Tubal ektopik gebelik olgularında beta-hcg değerleri ile tubal trofoblastik invazyon arasındaki ilişki
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Giriş Ektopik gebelik embriyonik kesenin uterus kavitesi dışında başka bir yerde implante olması ile karakterize olan bir durumdur. Yapılan patolojik incelemelerde, hastalık genellikle 3 evreye ayrılmaktadır. Evre 1: tubal mukoza ile sınırlı trofoblastik invazyon; evre 2: musküler tabakaya kadar uzanan trofoblastik invazyon ve evre 3: rüptür olmaksızın komplet tubal infiltrasyon. Trofoblastik invazyon hakkında bilgi veren belirteçlerin kullanılması sayesinde invazyon derecesi önceden belirlenebilir ve seçilecek tedavi yöntemleri hakkında daha iyi bir karara varılabilir. Bu çalışmada -hCG hormonunun trofoblastik invazyon derecesini saptamadaki rolü araştırıldı. Materyal ve Metot Çalışmaya ektopik gebelik olduğu transvaginal ultrasonografi ve -hCG değerleri ile kanıtlanan ve cerrahi tedavi uygulanan 20 olgu dahil edilmiştir. Hastalardan alınan doku örnekleri Patoloji Bilim Dalı tarafından incelenmiş ve trofoblastik invazyon derinliğine göre 3 evrede sınıflandırılmıştır. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, eşlik eden sistemik hastalıkları, risk faktörleri, transvaginal ultrasonografi bulguları ve -hCG değerleri kaydedilmiş ve bu parametrelerin, trofoblastik invazyon ile korelasyon gösterip göstermedikleri araştırılmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz için SPSS 14.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) programı kullanılmıştır. P<0.05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir Bulgular Çalışmaya katılan 20 hastada ortalama yaş 33.10 (±4.61), gravida 1.95 (±1.27), parite 0.40 (±0.68), abortus 0.40 (±0.68), ektopik gebelik öyküsü 0.25 (±0.55), canlı doğum 0.40 (±0.68) olarak bulunmuştur. Hastaların risk faktörleri sıralandığında tubal cerrahi dışında bir batın cerrahisi geçiren hasta sayısının 6 (%30), tubal cerrahi geçiren hasta sayısınının 4 (%20), pelvik inflamatuar hastalık geçiren hasta sayısının 0 (%0), sigara kullanımı olan hasta sayısının ise 4 (%20) olduğu saptanmıştır. Hastaların operasyon öncesinde bakılan -hCG değerleri minimum 687 IU/L, maksimum 16570 IU/L, ortalama 7039 (± 5894) IU/L olarak saptanmıştır. Gestasyonel kesenin trofoblastik invazyon derecesinin -hCG değeri ile ilişkisinin olup olmadığı Spearman korelasyon testi ile incelenmiştir ve iki değişken arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Tartışma Ektopik gebelikte invazyon derecesi arttıkça -hCG değerinin de artış gösterebileceği ileri sürülmüştür. Yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışmada, -hCG değerleri ile trofoblastik invazyon arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif yönlü bir korelasyon saptandı. Yapılan analizde cut-off değeri olarak 3000 IU/L alındığında evre 1'in, 13000 IU/L alındığında ise evre 3'ün evre 2'den ayrılabildiği görüldü. Sonuç Yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışmada -hCG değerlerinin, trofoblastik invazyon ile pozitif yönlü istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir korelasyon gösterdiği saptandı. Bu nedenle tedaviye karar verilen olgularda, diğer bulgularla birlikte -hCG değerinin de göz önünde bulundurulması seçilecek tedavi yöntemi hakkında faydalı bilgiler sağlayabilir.
