Türk ve İngiliz eğitim sistemlerinin karşılaştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Araştırmada, merkezi yönetim odaklı olan Türk Eğitim Sistemi ile yerel yönetim odaklı olan İngiliz Eğitim Sistemi karşılıklı olarak incelenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Bu inceleme ve değerlendirme altında : Her iki ülkenin eğitim sistemlerinin tarihsel süreçleri, eğitim sisteminin dayandığı ilkeler ve amaçlar, eğitim sistemlerinin organizasyonu, eğitimin yönetimi ve teftişi, öğretmenlerin yetiştirilmesi, eğitim personeli ve eğitimin planlanması ve finanse edilmesi incelenmiştir. İncelemeler yapılırken en güncel verilere ulaşılmaya çalışılmış ve resmi sayısal verilere ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonunda ulaşılan sonuçlar: 1. Türk Eğitim Sistemi 1739 sayılı Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu ve İngiliz Eğitim Sistemi 1988 Ulusal Program esaslarına üzerine oturtulmuştur. 2. Türk Eğitim Sistemi’nde Eğitim Bakanlığı teşkilatı çok bürokratik bir yapıya sahip , İngiliz Eğitim Sistemi’nde ise Eğitim Bakanlığı teşkilatı çok bürokratik bir yapıya sahip olmayıp eğitime yön verici nitelik taşımaktadır. 3. İngiliz Eğitim Sistemi’nde öğrenci ilgi ve ihtiyaçları karşılanmış; Türk Eğitim Sistemi’nde ise öğrenci ihtiyaçlarına tam olarak cevap verilmemiştir. 4.İngiltere’de okul öncesinden ortaöğretime kadar okullaşma yayılmıştır. Fakat Türkiye’de zorunlu eğitim yaşındaki çocukların tamamı okullaştırılamamıştır. 5.Türkiye’de eğitim sisteminde modern eğitim teknolojilerinden asgari ölçüde yararlanılarak eğitim temel araç ve donanıma dayandırılmıştır. İngiltere’de ise modern eğitim teknolojilerinden azami ölçüde yararlanılmıştır. 4 4 6.Türkiye’de Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın sunduğu program doğrultusunda okullarda eğitim verilmektedir. İngiltere’de ise her okulun ulusal programı esas alarak hazırladıkları programları vardır ve öğrenci ihtiyaçlarına uygun okul programını seçerek öğretime başlanmaktadır. 7. İngiltere’de eğitim teftiş kurulu eğitim bakanlığından ayrı bir yapıdır. Türkiye’de ise teftiş kurulu eğitim bakanlığının merkez örgütünde görev yapmaktadır. 8. Türkiye’de öğretmen yetiştirilmesinde nitelik ve niceliğe bakılmaksızın sınav sistemi mevcuttur. İngiltere’de ise böyle bir durum söz konusu değildir. 9.İngiltere’de eğitim personelini okullar kendileri seçmekte; Türkiye’de ise sınav yolu ile atamalar yapılmaktadır. 10. Türkiye’de öğrenci başarısı ulusal ölçütlerle değerlendirilmeyip İngiltere’de öğrenci ulusal ölçütlerle değerlendirilmektedir 11.İngiltere’de tüm okulların standartları göz önüne alınarak okullarda aynı standartların sağlanması hedef alınmıştır. Türkiye’de okul standartları bir bütünlük içerisinde değildir. 12.İngiltere’de eğitime ayrılan bütçe tüm eğitim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaktadır.Türkiye’de ise eğitimin finansmanı için kaynaklar sınırlıdır.
