Vergi uyuşmazlıklarının çözümünde kanun yolundan vazgeçmenin diğer çözüm yollarıyla karşılaştırmalı değerlendirmesi
Şakrak, Fatih Can
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Vergilendirme sürecinde idare ile mükellef arasında ortaya çıkan uyuşmazlıkların çözüm yolları; idari ve adli çözüm yolları olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Bunlar arasındaki ayrım net olarak yapılabilmektedir. Ayrıca Vergi Usul Kanunu’na göre adli çözüm yoluna başvurmadan önce idari çözüm yollarına başvurulması zorunlu değildir. Bununla birlikte idari çözüm yollarından yararlanmak isteyen mükelleflerin uyuşmazlığı sürdürmeden, dava açma hakkından vazgeçmesi gerekir. Bu durum mükelleflerin adli çözüm yollarına başvurması halinde, idari çözüm yollarını etkisiz hale getirmektedir. Bu nedenle vergi uyuşmazlığının barışçıl yollarla çözülmesi sağlanamamaktadır. İdari ve adli çözüm yolları arasındaki bu durumlar göz önünde bulundurularak, idare ile mükellefler arasındaki çözüm ve uyumu her aşamaya yaymak, mükellefin yargı yoluna başvurmuş olması halinde dahi, vergi uyuşmazlığını barışçıl çözüm yolu ile çözülebilmesine imkan vermek ve vergi yargısının iş yükünü azaltmak amacıyla vergi mevzuatına, kendine özgü özellikleri olan ve her iki çözüm yolu sınıflandırmasına da dahil edilemeyen kanun yolundan vazgeçme müessesesi eklenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, vergi uyuşmazlığı çözüm yolları arasında yeni bir uygulama olan kanun yolundan vazgeçme müessesenin incelenmesi ve diğer müesseseler ile karşılaştırmalı değerlendirmesi yapılarak, söz konusu müessesenin işlev ve etkinliğinin artırılmasına katkı sağlanması için öneriler sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kanun yolundan vazgeçme müessesesi öncelikle kanunların yazımındaki dil birliğine uygun olarak gözden geçirilmelidir. Müessese, yargının iş yükünü azaltma fonksiyonunu mükelleflere daha aleyhlerine olan bir sonuç sunma ve indirim oranlarının daha cazip gelmesi ile sağlayabilir. Bu amacı gerçekleştirebilme kabiliyetinin artırılabilmesi için istinaf yolu aşamasında yapılacak indirim oranının, temyiz yolu aşamasından daha fazla olması gereklidir. Müessesenin kapsam konularının, vergi yargısında dava konusu olan diğer konuları da içerecek şekilde olması gereklidir.
The methods for resolving disputes that arise between the administration and taxpayers during the taxation process are divided into two as administrative and judicial. The distinction between these can be made clearly. In addition, according to the Tax Procedure Law in Turkey, applying administrative solutions methods are not mandatory before judicial solutions. However, taxpayers who want to benefit from administrative solution methods must waive their right to sue without continuing the dispute. This situation renders administrative solution methods ineffective when taxpayers resort to judicial solution. Thus the tax dispute cannot be resolved through peaceful methods. Considering these situations between administrative and judicial solutions, the Turkish tax administration aims to extend the solution and harmony between the administration and the taxpayers to every stage, to enable the tax dispute to be resolved through peaceful resolution even if the taxpayer has resorted to judicial remedies, and to reduce the workload of the tax judiciary. In order to reduce the tax legislation, the institution of opting out of legal remedies, which has its own characteristics and cannot be included in either remedy classification, has been added to the tax legislate. In this study, it is aimed to examine the institution of legal renunciation, which is a new practice among tax dispute resolution methods, and to make a comparative evaluation with other institutions and to offer suggestions to contribute to increasing the function and efficiency of the institution in question. As a result, the institution of abandoning legal remedies should first be reviewed in accordance with the unity of language in the writing of laws. The institution can provide the function of reducing the workload of the judiciary by presenting a more unfavorable result to taxpayers and making the discount rates more attractive. In order to increase the ability to achieve this goal, the discount rate to be made at the appellate stage must be higher than at the appeal stage. The scope of the institution must include other issues include other issues that are the subject of litigation in the tax jurisdiction.
The methods for resolving disputes that arise between the administration and taxpayers during the taxation process are divided into two as administrative and judicial. The distinction between these can be made clearly. In addition, according to the Tax Procedure Law in Turkey, applying administrative solutions methods are not mandatory before judicial solutions. However, taxpayers who want to benefit from administrative solution methods must waive their right to sue without continuing the dispute. This situation renders administrative solution methods ineffective when taxpayers resort to judicial solution. Thus the tax dispute cannot be resolved through peaceful methods. Considering these situations between administrative and judicial solutions, the Turkish tax administration aims to extend the solution and harmony between the administration and the taxpayers to every stage, to enable the tax dispute to be resolved through peaceful resolution even if the taxpayer has resorted to judicial remedies, and to reduce the workload of the tax judiciary. In order to reduce the tax legislation, the institution of opting out of legal remedies, which has its own characteristics and cannot be included in either remedy classification, has been added to the tax legislate. In this study, it is aimed to examine the institution of legal renunciation, which is a new practice among tax dispute resolution methods, and to make a comparative evaluation with other institutions and to offer suggestions to contribute to increasing the function and efficiency of the institution in question. As a result, the institution of abandoning legal remedies should first be reviewed in accordance with the unity of language in the writing of laws. The institution can provide the function of reducing the workload of the judiciary by presenting a more unfavorable result to taxpayers and making the discount rates more attractive. In order to increase the ability to achieve this goal, the discount rate to be made at the appellate stage must be higher than at the appeal stage. The scope of the institution must include other issues include other issues that are the subject of litigation in the tax jurisdiction.
Vergi, Vergi uyuşmazlığı, İdari çözüm yolları, Adli çözüm yolları, Kanun yolundan vazgeçme, Tax, Tax dispute, Administrative solutions Methods, Judicial solutions, Waiver of legal remedy