connective tissue was pink, muscle tissue was discriminated with blue-violet color. Metilen blue-Azur II-basic fuchsin staining procedure differentiated the nucleus as dark blue, cytoplasma as light blue, collagen in the connective tissue as light pink and muscle tissue as blue-violet color. When the iron alum hematoxylin staining procedure was applied to nervous tissue; nucleus was observed in pink-purple color, whereas neuroncytoplasma was colored in pink, astrocyte cytoplasma in red andoligodendrocyte cytoplasma in green. As a result, by using four different polychromatic staining procedures on semithin sections, acceptable preparations were obtained in which the tissue components were discriminated in different colors. These staining procedures are made suitable for our laboratory by applying necessary modifications. We suggest that the preparations which are prepared with these procedures can be used for electron microscopic studies as well as for demonstrations in histology education.
Examination of stained semithin sections with light microscopy before electron microscopic observation is an important step. However, plastic embedding mediums limit penetration of staining reagants into the tissue and because of this limitation, most of the staining procedures either can't be used with plastic sections or some diffuculties are faced when these procedures are applied. This study was designed to assess the suitability of polychrome staining procedures which help determination of tissue components by different coloring In this study, various rat tissue samples were embedded in Eponfollowing double fixation and tissue processing. Toluidin blue, hematoxylin and eosin, metilen blue-basic fuchsin, metilen blue- Azur II-basic fuchsinstaining procedures were applied onto semithin sections and these sectionswere examined with light microscope. The sections which were stained with toluidine blue; nucleus was darkblue, cytoplasma was light blue and extracelluler matrix components wereblue colored. The sections which were stained with hematoxylin-eosin; nucleus was blue-purple, cytoplasma was pink, extracelluler matrix components were pale pink colored. The sections which were stained with metilen blue-basic fuchsin; nucleus was blue-violet, cytoplasma was blue, collagen in connective tissue was pink, muscle tissue was discriminated with blue-violet color. Metilen blue-Azur II-basic fuchsin staining procedure differentiated the nucleus as dark blue, cytoplasma as light blue, collagen in the connective tissue as light pink and muscle tissue as blue-violet color. When the iron alum hematoxylin staining procedure was applied to nervous tissue; nucleus was observed in pink-purple color, whereas neuroncytoplasma was colored in pink, astrocyte cytoplasma in red andoligodendrocyte cytoplasma in green. As a result, by using four different polychromatic staining procedures on semithin sections, acceptable preparations were obtained in which the tissue components were discriminated in different colors. These staining procedures are made suitable for our laboratory by applying necessary modifications. We suggest that the preparations which are prepared with these procedures can be used for electron microscopic studies as well as for demonstrations in histology education.
Yarı ince, Epon, Boyama, Işık mikroskobi, Semithin, Staining, Light microscopy
Öztürk, N. P. (2003). Yarı ince kesitlerin polikromatik boyanması. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.