This research is to examine Turkish Educational System focused on management and English Educational system focused on the local management in mutual. Under the point of this research and evaluation: The historical survey on educational system,the principles and targets depending on educational system, the organization of education system, the method and inspection of education, training of teachers, educational personnels and their funds have been examined. While examining it has been tried to reach the latest parametres. In the area of statistic the official figures have been reached. The results are taken at the end of the research: 1. Turkish Educational System has been based on the principles of the Fundamentals of National Education numbered 1739 and English Education System has been based on National Curriculum numbered 1988. 2. In Turkish Educational System, the organization of educational ministry has got a very bureacratic structure, but in English Educational System, they don’t have this kind of structure mentioned above,on the contrary it guides the education of the country. 3. The interest and needs of students in England have been met. The same matter has not been responded throughly in Turkish. 4. Starting from pre-schools to primary schools all of the area of England has been covered with schools. On the other hand all of the children who have to be at school have not been able to be sent to schools in Turkey. 6 6 5. The Turkish Educational System has been based on educational supplementary materials and equipments by making use of modern educational technology. In England they have availed of modern educational technology at most. 6. In Turkey, at schools they have been using a programme conseting to the programmes of Educational Ministry.In England each school has got it’s own programmes based on the National Education programme. According to the needs of the students,the best programme has been chosen and started to be prastised. 7. In England the inspecting board is completely independest from National Educational Ministry. In Turkey this is done by appointing the teachers who have got examination mentioned before. 8. Without taking quality and quantity in to consideration, there is an examination system for the teacher candidates in Turkey. This situtian is not valid in England. 9. In England, schools choose it’s own personnels. In Turkey this is done by appointing the teachers who have got examination mentioned before. 10. In Turkey the students success isn’t evaluated according to national criterion. In England, it is evaluated according to national criterion. 11. In England regarding the standarts of all schools, having the same standarts to schools has been almed.We don’t have the same standarts at schools in Turkey. 12. All the money taken from the budget has met the needs of education in England. The sources for the finance of education are very limited in Turkey.
This research is to examine Turkish Educational System focused on management and English Educational system focused on the local management in mutual. Under the point of this research and evaluation: The historical survey on educational system,the principles and targets depending on educational system, the organization of education system, the method and inspection of education, training of teachers, educational personnels and their funds have been examined. While examining it has been tried to reach the latest parametres. In the area of statistic the official figures have been reached. The results are taken at the end of the research: 1. Turkish Educational System has been based on the principles of the Fundamentals of National Education numbered 1739 and English Education System has been based on National Curriculum numbered 1988. 2. In Turkish Educational System, the organization of educational ministry has got a very bureacratic structure, but in English Educational System, they don’t have this kind of structure mentioned above,on the contrary it guides the education of the country. 3. The interest and needs of students in England have been met. The same matter has not been responded throughly in Turkish. 4. Starting from pre-schools to primary schools all of the area of England has been covered with schools. On the other hand all of the children who have to be at school have not been able to be sent to schools in Turkey. 6 6 5. The Turkish Educational System has been based on educational supplementary materials and equipments by making use of modern educational technology. In England they have availed of modern educational technology at most. 6. In Turkey, at schools they have been using a programme conseting to the programmes of Educational Ministry.In England each school has got it’s own programmes based on the National Education programme. According to the needs of the students,the best programme has been chosen and started to be prastised. 7. In England the inspecting board is completely independest from National Educational Ministry. In Turkey this is done by appointing the teachers who have got examination mentioned before. 8. Without taking quality and quantity in to consideration, there is an examination system for the teacher candidates in Turkey. This situtian is not valid in England. 9. In England, schools choose it’s own personnels. In Turkey this is done by appointing the teachers who have got examination mentioned before. 10. In Turkey the students success isn’t evaluated according to national criterion. In England, it is evaluated according to national criterion. 11. In England regarding the standarts of all schools, having the same standarts to schools has been almed.We don’t have the same standarts at schools in Turkey. 12. All the money taken from the budget has met the needs of education in England. The sources for the finance of education are very limited in Turkey.
Eğitim ve öğretim, Education and training, Türk, İngiliz, Turkish, English
Korkmaz, T. (2005). Türk ve İngiliz eğitim sistemlerinin karşılaştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.