Preoperatif dönemde takılan JJ stentin retrograd intrarenal cerrahi sırasında renal pelvis basıncına etkisi
Yeni, Sezgin
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Amaç: Retrograd intrarenal cerrahi (RIRS) sırasında böbrek içinde basınç artışını gösteren çalışmalar olmakla birlikte preoperatif JJ stent takılmasının intrapelvik basınç üzerine etkisini gösteren çalışma yoktur. Biz bu çalışmada işlem öncesi JJ stent uygulamasının ve işlem sırasında üretral stent uygulamasının RIRS sırasında renal pelvis basıncına etkisini araştırdık. Gereç-Yöntem: Bu çalışmada 02.09.2019 ile 30.10.2021 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde RIRS yapılmış toplam 85 hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Dışlama kriterleri sağlandıktan sonra 42 hasta çalışmada kaldı. Preoperatif JJ stent takılmış 21 hasta Grup 1’i oluştururken preoperatif JJ stent takılmamış 21 hasta Grup 2’yi oluşturdu. RIRS sırasında basınç verileri milimetre civa (mmHg) cinsinden üreter kataterinin distal ucu basınç dönüştürücü ile anestezi monitörüne bağlanarak ölçülmüş ve kaydedilmiş. Gruplar demografik, taş özellikleri, perioperatif sonuçlar ve basınç değerleri açısından karşılaştırıldı. İntrapelvik en yüksek basınç ve ortalama basıncı etkileyen faktörleri tespit etmek için multivaryant analiz yapıldı. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), taraf, taş boyutu, taş lokalizasyonu, taş dansitesi açısından fark yoktu. Grup 2’de preoperatif hidronefroz SFU Grade 2-3 oranı Grup 1’e göre daha yüksek bulundu (p=0,045). İntrapelvik basınç karşılaştırmasında Grup 1’de tüm basınçlar Grup 2’ye göre daha düşük saptandı. Ortanca kontrol pelvis basıncı (Pc) Grup 1’de 7 mmHg (6-9 mmHg) iken Grup 2’de 9 mmHg (6-12 mmHg) idi (p<0,001). En yüksek pelvis basıncı (Ph) Grup 1’de 78±18,2 mmHg iken, Grup 2’de 110±23,9 mmHg idi (p<0,001). Ortanca en düşük pelvis basıncı (Pl) Grup 1’de 29 mmHg (19-54 mmHg) iken Grup 2’de 42 mmHg (17-65 mmHg) idi (p=0,001). Ortanca pelvis basıncı (Port) Grup 1’de 41 mmHg (28-70 mmHg) iken Grup 2’de 69 mmHg (35-96 mmHg) idi (p<0,001). Dolu mesanede ortalama pelvis basıncı (Pbf) Grup 1’de 46,7±10,9 mmHg iken Grup 2’de 70±16,9 mmHg idi (p<0,001). Boş mesanede ortalama pelvis basıncı (Pbe) Grup 1’de 40,2±12 mmHg iken Grup 2’de 61,3±14,7 mmHg idi (p<0,001). Üretral katater takılması ile ortanca pelvis basınç düşüşü (Pdec) Grup 1’de 8 mmHg (2-22 mmHg) iken Grup 2’de 8 mmHg (1-28 mmHg) idi ve gruplar iv arasında fark izlenmedi (p=0,909). Multivaryant analizde intrapelvik basıncın düşük olmasında JJ stentin ve Grade 0-1 hidronefroz varlığı bağımsız bir prediktif faktör olarak gösterildi. Sonuç: Sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde, RIRS öncesi takılan JJ stentin yaptığı üreter dilatasyonu sayesinde perioperatif renal pelvis basıncını azalttığı gösterildi. Ayrıca işlem sırasında üretral katater ile mesane drenajının yapılması da perioperatif renal pelvis basıncını azalttığı gösterildi.