Introduction Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by implementing the embryonic tissue in other parts of the abdomen except intrauterine cavity. The disease is divided into 3 stages pathologically. Stage 1 trophoblastic invasion restricted to tubal mucosal layer, Stage 2 trophoblastic invasion into muscular layer and Stage 3 complete tubal invasion without rupture. With the help of the some markers it possible to predict the invasion level of the trophoblastic tissue in ectopic pregnancy patients. In this study we aimed to investigate the role of -HCG in predicting the trophoblastic invasion level. Material and Method A total of 20 patients diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy based on transvaginal ultrasonography and -hCG findings that underwent surgical treatment were included in this study. The tissue materials were investigated by pathology department and categorized under 3 stages according to trophoblastic invasion level. Patients were informed about the study and informed consent was obtained from each patient. Demographic and comorbidity data, risk factors, transvaginal ultrasonography findings and -hCG levels were recorded. The relationship between these parameters and trophoblastic invasion level was investigated. SPSS 14.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program was used for statistical analysis.P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results Median age, pregnancy, parity, abortion and a history of ectopic pregnancy rates were as follow; 33.10 (±4.61), 1.95 (±1.27), 0.40 (±0.68) 0.40 (±0.68) and 0.25 (±0.55) respectively. In terms of risk factors; abdominal surgery history, tubal surgery history, pelvic inflammatory disease history and smoking were present in 6 (30%), 4 (20%) 0 and 4 (20%) patients respectively. Mean of -hCG levels was calculated as 7039 (± 5894) IU/L (ranging between 687-16570 IU/L). A statically significant positive correlation was observed between trophoblastic invasion and -hCG levels with Spearman correlation test. Discussion Therefore it is asserted that -hCG levels can be increased as the trophoblastic invasion increases. In this study we observed that there is a statically significant positive correlation between trophoblastic invasion and -hCG levels. This finding was compatible with other studies. We also concluded that Stage 1 and Stage 3 can be separated from Stage 2 successfully when the cut-off levels of -hCG are determined as 3000 IU/L and 13000 IU/L respectively. Conclusion In this study we observed that -hCG levels and trophoblastic invasion are positively correlated with each other. Therefore taking into account the -hCG levels with other markers can yield useful information about the invasion level when making a decision about the treatment method in ectopic pregnancy patients.
Introduction Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by implementing the embryonic tissue in other parts of the abdomen except intrauterine cavity. The disease is divided into 3 stages pathologically. Stage 1 trophoblastic invasion restricted to tubal mucosal layer, Stage 2 trophoblastic invasion into muscular layer and Stage 3 complete tubal invasion without rupture. With the help of the some markers it possible to predict the invasion level of the trophoblastic tissue in ectopic pregnancy patients. In this study we aimed to investigate the role of -HCG in predicting the trophoblastic invasion level. Material and Method A total of 20 patients diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy based on transvaginal ultrasonography and -hCG findings that underwent surgical treatment were included in this study. The tissue materials were investigated by pathology department and categorized under 3 stages according to trophoblastic invasion level. Patients were informed about the study and informed consent was obtained from each patient. Demographic and comorbidity data, risk factors, transvaginal ultrasonography findings and -hCG levels were recorded. The relationship between these parameters and trophoblastic invasion level was investigated. SPSS 14.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program was used for statistical analysis.P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results Median age, pregnancy, parity, abortion and a history of ectopic pregnancy rates were as follow; 33.10 (±4.61), 1.95 (±1.27), 0.40 (±0.68) 0.40 (±0.68) and 0.25 (±0.55) respectively. In terms of risk factors; abdominal surgery history, tubal surgery history, pelvic inflammatory disease history and smoking were present in 6 (30%), 4 (20%) 0 and 4 (20%) patients respectively. Mean of -hCG levels was calculated as 7039 (± 5894) IU/L (ranging between 687-16570 IU/L). A statically significant positive correlation was observed between trophoblastic invasion and -hCG levels with Spearman correlation test. Discussion Therefore it is asserted that -hCG levels can be increased as the trophoblastic invasion increases. In this study we observed that there is a statically significant positive correlation between trophoblastic invasion and -hCG levels. This finding was compatible with other studies. We also concluded that Stage 1 and Stage 3 can be separated from Stage 2 successfully when the cut-off levels of -hCG are determined as 3000 IU/L and 13000 IU/L respectively. Conclusion In this study we observed that -hCG levels and trophoblastic invasion are positively correlated with each other. Therefore taking into account the -hCG levels with other markers can yield useful information about the invasion level when making a decision about the treatment method in ectopic pregnancy patients.
B-hCG, Ektopik gebelik, Trofoblastik invazyon, Spearman korelasyon testi, Trophoblastic invasion, Spearman correlation test, Ectopic pregnancy
Yücel, K. G. (2014). Tubal ektopik gebelik olgularında beta-hcg değerleri ile tubal trofoblastik invazyon arasındaki ilişki. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.