Tavuk kesimhane artıkları ununun rumende parçalanabilirliği ve kuzu besisinde kullanılma olanakları üzerinde bir araştırma
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma rendering endüstrisi ürünlerinden biri olan tavuk kesimhane artıkları ununun (TKAU) rumende parçalanabilirliğini belirlemek ve kuzu besisinde kullanılma olanaklarını araştırmak üzere düzenlenmiştir. Denemenin hayvan materyalini rumende parçalanabilirlik denemelerinin yürütülmesinde kullanılan 4 baş rumen fistüllü Kıvırcık koç ile besi denemesinde kullanılan 12-14 haftalık yaşta sütten kesilmiş 50 baş Kıvırcık erkek kuzu oluşturmuştur. Besi denemesinde bireysel yemleme uygulanmış olup kuzular sırasıyla % 0.0, 3.0, 6, 9 ve 12 TKAU içeren yoğun yem karması ile ad-libitum düzeyde yenilenmişlerdir. Her birinde 10 kuzu bulunan 1., 2., 3., 4. ve 5. grupların besi süresince TCAA, GOCAA, GOYYT ve 1 kg canlı ağırlık artışı için yoğun yem tüketimleri sırasıyla; 11.57±0.437, 13.68±0.493, 12.66±0.819, 12.53±0.508 ve 11.53±0.593 kg; 275.48±1 0.411, 325.71 ±11.746, 301. 43±1 9.498, 298.33±1 2.084 ve 274.52±14.122 g; 1449.47±52.908, 1473.13±69.289, 1292.98±43.410, 1234.88±57.403 ve 1171.78±54.126 g; 5.26±0.331, 4.52±0.310, 4.29±0.376, 4.14±0.278 ve 4.27±0.188 kg olarak bulunmuştur. GOCAA bakımından 0-14. gün ve 29-42. günler arası dönemlerde (P< 0.05), GOYYT bakımından besinin tüm dönemlerinde ve besi boyunca, 1 kg canlı ağırlık artışı için yem tüketimi bakımından ise 29-42. günler arası dönemlerde (P< 0.01) gruplar arası farklılıklar istatistik önemli bulunmuştur. Besi başı, besi ortası (21. gün) ve besi sonunda besi kuzularından alınan rumen sıvısı örneklerinde pH, NH3-N ve TUYA düzeyi saptanmış ve rasyona TKAU ilavesinin rumen pH'sı üzerine etkisinin besinin 21. gününde istatistik önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir (P<0.01). Rumen NH3-N'u ve TUYA'leri rasyon TKAU düzeyine paralel artış göstermiştir. Gruplar arası farklılıklar istatistik önemli bulunmuştur (P< 0.01). TKAU'nun rumende KM ve protein parçalanabilirliği naylon torba yöntemiyle saptanmış ve farklı rumen koşullarının KM ve protein parçalanabilirliği üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. KM ve protein parçalanabilirlik parametrelerinden a, b, a+b, c, RSD, yıkanma kaybı değerleri ile rumenden geçiş hızına bağlı olarak etkin parçalanabilirlik değerleri saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda farklı rumen koşullarının KM ve protein parçalanabilirliği üzerine olan etkisi istatistik önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.01). Kırksekizinci saatte KM ve protein kaybı en yüksek kontrol rasyonunda, en düşük 5. rasyonda gerçekleşmiştir. Rasyonların TKAU düzeyindeki artışa bağlı olarak KM ve protein parçalanabilirliğinde belirgin bir düşme gözlenmiştir.