Objective: Although there are some studies showing renal pelvic pressure levels during retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS), there is no study showing the effect of preoperative JJ stent placement on intrapelvic pressure. In this study, we investigated the effect of JJ stenting before the procedure and perioperative urethral stent placement on renal pelvis pressure during RIRS. Materials-Methods: The data of 85 patients who underwent RIRS in our clinic between 02.09.2019 and 30.10.2021 were analyzed retrospectively. 42 patients remained after the exclusion criteria were applied. While 21 patients with preoperative JJ stenting constituted Group 1, 21 patients without preoperative JJ stent constituted Group 2. During the RIRS procedure, pressure data in mmHg were measured and recorded by connecting the distal end of the ureteral catheter to the anesthesia monitor with a pressure transducer. The groups were compared in terms of demographics, stone characteristics, perioperative results, and pressure values. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine the factors affecting intrapelvic highest pressure and mean pressure. Results: There was no difference between the groups in terms of age, gender, body mass index (BMI), stone side, stone size, stone localization, and stone density. The preoperative SFU Grade 2-3 hydronephrosis degree rate was found to be higher in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (p=0.045). In the intrapelvic pressure comparison, all pressures in Group 1 were found to be lower than in Group 2. The median control pelvic pressure (Pc) was 7 mmHg (6-9 mmHg) in Group 1 and 9 mmHg (6-12 mmHg) in Group 2 (p<0.001). The highest pelvic pressure (Ph) was 78±18.2 mmHg in Group 1 and 110±23.9 mmHg in Group 2 (p<0.001). The median lowest pelvic pressure (Pl) was 29 mmHg (19-54 mmHg) in Group 1 and 42 mmHg (17-65 mmHg) in Group 2 (p=0.001). The median pelvic pressure (Port) was 41 mmHg (28-70 mmHg) in vi Group 1 and 69 mmHg (35-96 mmHg) in Group 2 (p<0.001). The mean pelvic pressure (Pbf) in a full bladder was 46.7±10.9 mmHg in Group 1 and 70±16.9 mmHg in Group 2 (p<0.001). The mean pelvic pressure (Pbe) in the empty bladder was 40.2±12 mmHg in Group 1 and 61.3±14.7 mmHg in Group 2 (p<0.001). Median pelvic pressure drop (Pdec) with urethral catheter insertion was 8 mmHg (2-22 mmHg) in Group 1, 8 mmHg (1-28 mmHg) in Group 2, and no difference was observed between the groups (p=0.909). In the multivariate analysis, the presence of a JJ stent and Grade 0-1 hydronephrosis were shown as independent predictive factors in the lower intrapelvic pressure. Conclusion: When the results were evaluated, it was shown that the JJ stent inserted before the RIRS reduced the perioperative renal pelvis pressure due to the ureteral dilatation. In addition, bladder drainage with a urethral catheter during the procedure has also been shown to reduce perioperative renal pelvis pressure.
Objective: Although there are some studies showing renal pelvic pressure levels during retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS), there is no study showing the effect of preoperative JJ stent placement on intrapelvic pressure. In this study, we investigated the effect of JJ stenting before the procedure and perioperative urethral stent placement on renal pelvis pressure during RIRS. Materials-Methods: The data of 85 patients who underwent RIRS in our clinic between 02.09.2019 and 30.10.2021 were analyzed retrospectively. 42 patients remained after the exclusion criteria were applied. While 21 patients with preoperative JJ stenting constituted Group 1, 21 patients without preoperative JJ stent constituted Group 2. During the RIRS procedure, pressure data in mmHg were measured and recorded by connecting the distal end of the ureteral catheter to the anesthesia monitor with a pressure transducer. The groups were compared in terms of demographics, stone characteristics, perioperative results, and pressure values. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine the factors affecting intrapelvic highest pressure and mean pressure. Results: There was no difference between the groups in terms of age, gender, body mass index (BMI), stone side, stone size, stone localization, and stone density. The preoperative SFU Grade 2-3 hydronephrosis degree rate was found to be higher in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (p=0.045). In the intrapelvic pressure comparison, all pressures in Group 1 were found to be lower than in Group 2. The median control pelvic pressure (Pc) was 7 mmHg (6-9 mmHg) in Group 1 and 9 mmHg (6-12 mmHg) in Group 2 (p<0.001). The highest pelvic pressure (Ph) was 78±18.2 mmHg in Group 1 and 110±23.9 mmHg in Group 2 (p<0.001). The median lowest pelvic pressure (Pl) was 29 mmHg (19-54 mmHg) in Group 1 and 42 mmHg (17-65 mmHg) in Group 2 (p=0.001). The median pelvic pressure (Port) was 41 mmHg (28-70 mmHg) in vi Group 1 and 69 mmHg (35-96 mmHg) in Group 2 (p<0.001). The mean pelvic pressure (Pbf) in a full bladder was 46.7±10.9 mmHg in Group 1 and 70±16.9 mmHg in Group 2 (p<0.001). The mean pelvic pressure (Pbe) in the empty bladder was 40.2±12 mmHg in Group 1 and 61.3±14.7 mmHg in Group 2 (p<0.001). Median pelvic pressure drop (Pdec) with urethral catheter insertion was 8 mmHg (2-22 mmHg) in Group 1, 8 mmHg (1-28 mmHg) in Group 2, and no difference was observed between the groups (p=0.909). In the multivariate analysis, the presence of a JJ stent and Grade 0-1 hydronephrosis were shown as independent predictive factors in the lower intrapelvic pressure. Conclusion: When the results were evaluated, it was shown that the JJ stent inserted before the RIRS reduced the perioperative renal pelvis pressure due to the ureteral dilatation. In addition, bladder drainage with a urethral catheter during the procedure has also been shown to reduce perioperative renal pelvis pressure.
Böbrek taşı, Fleksibl üreterorenoskop, JJ stent, Kidney stone, Flexible ureterorenoscope
Yeni, S. (2022). Preoperatif dönemde takılan JJ stentin retrograd intrarenal cerrahi sırasında renal pelvis basıncına etkisi.Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.