The research was carried out to determine rumen degradability and possibilities of using poultry byproduct meal (PBM) at fattening. The animal material of the research was 4 Kıvırcık rams each fitted with a rumen cannula and 12-14 weeks old weaned male 50 Kıvırcık lambs. Individual feeding was applied at fattening and the lambs were fed ad-libitum concentrate feed mixtures including % 0.0, % 3.0, % 6.0, % 9.0 and % 12.0 PBM respectively. The lambs were alloted to five groups each consisted of 10 lambs and total liveweight gain, average daily liveweight gain, average daily feed consumption and concentrate feed consumption for 1 kg liveweight gain of the groups at fattening period were determined as 11.57±0.437, 13.68±0.493, 12.66±0.819, 12.53±0.508 and 11.53±0.593 kg; 275.48±10.411, 325.71 ±11.746, 301.43±1 9.498, 298.33±12.084 and 274.52±14.122 g; 1449.47±52.908, 1473.13±69.289, 1292.98±43.410, 1234.88±57.403 and 1171.78±54.126 g; 5.26±0.331, 4.52±0.310, 4.29±0.376, 4.14±0.278 and 4.27±0.188 kg. The differences between the groups for the daily liveweight gain on 0-14* and 29th-42nd days periods (PO.05), for the average daily feed consumption on 0-1 4th, IS4^"1, 29th-42nt* and 0-42nddays periods (PO.01), for the concentrate feed consumption for 1 kg liveweight gain on 29th-42nd days periods (P<0.01) were significant. pH, ammonia-nitrogen and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) levels were determined at rumen liquid samples of fattening lambs, collected at the beginning, mid and end of fattening. Effects of ration PBM levels on rumen liquid pH were insignificant except mid of the sampling (P<0.01). However ammonia-nitrogen and VFA levels were increased in accordance with PBM levels. The highest values were obtained at the group fed the ration including % 12 PBM and the differences between the groups were statistically significant (PO.01). Ruminal degradabilities of PBM were determined by nylon bag method and effects of different ruminal conditions on periodical dry matter and protein degradabilities were investigated. Degradability parameters such as 'a', 'b', 'a+b', 'c', RSD, washing loss values and effective protein degradability according to ruminal outflow rate were determined. The effects of different ruminal conditions on the dry matter and protein degradability were found significant also (PO.01). The highest protein degradability of dry matter and protein were found at 48 th h. with the % 0 PBM, and the lovest one with % 12 PBM level. It has been determined that dry matter and protein degradability was decreased in relation with increasing PBM levels.
The research was carried out to determine rumen degradability and possibilities of using poultry byproduct meal (PBM) at fattening. The animal material of the research was 4 Kıvırcık rams each fitted with a rumen cannula and 12-14 weeks old weaned male 50 Kıvırcık lambs. Individual feeding was applied at fattening and the lambs were fed ad-libitum concentrate feed mixtures including % 0.0, % 3.0, % 6.0, % 9.0 and % 12.0 PBM respectively. The lambs were alloted to five groups each consisted of 10 lambs and total liveweight gain, average daily liveweight gain, average daily feed consumption and concentrate feed consumption for 1 kg liveweight gain of the groups at fattening period were determined as 11.57±0.437, 13.68±0.493, 12.66±0.819, 12.53±0.508 and 11.53±0.593 kg; 275.48±10.411, 325.71 ±11.746, 301.43±1 9.498, 298.33±12.084 and 274.52±14.122 g; 1449.47±52.908, 1473.13±69.289, 1292.98±43.410, 1234.88±57.403 and 1171.78±54.126 g; 5.26±0.331, 4.52±0.310, 4.29±0.376, 4.14±0.278 and 4.27±0.188 kg. The differences between the groups for the daily liveweight gain on 0-14* and 29th-42nd days periods (PO.05), for the average daily feed consumption on 0-1 4th, IS4^"1, 29th-42nt* and 0-42nddays periods (PO.01), for the concentrate feed consumption for 1 kg liveweight gain on 29th-42nd days periods (P<0.01) were significant. pH, ammonia-nitrogen and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) levels were determined at rumen liquid samples of fattening lambs, collected at the beginning, mid and end of fattening. Effects of ration PBM levels on rumen liquid pH were insignificant except mid of the sampling (P<0.01). However ammonia-nitrogen and VFA levels were increased in accordance with PBM levels. The highest values were obtained at the group fed the ration including % 12 PBM and the differences between the groups were statistically significant (PO.01). Ruminal degradabilities of PBM were determined by nylon bag method and effects of different ruminal conditions on periodical dry matter and protein degradabilities were investigated. Degradability parameters such as 'a', 'b', 'a+b', 'c', RSD, washing loss values and effective protein degradability according to ruminal outflow rate were determined. The effects of different ruminal conditions on the dry matter and protein degradability were found significant also (PO.01). The highest protein degradability of dry matter and protein were found at 48 th h. with the % 0 PBM, and the lovest one with % 12 PBM level. It has been determined that dry matter and protein degradability was decreased in relation with increasing PBM levels.
Tavuk kesimhane artıkları unu, Parçalanabilirlik, Kuzu besisi, Naylon torba tekniği, Rumen sıvısı, Poultry byproduct meal, Nylon bag technique, Lamb fattening, Rumen liquid, Degradability
Köseoğlu, Ş. K. (2000). Tavuk kesimhane artıkları ununun rumende parçalanabilirliği ve kuzu besisinde kullanılma olanakları üzerinde bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.